Untitled Flashcards Set

1. What body officially chooses the President of the U.S.?

The electoral college.

2. Who was the 2nd President?  Who was the 2nd Vice-President? Who was the 3rd President?  Who was the 3rd Vice-President? Who is the current Vice President?

2nd President - John Adams

2nd Vice-President - Thomas Jefferson

3rd President - Thomas Jefferson

3rd Vice-President - Aaron Burr

Current Vice-President - JD Vance

3. What is the name of George Washington’s foreign policy?  What exactly does this policy mean?

Isolationism- no entangling alliances with foreign countries

4. What was the name for the group of talented advisors George Washington used to help him make decisions? What were the 4 Cabinet departments in the Washington Administration? Are the Cabinet departments mentioned in the Constitution?

Cabinet; four Cabinet departments in the Washington Administration were: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of War, and Attorney General. No, they are not mentioned in the Constitution

5. What title is given to the person in charge of the Department of Justice?

  Attorney General 

6. What are the 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution called? The Bill of Rights

7. What were the 1st 2 political parties?  Which was the “liberal/left wing” party?  Which was the “conservative/right wing” party?

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. The liberal/left wing party were the Democratic-Republicans, and the conservative/right-wing party were the Federalists.

8. “Those who own this country ought to govern it.” Who would agree with that statement, Hamilton or Jefferson?


9. To make money available to businesses, to stabilize the American currency, and to get the support of wealthy Americans, Alexander Hamilton called for the creation of what?

The National Bank of the United States

10. Name two of the examples Washington set in his Presidency that were copied by future Presidents.


The Cabinet

11. Did Jefferson favor a weak or strong federal government?  Did Jefferson favor weak or strong state governments? Jefferson favored a WEAK federal government and a stronger state governments.

12. What is the name of Jefferson’s mansion in Charlottesville, VA?


13. What river runs through Washington, D.C.? The Potomac River.

14. During the XYZ Affair, what French Foreign Minister demanded a $250,000 bribe from America in the XYZ Affair? During the XYZ Affair, did Adams avoid or encourage a full-scale war with France? Minister, Talleyrand, and Adams' opinion avoid a full-scale war with france.

15. What is sedition?

Sedition: the act of encouraging rebellion or resistance against the government

16. When the electoral votes for Presidential candidates are tied, who picks the winner?

17. Did the Alien and Sedition Acts help or hurt John Adams politically?  Did the XYZ Affair/Adams’ refusal to ask for war with France help or hurt John Adams politically?

The Alien and Sedition Acts hurt John Adams politically because they violated the people’s 1st amendment right, freedom of speech. The XYZ affair also hurt Adams politically because settling with France instead of going to war made him look weak as a president.

18. How were John Adams and George Washington physically different?

Washington: tall, fit, strong

J. Adams: short, tiny, stubby

19. What was George Washington’s wife’s name? What was the name of George Washington’s massive Virginia plantation? Martha Washington and Mount Vernon

20. After Marbury vs. Madison, the Supreme Court gained the power to declare laws unconstitutional.  What is this power called? What Chief Justice wrote Marbury vs. Madison? 

Judicial Review; John Marshall 

21. How did the Louisiana Purchase change the size of the United States, and how did it force Thomas Jefferson to change his interpretation of the Constitution? 

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. However, Thomas Jefferson had to take on a loose interpretation of the Constitution in order to buy land from France, as there was nothing in the Constitution that states if presidents can buy land from other countries.

22. Who killed Alexander Hamilton on July 11, 1804?  Where did this duel take place? Aaron Burr killed Hamilton at Weehawken NJ 


23. What 2 rugged explorer-types led a 2+ year exploration through the Louisiana Territory?  What young Native American guide greatly assisted them? 

Meriweather Lewis and William Clark, they had help from Sacagawea. 

24. In June 1807, there was an embarrassing incident off the coast of Virginia where the British ship HMS Leopard fired upon a U.S. warship.  What was the name of that U.S. warship? 

U.S.S. Chesapeake

25. What was the nickname of the group of young Congressmen who favored war with England and territorial expansion for the United States?  Name one of the leaders of the War Hawks. 

The nickname for the group of young Congressmen who favored war with England was the War Hawks, and Henry Clay was one of their leaders.

26. What Shawnee chief organized the Six Nation Confederacy to defend against further American expansion in the northwest? 

Chief Tecumseh

27. Tecumseh [actually, Tecumseh’s brother] and the Six Nation Confederacy were defeated on November 7, 1811.  What was the name of this battle, and what future U.S. president led the U.S. troops?

The Battle of Tippecanoe led by William Henry Harrison

28. What American war hero built a fleet and defeated the British-Canadians on Lake Erie in 1813, and what famous quote did he utter after this big victory? 

Oliver Hazard Perry- “We have met the enemy, and they are ours”

29. What significant individual was killed in the Battle of Thames in 1813? 


30. What is the nickname of the U.S.S. Constitution?  Why? If you were a battleship, what would your nickname be?

The old ironside 

31. What First Lady performed an act of heroism during the “sack of D.C.” in 1814?  What exactly did she do? Dolley Madison. She took the picture of George Washington that is on the $1 bill from the picture frame and took it with her when the building was getting burnt down

32. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?  This man was watching the siege of what fort in the Chesapeake Bay when he wrote the Star Spangled Banner? 

Francis Scott Key. He was watching the siege of FortMcHenry.

33. Who led the U.S. troops at the Battle of New Orleans?  What was odd about the timing of the Battle?

Andrew jackson. It was fought after the treaty of ghent was signed to end the war 

34. What Treaty ended the War of 1812?  What Latin phrase best describes the terms of this treaty? 

Treaty of Ghent. Status quo ante bellum. 

35. Which two uniquely American writers gained commercial and critical success during the Era of Good Feelings?  Name one work by each of them. 

Washington Irving - The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow

James Fenimore Cooper - The Last of the Mohicans

36. What group of uniquely American artists – led by Thomas Cole & Asher Durand – painted grand landscapes? The Hudson River school.

37. Who wrote the dictionary that standardized and simplified American English?  Give one example of a British English word that had its spelling simplified in this dictionary, besides the word “colour.”

Noah Webster. “Plough” into “plow”.


38. Who devised the American System? What did the South provide in the American System?  What did the North provide in the American System? Henry Clay, the South provided raw materials, the North provided manufactured goods.

39. Because the Federalist Party disappeared, and because Americans seemed to be united in an “America first” attitude, what are the years of the Monroe Presidency nicknamed? “Era of Good Feelings”

40. What was the most significant waterway constructed by the federal government to improve infrastructure as part of the American System? 

The most significant waterway constructed by the federal government was the Erie Canal 

41. What type of tariff was the Tariff of 1816?  What was the goal of that tariff? 

42. Who did we “buy” Florida from in 1819?  What American crazyman/general forced this issue with his unauthorized invasion of Florida? 

We “bought” Florida from Spain. Andrew Jackson was the crazyman/general who forced this issue with his unauthorized invasion of Florida.

43. What famous foreign policy statement warned Europe to stay out of the western hemisphere? 

The Monroe Doctrine by James Monroe

44. What nation was founded by the American Colonization Society in 1822?  On what continent is this nation located?  What is the capital of this nation? Liberia, Africa and Monrovia.

45. How many total states were there in 1818, when Missouri applied to become a new state?  How many were slave, and how many were free?

22 states. 11 free, 11 slave.

46. What 2 states entered the Union as part of the Missouri Compromise in 1820?  Which one went in as a slave state? 

Maine and Missori. Missouri entered as a slave state.

47. According to the Missouri Compromise, what line determined whether a future territory could enter the Union as a slave or free state?  

The 36o 300 latitude line. 

48. Name the first five Presidents of the United States, in order.  Now name the 6th President!

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and John Quincy Adams. 

49. Who was the first Secretary of State? Who is the current Secretary of State? What area does the Secretary of State specialize in?

The Secretary of State deals with foreign  affairs. The first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson. The current secretary of state is Marco Rubio.

50. Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury? Who is the current Secretary of the Treasury?

Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury, and the current Secretary of Treasury is Scott Bessent. 

51. Who was the first Attorney General? Who is the current Attorney General?

First - Edmund Randolph, Current - Pam Bondi

52. How were John Adams’s actions after losing the Election of 1800 to Thomas Jefferson different from Donald Trump’s actions after losing the Election of 2020 to Joe Biden?

In 1800, after the loss, John Adams peacefully let Thomas Jefferson into office, while in 2020 Donald Trump thought the election was unfair and stubborn about losing and made it harder for Joe Biden to get in.

53. Was George Washington a slave owner? Was John Adams a slave owner? Was Thomas Jefferson a slave owner? Was James Madison a slave owner? Was James Monroe a slave owner?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe(all except John Adams was a slave owner)

54. Thomas Jefferson likely had a long affair and fathered multiple children with this woman, his slave.

Sally Hemmings 

55. What university did Thomas Jefferson found? Who is the coolest graduate of that university?

The University of Virginia. The coolest graduate of that University is Mr. Walter.  

56. What money is Washington on? What money is Jefferson on? What money was Madison on? Washington- $1+quarter Jefferson- $2+nickel  Madison- James Madison was on the $5000 bill
