Activity: How Much Does an Oreo Weigh?
Determine the critical value for calculating a C% confidence interval for a population mean using a table or technology.
Conditions to check:
10% condition
Normal/Large Sample condition
Activity: How Many States Can You Name?
Construct and interpret a confidence interval for a population mean.
Activity: Which Cookie Has the Most Chocolate Chips?
Determine if the conditions are met for constructing a confidence interval for a difference between two means.
Construct and interpret a confidence interval for a difference between two means.
Activity: Is Climate Change Real?
Analyze the distribution of differences in a paired data set using graphs and summary statistics.
Construct and interpret a confidence interval for a mean difference.
Activity: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
State and check the Random, 10%, and Normal/Large Sample conditions for performing a significance test about a population mean.
Calculate the standardized test statistic and P-value for a test about a population mean.
Perform a significance test about a population mean.
Activity: What is Normal Body Temperature?
Perform a significance test about a population mean (4-step process).
Understand the connection between confidence intervals and significance tests.
Activity: Is One Form of the AP Exam Harder?
State appropriate hypotheses for a significance test about a difference between two means.
Determine whether conditions are met for performing a test about a difference between means.
Activity: Does Labeling Menus Reduce Calories?
Perform a significance test about a difference between two means (4-step process).
Activity: Climate Change Part 2
Perform a significance test about a mean difference.
Determine when to use paired t procedures versus two-sample t procedures.