Honors Precalculus Course Syllabus
Teacher Information:
Mark Sides
Topics: Quarter Grade Scale Final Grade
Parent functions/Key Features Polynomials and Rational functions Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Right Triangle Trigonometry Trig Identities and Equations Graphing Trig Functions Conic Sections Vectors/Parametric Equations Polar Functions/ Limits | Tests 50% Q1 37.5% Quizzes 30% Q2 37.5% Homework 20% Final 25% Exam |
Tests and Quizzes:
Work to be Turned In:
If you are absent, it is imperative that you make up the notes, class work, and homework as soon as possible. This is your responsibility! Filled in class notes will be on OneNote. If you are absent on a test or quiz day, be prepared to take the test or quiz during the next available time. All absent work, including quizzes and tests, should be made up within 5 days of returning to school.
DeltaMath will be used to assess understanding of material by providing differentiation and content practice. This will be the primary daily classwork/homework source. There may be an occasional Quiz or Test using DeltaMath.
Calculator Use: (TI-84 ONLY, NO DESMOS)
To better prepare for a college level math courses and/or Calculus class we will do many things with and without the use of a TI-84 calculator. Familiarizing yourself with the TI-84 calculator will be very important as it will be used in many college classes.
-Three ring binder (Many guided notes/handouts) -Color pencils(optional)
-Paper or composition notebook (Mainly for working on HW) -Graph paper(optional)
-TI-84 or TI-84ce Graphing Calculator (Recommend if you plan on majoring in something that has a strong focus on math, engineering, etc.) (I do have a class set to use in the classroom)
Daily Procedures:
Class Rules: Consequences: (Possible progression)
Restroom Policy:
Please make every effort to use the restroom during class change. No student may use the restroom during the first ten or last ten minutes of the class period. Students will not be able to go to the restroom during tests and quizzes unless it is an emergency.
Cheating Policy:
Zero tolerance. Any student is found to be cheating or helping someone cheat on a test or quiz will receive a zero on the assessment, a referral to the control room, and a phone call home to alert the parents of the situation.
Cellphones, Headphones, and Personal Laptops:
Cabarrus County Schools policy has changed the student technology rules, and students are no longer allowed to have cellphones and other technology devices such as air-pods or personal laptops out during class. Per district policy, phones must be powered off and kept in a backpack or other storage medium. Smartwatches are allowed but only to use as a normal watch for telling time.
Reminders for Students and Parents
My main method of communication with students will be through email, ParentSquare, or Canvas announcements.
Extra Help: