Importance of Material Properties
Children should explore different materials to understand their uses and characteristics.
Knowing how materials behave helps in selecting appropriate materials for tasks.
Observable Properties
Observable features include:
Transparency: Ability to see through material.
Hardness: Resistance to scratching and pressure.
Strength: Force needed to break a material.
Toughness: Resistance to breaking.
Stiffness: Resistance to bending.
Elasticity: Ability to return to original shape after stretching.
Plasticity: Ability to maintain a new shape after forming.
Absorbency: Capacity to soak up liquids.
Waterproof: Resistance to liquid penetration.
Material Changes
Processing a material can alter its properties (e.g., fired clay vs. raw clay).
Descriptive Words:
Hard, soft, strong, weak, tough, brittle, stiff, flexible, absorbent, waterproof, magnetic, non-magnetic, smooth, rough, transparent, opaque, translucent.
Types of Materials:
Wood, metals (copper, tin, steel, etc.), plastics (PVC, polystyrene), fabrics (cotton, wool), rubber, glass.
Testing and Observations:
Conduct fair tests, measure lengths accurately, construct bar graphs, observe carefully, and work cooperatively.
Record findings and use ICT for graphing activities.
Investigate Ball Bounciness:
Test various balls' bounciness; define and measure heights of different balls.
Elastic Band Testing:
Compare stretch and strength of elastic bands by applying fixed weights.
Fabric Stretch Tests:
Measure the stretch and recovery of different fabrics.
Flexibility Testing:
Compare how much various rigid materials bend under weight.
Strength Testing of Materials:
Test different paper types by hanging weights until they tear.
Hardness and Scratch Tests:
Scratch various materials to determine hardness.
Absorbency Tests:
Test which paper or material absorbs liquid best by dropping controlled amounts of liquids onto samples.
Impact of Design and Use:
Design projects (e.g., waterproof bags) or classify materials by properties, linking them to everyday uses.
This structured exploration of materials' properties provides the foundational skills needed for scientific inquiry and understanding material applications in real-world contexts.