Question 1:

  • Students earn Co-op credits by integrating classroom theory with planned learning experiences in the community based on the curriculum expectations of the Learning plan/co-op course.

Question 2:

  • There are many benefits of Co-op.  Prioritize your top 5 Co-op benefits:

  • enhances effective job search skills: résumé, cover letter writing and interview

  • provides first hand exposure to a range of career options

  • facilitates the transition from school to work

  • develops transferable employability skills

  • builds a network of adult references in the community

Question 3:

  • List the 5 participants in the Co-op Program:

  • cooperative education student

  • parents/guardians

  • placement supervisor and co-workers

  • school community

  • co-op teacher

Question 4:

  • First impressions are very important. Your clothes should be pressed, clean and co-ordinated. Whether it is fair or not, you will be judged on how you present yourself.  Personal hygiene is also very important. Regular bathing, the use of deodorant and good dental hygiene. Your hair and nails should be clean and neat as well on a daily basis, which is very important. 

Question 5:

  • Attendance and punctuality are VERY important. ‘On time’ means that you are there and ready to work at the time stated on your Job Orientation Assignment. You should be at the placement every day as outlined on the Work Education Agreement.

  • *10 minutes early is ON TIME

Question 6:

  • Students must attend both the classroom component and the placement components in order to receive the 2 Co-op credits.  You must complete a minimum of 110 hours for every credit of the course.

  • *need to let employer/teacher/office know before 7 am about an absence 

Question 7: 

Authorized absences include (list 3): 

  • personal illness or injury - long term illness or injury requires a medical certificate or parental note

  • important family responsibilities, e.g. funeral

  • religious holiday

  • authorized school events

  • inclement weather days as per individual school policy

Question 8:

  • If you are unable to attend an in-class session or your work placement, you are required to contact your co-op teacher (and supervisor) _before the beginning of the school day (before 7 am).

Question 9:

  • All students must demonstrate an understanding of ”Safety at the Workplace” prior to going to their placements. Students have a responsibility to work in a safe and responsible fashion. All employees have the right to refuse unsafe work.

Question 10:

  • A positive attitude will go a long way in making your co-op experience a successful one! Be enthusiastic, flexible, honest and caring. Taking notes may help you remember instructions. Use your notes and pitch in when work has to be done or help someone else. Keep your personal problem personal when you are at the workplace. Avoid gossip.

Question 11:

  • As a co-op student you must adhere to the Caring and Safe Schools Policy.  This means that a co-op student demonstrates appropriate online conduct whether they are completing classroom activities or working at their placement. Students must also maintain professional and respectful working relationships with co-workers while online.

Question 12:

  • Confidentiality means not disclosing personal information about employees, employers’ business and/or customers.

Question 13:

  • People are affected by the words we say or write.  It is essential to remain neutral at all times while communicating with others.

Question 14:

  • Avoid using ALL caps and exclamation points when writing online.  This can be misunderstood as being rude.

Question 15:

  •  Jokes can also be misunderstood as being rude online.  Either avoid online jokes all together  or use appropriate emoticons and smileys (emojis) to convey humour.

Question 16:

  • Yes, grammar and spelling matters.  Avoid using written shortcuts and less stellar grammar for Snapchat if you must when communicating via email with your supervisor and with co-workers.  This is unprofessional.

Question 17:

  • If you share a great idea or thought you read somewhere else, you need to cite your  sources. This applies to written work and discussion forums.  This will demonstrate integrity and honesty.

Question 18:

  • Nothing is private online!  Do not post or share (even privately) inappropriate material.

Question 19:

  •  Be forgiving. Remember that not everyone will know these rules at first.

Question 20:

  • The Work Education Agreement outlines the working contract between all parties and indicates who will be assuming responsibility for WSIB coverage. If your co-op hours or days change it is the responsibility of the students to obtain approval and signatures from the Co-op teacher, parent or guardian, and the placement supervisor BEFORE remaining at the placement for any time other than what was initially scheduled on the Work Education Agreement. Notice and documentation of this change must be provided 24 hours before the expected change.

Question 21: 

  • The first day! Don’t be discouraged if you are assigned entry-level tasks. Once they get to know you and you demonstrate that you can handle more you will be trained to do. Show that you can handle the simple tasks with enthusiasm for everything you do. Feeling nervousness on the first day is normal and expected. Always speak well about your placement to other employees and your friends.

Question 22: 

  • Your parents/guardians are expected to encourage you to go every day and to be on time. 

Question 23: 

  • You are expected to cooperate with the placement supervisor. They are providing you with the opportunity to gain experience and to earn credits. The supervisor will provide you with a safe and healthy work environment and will teach you the skills and procedures that are necessary to be successful at the placement.

Question 24:

  • Remain neutral with any differences/disagreements that may arise between employees. Make sure that you listen carefully to your co-workers when they provide you assistance.

Question 25:

  • Students are not covered by WSIB when enrolled in the High Performance Athlete (HPA) program or when travelling to and from the placement. The Board does not cover personal injury insurance coverage to the student.

Question 26:

  • Student Accident Insurance is made available to all York Region District School Board students. This is optional and is paid for by the students and parents. All co-op students are strongly encouraged to purchase a policy.

Question 27:

  • The CELP outlines the course of study for the placement component and is the basis for assessment and evaluation for granting of credits as defined by the related subject, the Co-op course and the employer expectations. The development of the CELP is an ongoing process that involves all parties.

Question 28:

  • The weekly log must be completed every day you are at the placement. If you fail to submit your weekly log, you will not receive credit for the hours logged.

Question 29: 

  • Reflections are a required component of the Co-op programs.

Question 30: 

  • Assignments and certifications are required components of all Co-op programs.

Question 21:

  • It is your responsibility not to intentionally access online material that is controversial. If such material is accessed by accident, it must be reported immediately to a teacher or appropriate authority.

Question 32:

  • List 5 actions that are considered irresponsible and unethical use of technology:

  • using electronic recording devices in schools and the workplace to record any interactions between two or more parties unless all parties explicitly consent

  • attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or date belonging to others

  • seeking unauthorized access to any computer system or damaging or altering software components

  • using email distribution lists without appropriate authorization

  • using abusive or objectionable content, including but not limited to, language and/or images in either public or private messages
