Plasticity of Soy: High adaptability of soy varieties (Glycine max) to different environmental and management conditions, evidenced through morphological changes.
Objective of Study: Evaluate the effects of varying densities of soybean cultivar BRS 8381 on agronomic characteristics.
Location: Experiment conducted in the Cerrado area, Agua Boa of Embrapa Roraima.
Design: Randomized block design in a 2x4 factorial scheme with four replications.
Years of cultivation: 2015 and 2016
Plant densities: 10, 14, 18, and 22 plants per linear meter
Measured Attributes:
Plant height (PH)
Height of insertion of the first pod (HIFP)
Stem diameter (SD)
Number of nodes on the stem (NNS)
Number of pods per plant (NPP)
Number of branches per plant (NBP)
Dry mass of plant (DMP)
Harvest index (HI)
Grain yield (GY)
Max Productivity: Highest average productivity for BRS 8381 is achieved with a population of 387,448 plants per hectare.
Unsuitable Density: 22 plants per meter is not suitable for Roraima's Cerrado conditions.
Influencing Factors: Rainfall and temperature significantly affect BRS 8381's growth patterns.
Climate: Rainy tropical climate with
Annual rainfall: 1667 mm
Avg. temperature: 27.4°C
Soil Type: Dystrophic Yellow Latosol (LAdx) with specific nutrient concentrations.
Experimental Setup:
Each plot consisted of 8 linear meters, maintaining density treatments.
Cultural treatments included pest, disease, and weed control based on established recommendations.
Plant Height Measurement: Height measured from ground to plant apex.
Stem Diameter Measurement: Measured at the insertion of the first pod using a digital caliper.
Dry Mass Determination: Conducted by weighing dried plant material after 72 hours in an oven.
Yield Measurements: Grain yield calculated post-harvest based on kg per hectare.
Height & Nodes:
Linear growth response in height based on density, significant increase in 2016.
Node count varies with density across years; 2016 showed no variation.
Contributory Factors:
Interrelation between growth habit changes due to rainfall and light conditions.
Stem Diameter: Variant by year and density, important for lodging resistance.
Branch Count: Decreased with increased density, linked to light availability.
Plant Dry Mass: Correlated with lower densities showing higher biomass.
Pods and Grain Mass:
Number of pods per plant and dry grain mass influenced by density and cultivation year.
Dry grain mass increases observed in 2016 compared to 2015, correlating to plant density.
Harvest Index: No significant treatment effect identified; influenced by environmental conditions.
Optimal Density: BRS 8381 achieves highest average productivity at about 19.37 plants per linear meter.
Environmental Impact: Conditions in Roraima significantly affect the growth and yield of soybean.
Recommendations: Adjust planting density accordingly to maximize productivity, particularly avoiding high-density planting which may hinder grain yield.