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5 Vignette
Explaining and Treating Schizophrenia
Biological Perspective
Brain structure abnormalities
enlarged ventricles
smaller/less active prefrontal cortex, associated with negative symptoms
less cortical gray matter
less white matter
smaller/less active hippocampus
Neurotransmitter abnormality
Dopamine Hypothesis
Mesolimbic pathway
Prefrontal cortex
Neuropsychological Deficits
Cognitive abilities reduced
Attention, concentration, and memory
Impaired sensory gating: difficulty processing sensory input
Predisposing causes
Brain abnormalities present early in life before disorder appears
Strong polygenic genetic component
Environmental Causes
Pregnancy and birth complications
Maternal drug use
Viruses during infancy
Maltreatment during childhood
Cognitive Perspective
Abnormal Attentional Processes
Positive Symptoms
Over-attention to irrelevant Stimuli
Negative Symptoms
Under-attention to important stimuli
Wright et. al
Biological Treatment
1st Generation Anti-Psychotics (1950s)
Neuroleptics: e.g. Proxlin, Haldol
Reduce positive symptoms in about 75%
Must take maintenance doses
Side effects:
Tardive Dyskinesia, Parkinsonianism, Depression, Sedation, Sexual Dysfunction
2nd Generation Anti-Psychotics
Atypical anti-psychotics: e.g. Zyprexa, Risperdal, Clozaril
Treats positive and negative symptoms?
Less severe side effects?
Sedation, Weight Gain, Nausea, Dizziness
Cognitive Treatments
Cognitive Rehabilitation
Techniques used to decrease over- and under attention
Learn to identify stressful situations and how to cope with them
Learn to dispute psychotic symptoms
Behavioral Interventions
Increase desire behaviors
Token Economies
Exchange tokens for wathcing tv/snacks
Commonly used in inpatient care
Social Skills
Family and Community Interventions
Family therapy
Behavioral interventions
Assertive Community Treatment Programs
Comprehensive services for reintegration
Skills training
Maintenance therapy needed
Therapy is used to enhanve quality of life and improve dysfunction, distress and some deviance