1. This was an informal agreement between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan whereby Japan would not allow further emigration to the United States?

A. National Recovery Administration

B. Indian Reorganization Act

C. Reed Johnson Immigration Act

D. Gentleman's Agreement

2. October 29, 1929, when investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day?

A. The Dust Bowl

B. The New Deal

C. The Flash Crash

D. Black Tuesday

3. What was the name of the author of “Their Eyes Were Watching God?”

A. F. Scott Fitzgerald

B. Langston Hughes

C. Ernest Hemingway

D. Zora Neal Hurston

4. Which amendment caps the service of a president at 10 years?

A. 23rd Amendment

B. 22nd Amendment

C. 18th Amendment

D. 21st Amendment

5. What was the term Hoover often used during his presidency to explain the idea that individuals should be able to help themselves without government involvement?

A. "America First"

B. "America for Americans"

C. "Help those who Cannot Help Themselves"

D. "Rugged Individualism"

6. Due to FDR's handicap, who was sent on speaking engagements across the country?

A. John Garner

B. Henry Wallace

C. Harry Truman

D. Eleanor Roosevelt

7. What were the shanty towns called during the Great Depression?

A. Coolidge's Coolers

B. Roosevelt's Rough Out's

C. Hoovervilles

D. Coolidgevilles

8. What was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place between the end of World War I and the middle of the 1930s?

A. The Chicago Defender

B. The Dust Bowl

C. The New Deal

D. Harlem Renaissance

9. Whose “Back to Africa” movement represented the largest mass movement in African-American history?

A. Zora Neal Hurston

B. Marcus Garvey

C. Huey P. Long

D. Langston Hughes

10. What laws prohibited African Americans the same rights as whites?

A. Indian Reorganization Act

B. Jim Crow Laws

C. The Gentlemen's Agreement

D. Reed-Johnson Immigration Act

11. This established retirement income for all workers at the age of 65. It also provided benefits to certain unemployed workers?

A. Workers Progress Administration

B. Social Security Act

C. National Recovery Administration

D. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

12. Who became the first president to break George Washington's two-term tradition?

A. Harry Truman

B. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

C. Herbert Hoover

D. Calvin Coolidge

13. What was the popular form of music that came out of Mississippi and Louisiana?

A. Country

B. Jazz

C. Folk

D. Big Band

14. Gathering of probably 10,000 to 25,000 World War I veterans (estimates vary widely) who, with their wives and children, converged on Washington, D.C., in 1932, demanding immediate bonus payment for wartime services to alleviate the economic hardship of the Great Depression?

A. Bonus Army

B. The New Deal

C. Black Thursday

D. Gentleman's Agreement

15. What was the first black newspaper to have a circulation over 100,000, the first to have a health column, and the first to have a full page of comic strips?

A. Harpers Weekly

B. Harlem Renaissance

C. The Chicago Defender

D. New York Tribune

16. Who was FDR’s harshest critic?

A. Marcus Garvey

B. Zora Neal Hurston

C. Langston Hughes

D. Huey P. Long

17. Who wrote The Great Gatsby?

A. Zora Neal Hurston

B. F. Scott Fitzgerald

C. Langston Hughes

D. Ernest Hemingway

18. What was the name of the writer who produced literary works portraying the daily lives of working-class African Americans?

A. F. Scott Fitzgerald

B. Ernest Hemingway

C. Zora Neal Hurston

D. Langston Hughes

19. What insures bank deposits to up to 100,000 in case of bank failure?

A. National Recovery Administration

B. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

C. Agricultural Adjustment Act

D. Social Security Act

20. Which amendment established the prohibition of alcohol in the United States?

A. 18th Amendment

B. 20th Amendment

C. 19th Amendment

D. 21st Amendment

21. Who was the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945?

A. Huey P. Long

B. Calvin Coolidge

C. Herbert Hoover

D. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

22. A period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s?

A. The Great Depression

B. Black Tuesday

C. The New Deal

D. The Dust Bowl

23. Who was the 31st president of the United States from 1929 to 1933. He held office during the onset of the Great Depression and probably made it worse?

A. Huey P. Long

B. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

C. Herbert Hoover

D. Calvin Coolidge

24. This Approved government loans to farmers and paid farmers not to grow certain crops?

A. Social Security Act

B. Works Progress Administration

C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

D. Agricultural Adjustment Act

25. Roosevelt introduced new legislation and a number of programs to end the Depression that were collectively became known as the?

A. The New Deal

B. National Recovery Administration

C. Social Security Act

D. Works Progress Administration

26. What was the was the first source of mass communication for people to come directly into their own homes?

A. Television

B. Telegram

C. Radio

D. Movies

27. Which amendment gave women the right to vote?

A. 18th

B. 20th

C. 19th

D. 21st

28. This organization made up of representatives of business, labor, and government that would establish codes of fair practices that would set prices, production levels, minimum wages, and maximum hours within each industry?

A. National Recovery Administration

B. Works Progress Administration

C. Civilian Conservation Corps

D. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

29. Who wrote "A Farewell to Arms?"

A. Marcus Garvey

B. Langston Hughes

C. Ernest Hemingway

D. F. Scott Fitzgerald

30. What was the amendment that repealed Prohibition?

A. 19th Amendment

B. 21st Amendment

C. 22nd Amendment

D. 18th Amendment

31. Who was the most notorious of the prohibition-era gangsters who made their fortunes from the illegal distillation and sale of alcohol?

A. Al Capone

B. Langston Hughes

C. Ernest Hemingway

D. F. Scott Fitzgerald

32. This allowed single men between the ages of 18 and 25 to enlist in work programs to improve America's public lands, forests, and parks?

A. Civilian Conservation Corps

B. National Recovery Administration

C. Agricultural Adjustment Act

D. Works Progress Administration
