Constitution Ratification

Articles of Confederation

  • Existed for 9 years

  • Needed an unanimous agreement for everything

Anti-federalists (opposed)

  • Jeffersons side

  • Wanted god to be mentioned in the constitution

  • Denial of states to print money

  • Wanted less power to be given for the central government

  • Wanted the bill of rights to be added

Federalists (favored)

  • Hamilton and madison’s side

  • Strong central government

Ratification: needed 9 states to ratify. Eleven ratified by July 26th

  • Delaware was the first

  • Rhode Island was the last

  • Chose New York as the capital

Sructure of the Constitution

  1. Preamble

  2. Articles (7)

  3. Amendments (27)

Bill of Rights

  • The first 10 amendments of the constitution

  •  The Constitution would not  have been ratified without these 10 items

  • Cornerstone of our liberties

Amendment Processes

When you first introduce an amendment it has to pass within 7 years

  • An Amendment may be introduced by a 2/3 vote in both the senate and house and 3/4 of state legislatures (38 states). 

    • Or

  • 2/3 of state legislatures may call for a national convention (34 states).  

  • Amendment may be proposed by congress and ratified by 3/4 of the States.  

The Articles

  • Article I - outlines legislative powers

    • How laws are made

  • Article II - outlines the executive branch  

    • What the president can do

  • Article III - Explains how the judicial branch will function 

    • Works and interprets it through judicial review

Supremacy Clause

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Article VI, Clause 2 

  •  Citizens and the states grant ultimate  power to federal laws, treaties and the Constitution…
