Age of revolution:


  • From the 1500ś to the 1600ś monarchs throughout Europe will have absolute power. 

  • Divine right is the idea that the monarchs were chosen by god to rule or make decisions. Because of divine right the power of the monarchs was regularly challenged



  • Charles the 5th was the holy roman emperor and the holy roman empire is now currently in the place of Germany. 

  •  He was king of Spain to the hapsburg. 

  • The holy empires caused wars. Eventually he will give up his title and divide the holy roman empire. 


  • Pilip the 2nd will rule Spain as an absolute monarch; he was married to bloody mary. He had the largest navy called the spanish armada 


  • Elizabeth the first will hire Sir Francis Drake to steal the gold from Spanish ships. So Philip will send his armada over to attack England; this will be a loss for the armada because they could not get the armada aout of the English channel in 1586.


  • In 1665 Charles the 2nd will be the last spanish hatsburg


  • The Huguenots ( french calvinist)

  • A law issued by henry the 4th to protect the huguenots

  • Created a bureaucracy to increase loyalty to him ( bureaucracy a system in which there building to complete something).


  • Louis the 13th will inherit the throne at the age of 9 his advisor was Cardinal Richelieu. Known as ¨Louis the just¨ He was king of France from 1610-1643.

  • Louis the 13th will marry Anne of Austria childs name was Louis the 14th.


  • He will become king at the age of 5. His advisor was Carnival Mazarin

  • He earns the nickname sun king because he ruled france for 72 years which included during the enlightenment.  

  • He will be the most powerful out of all the kings and repeal, he will move the capital from paris to Versallies.


  • In 1715 Henry the 15th will have fights between the nobles, the middle and the lower class which will start the french revolution.the the thirty year war between 2 great empires was Austria and prussia 


  • From 1618-1648 there was a war between the German princes  between the German empire and the Hapsburg family who ran Austria and spain.

  • The German princes were Protestants and the Hapburgs were catholic.

  • The 30 year war causes and effects 

  • The causes were religion & power.

  • Results: depopulation, ended war or peace, independence, divided Germany into 360 states, Netherlands and present day Switzerland won independence. 

  • Prussia is the northwest  area of germany led by Hohencollern family which is protestant


  • Fredrick william the 1st will create the largest army in europe at the time he will be known as ¨Frederick The Great¨

  • Because new empires were being created, it will start new ravelry. Russia will fight Austria for control of the German states known as the Austro Prussian war./ While England and France competed for dominits ( biggest navy ) on the waters.


  • Peter the Great was the first Russian  Tsar (king) to westernize the country ( wants to make it more like America). He fought the ottoman empire for a warm water port for russia 

  • Europe, France, England and Russia emerged during absolutism as superpowers. The alliances often shifted  but two major rivalries were always constant. 

  • Build a new capital city called St. Petersburg. 


  • Catherine the Great will take control of Russia and will also encourage westernization of russia. She will use the large navy that Peter the Great built to increase the size of russia. Which included taking part of Poland and control of the black sea.


  • Henry the 7th fought in the war of the roses because there was not a legitimate aire to the throne. When it's the war of roses he becomes king


  • Henry the 8th was very concerned about having a male heir; his second daughter Elizabeth will rule England from 1558-1603.  


  • Rule England from 1558-1603.  

  • She never married or had children and so when she died.


  • James the 5th of scotland. When he becomes king of England he will be known as James the 1st.

  • James is not a tutor, he is a Stuart. but also recognized the value of good relations with the parliament.

  • Stararts believe in divine right and clashed with parliament 

  • Tudors-  Changing England's official religion from Catholicism to the new Protestant faith. 

  • Parliament is the legislative body or congress which means they make the laws.

  • James the 1st believed in divine right but they fought with parliament. James the 1st was constantly asking them for money to fight Spain, when they declined James the 1st dissolved the parliament and ruled the nations for 11 years on his own. 


  • James the 1st dies in 1625 and his son Charles the 1st takes over in 1595.

  • The puritans thought that the church of england was corrupt and they wanted to make it pure 

  • Charles the 1st wanted war against Spain and france. Parliament only gave him a little bit of money to fight the war. He established martial law and forced parliament to sign the petition of right.

  • the petition of right will eliminate rights prince charles the 1st in 4 ways

  1. King was forbidden to collect taxes

  2. King could not imprison anyone without just cause

  3. Troops could be housed in a private home without the owner's consent

  4. King could not declare martial law unless the county was at war. ( military was given temporary rule and individual rights were limited). 

  • Because Charles was not happy with the petition  of right, a war will start between the king and his parliament.

  • Charles gathered nobles and landowners to fight as cavaliers against the roundheads. which were the military support of the parliaments


  • The roundheads were led by Oliver Crawnwell and they will win the civil war and put king charles on trial. After Executing Charles the first the House of Commons.

  • The house of commons abolished the monarchy. And the house of lord and the church of england. They will make England a republic known as a commonwealth.  

  •  A republic is the same as representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens.


  • Charles the second son of Charles the first will become a constitutional monarchy in 1660. ( a monarch limited by a constitution).

  •  Known as "the Merry Monarch," Charles II was king of Great Britain and Ireland from 1660 to 1685.


  • His brother James the second will try to assume absolute power after his death but the parliament will quickly remove him as monarch and invite William of Orange and his wife Mary to become the new monarch.


  • Once william and mary become monarch they will sign the english bill of writes.

  1. Ensure the parliament over monarchy

  2. Gave the house of commons power of the purse

  3. Prohibited a monarch from interfering with the parliament

  4. Barred any roman catholic from sitting on the throne

  5. Restated the rights of English citizens.

  • The glorious revolution did not create a democracy, but a type of government called limited monarchy. which constitutional or legislative body limits the monarch's powers.


  • The English bill of rights was passed on December 16th 1689. The bill of rights was written to express the powers of the monarch and the ways in which to petition or address the monarch, as well as setting the rules for freedom of speech in the lawmaking branch (called the Parliament)

  • 3 years later the parliament will pass the stand act.

  • George the 3rd will take the throne in 1760, he expanded the territory which England controlled to include Canada and all the French territory east of the Mississippi River.


  • Time period during the 18th century in Europe that marks the beginning of the modern world.

  • New ideas about society, politics, government, and the economy were all discussed and this change in thinking will bring about change and the lives and the people living in Europe and America.

  • These ideas were discussed in the front living rooms of peoples houses called Salons.

  • The phrase enlightenment was first used by Immanuel Kant to describe a new way of imagining possible changes. It was also known as the “age of reason”.

  • The enlightenment grew largely out of the new methods and discoveries achieved in the scientific method. 

  •  Francis Bacon created the scientific method but it's not the scientific method it only included observation and experimentation.

  • King charles the 2nd establishes the royal society of london in 1662

  • Issac newton writes the book principia

  • In 1666 Louis the 14th of France built the French Academy of science. 

  • Many enlightenment thinkers tried to make conclusions based on observation, logic, and reasoning rather than faith, most enlightenment thinkers would deist which was “ thinking of god as a clockmaker to put the world together and establish natural laws to ensure that it would run properly”.

    1. Thomas hobbes 

  • he believed that without government the world  would be in chaos therefore people should not question the government 

  1. John Locke = the 2 treaty of government 

  • He believed that the government was in a contract with the people and should be doing what is best for the people, he also introduced the idea of national rights . This will narrow down to the declaration of independence . 

  1. Voltaire

  • He pushed for freedom of speech. “ I don't agree with the word you say but I will depend on your right to say it.” First amendment from the bill of rights.

  • Jean Jacques rousseau wrote the Social contract

  • Baron MOntesquieu wrote the “ spirit of laws” which stated the government should have separate governments so that no 1 person has all the power, this is called “separation of powers”. 

  • Each branch will have a different job, responsibility. Each branch is responsible to ensure the other branches are not exceeding their jobs. This is known as checks 


  • The royal navy was the largest in the world and allowed England to build an empire, they would build an economic advantage by making Scotland part of their united kingdom .

  • Because of the glorious revolution England has a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch has no power, the prime minister(president) serves as the influencer over the laws

  • The parliament will make the laws, like the president and the parliament will make the laws. consist of the (house of lords and the house of commons).

  • Prime minister has a team of advisors called the cabinet.

George lll

  • This worked till George the 3rd wanted to make the parliament follow his will and choose his own ministers. 

  • He gave parliamentary seats to his friends and supporters & Tried to force english colonists in north america to pay the costs of their own defense.


  • France and England were fighting over the boundary lines of their colonies in North america. 

  • This was known as the French and Indian war.

  • The Chickasaw fought with the French and the British were aligned with the choctaw.


  • The treaty of Paris in 1763 made Great Britain the dominant power in North america.

  • The reason king george the 3rd said the american colonists should pay for this war in extra taxes is because they gained access to trade on the ohio river valley. 

  • Some people did move into the northwest territory. They were being attacked by native americans and the king did not want to send any more troops to America to protect the colonists. So they were told not to move in the northwest territory 


  • The British passed the unpopular acts

  • The Proclamation Act of 1763

  • The Sugar Act of 1764

  • The Quartering Act of 1765

  • The Stamp Act of 1765

  • The Townshend Act of 1767

  • The stamp act congress met in October,1765 and decided to boycott British goods and issue a declaration of Grievances.

  • The Declaratory Act is the act that reasserted the right of the English parliament to pass laws governing the colonies. They taxed the colonists for glass, lead, paper, tea, and etc in 1767. 

  • Colonists Revolts:

  • Boston Massacre: colonists were harassing British soldiers. One colonist  even threw an egg at the soldiers. The soldiers opened fire on the crowd  and five people were killed.

  • Boston Tea party: The British were selling tea cheaper than the colonists could sell their tea. So the colonists disguised as Indians dumped the English tea off of an English boat.

  • The English government forced the colonies to pay the English government to clean the harbor and replace the tea. These taxes were known as the Intolerable Acts. 

  • The king will require the colonists to let these soldiers stay at there house 


  • After the passage of the Intolerable Acts the first congress will meet to boycott British goods. The Second  Continental Congress met in May of 1775. 

  • The colonists' delegates met in Philadelphia for the first continental convention., which met in response

  • The melisha was formed and they were called the minutemen, they also made George Washington the leader of the continental army.

  • Thomas Paine will write a pamphlet on the reasons colonists declare independence ,Some of these reasons will later be used in the declaration of independence. 

  • Second Continental congress: In 1775, delegates once again met to write laws for the colonies. However this delegation could talk about nothing, but revolution. He rejected it and fighting spread.

  • They decided to write the declaration of independence and the articles of confederation. The articles of confederation were a set of laws to establish a government for loosely joined union(group).

  • During the second continental congress the colonists will send King Geroge and the olive branch petition but the king rejected it

Comparing and contrasting Names: 

  • Colonists who wanted independence were wanted by the king and was known as the rebels but called themselves patriots 

  • Colonisits who did not want independence were called loyalists 

  • British soldiers were nicknamed the “Red coats” 

  • Nicknamed the continental soldiers “Yankees” or “Yanks” for short

Battle of the revolutionary war:

  • April 19, 1775 the first shots were fired at Concord and Lexington, nicknamed the shot heard around the world

  • The turning point was on October, 1777, this is after the declaration of independence. 

  • The turing point was in 1777 in Saratoga, the colnoists will start receiving help from the french navy 


  • John Hancock put his name in big font to make sure King george could read it

  • The last major battle of the American Revolutional war was the battle of Yorktown in Virginia in the fall of 1781 

  • Treaty of paris in 1783 was signed on september 3rd and will officially end the war and give the united states its indepence. 


  • March second 1781 the article of confederation will be writien and will create a new single government body, the confederation congress 

  • The article of confederation did not work because it could not raise an army or tax. This was made clear to everyone after the Shay’s Rebellion. 

  • May 1787 a constitutional convention was met to amend the article of confederation but the delegates decided to instead to write a new constitution 


  • France had 3 classes of people known as estates 

  • First estate: the clergy 

  • Second estate: the nobility

  • Third estate : the bourgeoisie and peasants

  • 4 causes for the French Revolution

  • Deficit spending by the monarch 

  • Louis the 14th moved the palace from Paris to Versailles. 

  • The 3rd estate were the only ones paying taxes, A bad harvest raised the cost of food.

  • Debt from Fighting the french and indian war and the american revolutionary war. 

  • King Louis the 15th asked the 1 and 2nd estate to pay taxes but they said no. He summoned the estates general to figure out how to raise more money. 

  • Each class only had 1 vote in the estates general, so the first and second estate would always vote the same to keep their majority rule.

  • The 3rd estate recognized this was not fair and they met separately and took an oath called “the tennis court oath” which stated they would continue to meet at the national assembly until the new constitution was written. 

  • When reform minded clergy and nobles joined the assembly, Louis grudgingly accepted it. 

  • On july 14th 1789 the people of paris raided the bastille looking for guns, many people had been set to the bastille for not being able to pay their taxes. This attack was seen as an act of independance from a tyrant and they still celebrate it today at the “bastille day”

  • The great fear was the first part of the french revolution. It started when people did not have enough food and could not buy staples like bread.

  • The king tried things to make life better but it just made things worse. For example he named Nick Necker the father of finances but will later fire him because he was seen as too sympathetic to the thirmast. Once the people attack the bastille the king hires him.


  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man this declaration made it known that the French men had the right to liberty, equality or paternity.

  • This will give all people collective rights as an individual to have universal rights.

  • Was approved August 26th, 1789

  • On october 6,1789 the persian women started a mob to raid the palace in versailles they brought louis the 16th and marie antoinette's back to paris where they could be watched, The monarchs were unsure of what these women would do since they had already killed their guards.

  • The MRJ’s were the noble class of paris who hoped to restore louis power, they tried to convince other countries to help louis take back control of his country.

  • Louis the 16th and Marie Antoinette tried to flee Paris for Austria because Marie was originally from there. they will get caught in the 3rd estate and get brought back to paris. 

  • The Declaration of Pillnitz was a document that wanted louis to be released and if they were not released they would declare war.

  • Revolutionaries in France took the threat seriously and prepared for war.

  • War destroyed France. In August 1792 the Persians attacked the royal palace. The mob caught the royal family and imprisoned them. The radicals took over the assembly and called for a National Convention. where a new constitution was written. It changed the suffrage law to universal male suffrage. 

  • In December 1792, Louis was tried before the convention and convicted of conspiring against the liberty of a nation. He was beheaded in jan 1793 through the use of the guillotine.

  • In the convention there were 2 political parties, The jacobins who were led by robespierre and Wanted the king dead.

  • The jordans led by Dantan wanted the king in prison. At the convention they voted to get out of the monarchy and declared France a republic.

  • The Reign of Terror lasted from July 1793-July 1794. 

  • The committee of public safety was created at the convention to try people for speaking out against the revolution . 40,000 people were killed during the reign of terror, including robespierre who said that two many people had died.

  • A third constitution was written in 1795 after the reign of terror that created a 5 man directory and a 2 house legislature.


  • Napoleon was born in 1769 and born in the island of Corsica, which was a french territory. 

  • As a teenager he was send by the king to military school 

  • In 1795, he will crush the rebels that opposed the national convention, this is because he supported the jackobins

  • In 1799, overthrows directory and becomes the first council of a 3 person concilet of france. 


  • He will implement the napoliantic code, which were based on enlightenment principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. They limited the rights that women had earned during the french revolution. 


  • May 18, 1804, there was a coup d’etat of the consulate

  • Eventually gets rid of the Consulate and Napoleon named himself “Emperor”

  • Napoleon will fight in a series of battles between 1800 and 1815 to build him empire, and this was called the napolianic war. 

    • Battle of Marengo is fought in 1800’s, it will give france a huge victory over the austrians causing them to become an allie with france. 

    • Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, was when the royal navy or britsh navy defeated the french and forced to retreat 

    • In 1806 the battles of Jena and Auerstedt are going to give the french Prussian land and an alliance 

  • The contention system was a french blockade of british trae, which they hoped would weakened england enough that england and france could draw a truce. The russia will also join the continental system.

  • Blockade, is when ships line up and block british ships 

WAR OF 1812:

  • The continental system will cause great britain to look to north america, specifically the united states. The war of 1812 was a fight between the US and the british and often referred to as the 2nd war of independence. 

  • The US is able to remain independent thanks to the help of the french navy. The french had just sold the lousisiana territory to the united states in 1803 for 15 million dollars so that napoleon could find his naopleonic war. 

  • The US will win and the treaty of Ghent will restore the US boundaries 

  • In 1812 russia pulls out of the continental system 

  • In the winter of 1812 napoelonic will invasion on Moscow Russia, but the cold winter will cut him off of his supplies and the russians were using the tactic of scorching earth. 


  • He made his brother joseph Bonapart king of spain and the spaniards hatted him so they remained loyal to their former king

  • The austians saw the success of the spanish guerrilla fighters and stared there own resistance 

  • Napolena will lose 400,000 men in his attack of russia 


  • After napoleon lose with russia a new coalition will be formed, that included Russia, britain, austria and prussia. The battle of the nations will occur in which this new condilition will defeat napoleon and he will be sent into exile to island of Elba. He will be asked to step down from his thrown, or abdicate his thrown to Louis the 18th.

  • He will return to france and fight in the battle of waterloo in 1815 

  • He will lose to the british in his battle because the prussians will help the british 

  • He was sent to exile in St. Helena and eventually died in 1821.
