(455) Properties of waves [IB Physics SL/HL]

Properties of Waves

  • Waves have distinct properties that can be measured and calculated.

Wave Equation

  • Equation: V = Fλ

    • V: Speed of the wave (measured in m/s)

    • F: Frequency (measured in Hertz or Hz, 1/s)

    • λ (lambda): Wavelength (measured in meters)

  • Frequency Context:

    • Measured in Hertz (cycles per second)

    • Example: Computer speed measured in gigahertz (billions of calculations/second)

Graphical Features of Waves

  • There are different types of graphs for displacement vs. position and displacement vs. time:

    • Displacement vs. Position Graph:

      • Amplitude: Distance from the middle of the wave to the peak (measured in meters)

      • Wavelength (λ): Distance from peak to peak or trough to trough (also measured in meters)

    • Displacement vs. Time Graph:

      • Period: Time taken for one full cycle (measured in seconds)

      • Amplitude remains the same as in position graphs.

Particle Motion and Wave Movement

  • The particle's motion remains fixed in position when measuring displacement.

    • As the wave passes, the particle moves up and down but does not move left or right.

  • Typical exam question might involve determining the particle's motion based on wave direction.

Frequency Relation

  • Frequency Equation: f = 1/T

    • T: Period of the wave (measured in seconds)

    • Frequency (f) is the inverse of period, measured in Hz or 1/s.

Types of Waves

  • Transverse Waves:

    • Oscillation perpendicular to wave travel direction (e.g., water waves, light waves).

  • Longitudinal Waves:

    • Oscillation parallel to wave travel direction (e.g., sound waves).

    • Requires a medium (e.g., air molecules) to transmit the wave.

Important Notes

  • Sound cannot travel in space due to lack of medium; light waves can travel through a vacuum.
