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Arthur Andersen Scandal

  • accounting firms providing, auditing tax, & consulting services

  • emerged from Enron firm

The scandal:

  • Arthur Andersen

    • was Enron’s Auditor & allegedly helped the company hide its financial losses & inflate profits

    • Had destroyed documents related to its audits of Enron, which implicated the firm in the cover up of Enron’s fraudulent activities

    • $63.8 billion of assets were lost

    • Massive financial losses suffered by investors, employees, and other stakeholders

The people involved:

  • David Duncan

    • lead partner on the Enron account

    • Ordered the shredding of documents related to the audits

  • Nancy Temple

    • A legal counsel at the Arthur Andersen

    • Advised the firm on the destruction of documents

  • Enron employees, Andersen, employees, investors, clients

Arthur Andersen Scandal

  • accounting firms providing, auditing tax, & consulting services

  • emerged from Enron firm

The scandal:

  • Arthur Andersen

    • was Enron’s Auditor & allegedly helped the company hide its financial losses & inflate profits

    • Had destroyed documents related to its audits of Enron, which implicated the firm in the cover up of Enron’s fraudulent activities

    • $63.8 billion of assets were lost

    • Massive financial losses suffered by investors, employees, and other stakeholders

The people involved:

  • David Duncan

    • lead partner on the Enron account

    • Ordered the shredding of documents related to the audits

  • Nancy Temple

    • A legal counsel at the Arthur Andersen

    • Advised the firm on the destruction of documents

  • Enron employees, Andersen, employees, investors, clients