Evolution Unit Summary


  • Natural Selection - process by which organisms that are best adapted for survival/reproduction pass on their genes to future generations while others don’t

    • In a pop, overproduction of offspring will create more competition. Those who can survive/reproduce are better suited for the environment and will eventually outcompete other organisms who aren’t as well adapted

    • Results in accumulation of adaptations that increase fitness

    • Fitness - ability of an organism to reproduce

    • Works on individuals selecting for phenotype

  • Artificial Selection - human intervention in selecting desirable traits to be passed on

    • Eg. selecting for cows that produce more milk (choosing cows that produce more and breeding them together for more)

  • Biogeography - patterns of where stuff lived → useful in showing where ancestors lived/when

  • Structures

    • Homologous Structures - Two organisms/species that share traits b/c of a common ancestors

      • Eg. Dinosaurs and humans with arm bones

      • Common Ancestor -

    • Analogous Structures - Two organisms that share similar traits without a common ancestor

      • * No evolutionary relationship but similar function/form

      • Result of convergent evolution

        • CE - different organisms/structures being classified as similar despite being different

    • Vestigial Structures - Structures that once served a purpose but have progressively grown less prominent/important as the species evolves

      • Eg. Wisdom teeth - used to be useful in chewing but no longer serve a purpose

      • Typically become smaller or reduced (use it or lose it)

  • Genetics

    • Sexual Selection - Organisms choosing mates based on phenotype or courtship displays

      • Eg. Blue footed boobie dances

    • Gene Pool - All available genes in a population

    • Allele Frequency - # of times a gene appears in the population

      • Codominant = 2 dominant alleles

    • Population Genetics - How a population changes genetically over time

    • Modern Synthesis - Current ideas on evolution/genetics that integrates ideas of multiple fields

  • Evolution

    • Accumulation of adaptations that results in a more fit species. Occurs through reproduction on a population level → populations evolve, not individuals → individuals only select for individual traits (NS)

    • Micro vs Macro evolution

      • Micro: changes in allele frequency

      • Macro: creation of new species

  • Mutation

    • Neutral Mutation - No impact

    • Point Mutation - Change in a base of the gene, can cause frame shift/insertion/deletion

    • Gene Duplication - Repeat of section of chromosome

  • Types of Selection

    • Directional Selection

      • Shifts toward an extreme

    • Stabilizing Selection

      • Selection against extremes, favour intermediate area

    • Disruptive Selection

      • Shifts toward both extremes → can lead to speciation

  • Genetic Drift

    • GD - Allele frequencies changing in a small population b/c of random chance

    • Bottleneck Effect - Mass extinction of large portion of population

      • Placing a cup over a few ants and killing the rest → only small amount of population survive

    • Found Effect - A few individuals start a new population in a new environment. May have diff AF than original population

      • Building a wall that separates part of a population and that group creating a new population

    • Gene Flow - Movement of genes in/out of a population (movement of fertile organisms)

      • Decrease diversity b/c with enough gene flow, everyone becomes more similar

    • Genetic Equilibrium - allele frequency does not change over time → Hardy Weinberg Principle

  • Hardy Weinberg Principle

    • Allele frequencies of a population will be constant unless something causes a change

      • Inertia but in biology (stable unless acted on by something)

    • Calculated w/ p² + 2pq + q² = 1

      • P = dominant allele

      • Q = recessive allele

    • Conditions for HW

      • Random mating

      • Large population

      • No gene flow (immigration/emigration)

      • No mutations

      • No natural selection

  • Speciation

    • Speciation - creation of a new species. Occurs when a group of a population becomes reproductively isolated. Usually happens after mass extinction events b/c of unoccupied niches

    • Biological species concept: Organisms that can reproduce w/ each other to produce fertile/viable offspring are a species

      • Excludes asexual reproductive organisms and fossils/extinct species

    • Two types

      • Allopatric Speciation - Formed when parent population becomes geographically isolated

        • Literal blockages (eg. geographic barriers)

      • Sympatric Speciation - Formed despite populations in same area

        • Vibe-based blockages (majority of pre-zyg barriers)

        • Reproductive isolation

        • Can also occur through polyploidy

          • Polyploidy - mutation resulting in extra set of chromosomes → typically seen in plants

            • Plants w/ 2+ sets of chromosomes from own species known as autopolyploid

    • Reproductive Isolation

      • Pre-zygotic Barriers - Before zygote → impede fertilization

        • Behavioral - Differences in how organisms attract mates (eg. bird song)

        • Geographic - Physical barriers (eg. mountains) (allopatric speciation)

        • Temporal - Differences in mating seasons (eg. at night vs morning)

        • Habitat - Live in different places, rarely encounter

        • Mechanical - “Parts don’t fit”

        • Gametic - Fertilization unable to occur, can be interior or exterior

          • Biochemical barriers - sperm can’t join to egg

          • Chem incompatibility - sperm just dies

      • Post-zygotic Barriers - Post formation of zygote → stuff gets weird

        • Embryo may spontaneously die

        • ↓ Hybrid viability - hybrid just dies

        • ↓ Hybrid fertility - hybrid is sterile

        • Hybrid Breakdown - progressively weaker offspring

    • If groups isolated for too long, may become too different → new species

  • Other definitions of species

    • Morphological Species

      • Characterize based on structures

      • Very arbitrary

    • Ecological

      • Defines by niche/role in community

      • Also useless

    • Phylogenetic Species

      • Defines by shared genetic history

      • Difficult to distinguish b/c hard to determine how different something has to be to be considered a species

      • Sort of arbitrary but not as bad

  • Punctuated Equilibrium - dry stretch then a ton of evolution then another dry stretch (heart beat monitor thing)

    • Idea to oppose gradualism (as proposed by Darwin)


  • Charles Darwin - Proposed Theory of Evolution

    • Evolution happens b/c of natural selection

      • NS - process by which organisms that are best adapted for survival/reproduction pass on their genes to future generations while others don’t

  • Jean-Baptiste Lamark - Proposed original idea for evolution (was very wrong)

    • “Idiot on evolution”

    • Thought organisms can dev/lose features through use and were acquired through parents (hereditary). Idea of perfecting through use

    • Scientists could change the traits of organisms through artificial selection and those traits could be passed down (this part was wrong)

  • Thomas Malthus - Infinite growth but limited resources

    • Idea of scarcity limiting population growth

    • Offspring would need to compete for resources

  • James Hutton + Charles Lyell - Proposed ideas of gradualism and Theory of Uniformitarianism/Law of Superposition

    • Lots of small changes over a long period of time make big changes. Same changes have been occurring throughout history

    • Old stuff on the bottom and new stuff goes on top of it

    • Challenged Georges Cuvier’s idea of catastrophism

  • Miller-Urey

    • Recreated atmosphere of ancient earth to test how organic molecules might have formed

      • Created organic molecules (amino acids)

        • Amino acids synthesize proteins → carbs, lipids, etc
