What is Swing in Java? Swing is a Java package, javax.swing
, provided in J2SDK. It enhances the existing AWT (Abstract Windows Toolkit) package, java.awt
, offering a complete API for Java applications to operate graphical devices and create GUI (Graphical User Interfaces).
How can you create a new window in a Swing program? Here's a simple Swing program, SwingHello.java
, as an example:
import javax.swing.*;
public class SwingHello {
public static void main(String[] a) {
JFrame f = new JFrame("Hello world!");
What does the java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment class provide? It provides a lot of information about your local graphics device, which is your computer screen.
You can use the getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() method to get information about your local system.
What does the java.awt.Toolkit class provide? It can provide information about the default graphics environment, the local screen.
You can use the getDefaultToolkit() method to get information of the default graphics device, the local screen.
What does the JFrame class allow you to do? The JFrame class allows you to create frames with sizes and locations; terminate program when its frame is closed; display Chinese character on frames and draw graphics on frames.
JFrame - This is the main window where components like labels, buttons, textfields are added to create a GUI interface.
JPanel - JPanel is a container that can store a group of components. It is used to create a logical grouping of components to be displayed.
JButton - JButton class is used to create a labeled button that has platform independent implementation.
JLabel - JLabel is used to display a short string or an image icon. It can also be used to display a single line of read only text, an image or both text and image.
JTextField - JTextField class is a component that allows editing of a single line of text.
JTextArea - JTextArea class is used to allow editing of multiple lines of text.
JCheckBox - JCheckBox is used to create a checkbox which is a small box that can either be checked or unchecked.
JRadioButton - JRadioButton is used to create a radio button that can be selected or deselected.
JComboBox - JComboBox is used to create a drop-down list that allows users to choose one value from a list.
JTable - JTable is used to display data in a tabular format.
JList - JList is used to display a list of items for selection by the user.
javax.swing.border - Provides classes and interfaces for drawing specialized borders around a Swing component.
javax.swing.colorchooser - Contains classes and interfaces used by the JColorChooser component.
javax.swing.event - Provides support for events fired by Swing components.
javax.swing.filechooser - Contains classes and interfaces used by the JFileChooser component.
javax.swing.plaf - Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look and feel capabilities.
javax.swing.plaf.basic - Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look and feel.
javax.swing.plaf.metal - Provides user interface objects built according to the Java look and feel (once codenamed Metal), which is the default look and feel.
javax.swing.plaf.multi - Provides user interface objects that combine two or more look and feels.
javax.swing.plaf.synth - Provides user interface objects for a skinnable look and feel in which all painting is delegated.
javax.swing.table - Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with JTable.
javax.swing.text - Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and non-editable text components.
javax.swing.text.html - Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors.
javax.swing.text.html.parser - Provides the default HTML parser, along with support classes.
javax.swing.text.rtf - Provides a class (RTFEditorKit) for creating Rich Text Format text editors.
javax.swing.tree - Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with JTree.