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1. Causes:


Results in "stationary" electricity

2. Charge:

Neutral object: Equal positive and negative charges

Positive charge: Shortage of electrons

Negative charge: Excess of electrons

3. Explanation of Charge:

When materials are rubbed, electrons move, leading to one material gaining a negative charge and the other gaining a positive charge.

4. Forces between Charges:

Like charges repel, opposite charges attract.

5. Polarisation:

A charged object near a neutral one causes charges in the neutral object to separate, resulting in a positive and negative side while the object remains neutral as a whole.


1. Components for Flow:

Source of energy

Closed circuit


2. Electrical Current:

Continuous flow of charge (electrons)

3. Circuit Interruption:

Open circuit possibilities:

Loose contact at switch

Loose connection

Broken wire or filament

4. Battery:

Combination of cells in series, providing electrical energy (chemical energy → electrical energy)

5. Resistor:

Offers resistance to current flow

Larger resistance leads to smaller current

6. Fuse:

Device with low melting point interrupts current if too large, protecting electrical apparatus and preventing fires


1. Heating Effect:

Applications: light bulbs, stoves, kettles, heaters, irons, etc.

2. Magnetic Effect:

Applications: electromagnets, speakers, electric drills, vacuum cleaners, electric doorbells

Increased by connecting more cells in series, increasing windings around the nail, placing an iron nail in the coil, or using a hard steel nail instead.

3. Chemical Effect:

Electrolysis breaks down chemical compounds into simpler materials, converting electrical energy to chemical energy.


1. Direction:

Conventional current flows from positive to negative pole of the cell or battery.

2. Series Circuits:

Only one path for flow of charge

More cells in series increase total current, making light bulbs glow brighter

Blown light bulb breaks circuit, others won't glow

3. Parallel Circuits:

Multiple paths for flow of charge

More cells in parallel keep total current the same

Blown light bulb doesn't break circuit, others still glow


1. LED (Light Emission Diode):

Converts electrical energy to light energy

Used in doorbells, remote controls, etc.

2. Photocell:

Absorbs light, producing electrical power

Used in calculators, doorbells, etc.

3. Doorbell or Buzzer:

Functions via an electromagnet vibrating at 60 Hz, converting electrical energy to magnetic, motion, and sound energy.



1. Causes:


Results in "stationary" electricity

2. Charge:

Neutral object: Equal positive and negative charges

Positive charge: Shortage of electrons

Negative charge: Excess of electrons

3. Explanation of Charge:

When materials are rubbed, electrons move, leading to one material gaining a negative charge and the other gaining a positive charge.

4. Forces between Charges:

Like charges repel, opposite charges attract.

5. Polarisation:

A charged object near a neutral one causes charges in the neutral object to separate, resulting in a positive and negative side while the object remains neutral as a whole.


1. Components for Flow:

Source of energy

Closed circuit


2. Electrical Current:

Continuous flow of charge (electrons)

3. Circuit Interruption:

Open circuit possibilities:

Loose contact at switch

Loose connection

Broken wire or filament

4. Battery:

Combination of cells in series, providing electrical energy (chemical energy → electrical energy)

5. Resistor:

Offers resistance to current flow

Larger resistance leads to smaller current

6. Fuse:

Device with low melting point interrupts current if too large, protecting electrical apparatus and preventing fires


1. Heating Effect:

Applications: light bulbs, stoves, kettles, heaters, irons, etc.

2. Magnetic Effect:

Applications: electromagnets, speakers, electric drills, vacuum cleaners, electric doorbells

Increased by connecting more cells in series, increasing windings around the nail, placing an iron nail in the coil, or using a hard steel nail instead.

3. Chemical Effect:

Electrolysis breaks down chemical compounds into simpler materials, converting electrical energy to chemical energy.


1. Direction:

Conventional current flows from positive to negative pole of the cell or battery.

2. Series Circuits:

Only one path for flow of charge

More cells in series increase total current, making light bulbs glow brighter

Blown light bulb breaks circuit, others won't glow

3. Parallel Circuits:

Multiple paths for flow of charge

More cells in parallel keep total current the same

Blown light bulb doesn't break circuit, others still glow


1. LED (Light Emission Diode):

Converts electrical energy to light energy

Used in doorbells, remote controls, etc.

2. Photocell:

Absorbs light, producing electrical power

Used in calculators, doorbells, etc.

3. Doorbell or Buzzer:

Functions via an electromagnet vibrating at 60 Hz, converting electrical energy to magnetic, motion, and sound energy.