bio lab 1031 practical 1

  • How are living organisms classified? 

    • 3 domains of life

    • 4 kingdoms of Domain Eukarya

    • Taxa from most inclusive to least inclusive

  • General characteristics of protists

  • Life cycle(s) of a protist?

  • What does "protozoa" mean?

  • What are the protozoan phyla we discussed in lab?

  • Protozoan species - what are the unique characteristics of each species?

    • Euglena

    • Amoeba

    • Paramecium

    • Plasmodium

  • What are the steps to a wet mount procedure for a protist?

  • What does the suffix -phyta mean?

  • What are the 4 protist algal phyla?

    • How can their names be used to help determine what they are?

  • Green algae species - what are the unique characteristics of each species?

    • Chlamydomonas

    • Volvox

    • Gonium

    • Hydrodictyon

    • Oedogonium

    • Ulva

  • What are the 3 phyla that represent non-vascular plants?

  • If given a photo of a liverwort, would you be able to identify it?

  • What are gemma cups? Can you identify them in a photo?

  • If given a photo of a hornwort, would you be able to identify it?

  • How would you describe the general life cycle of a plant?

  • What is xylem?

  • What is phloem?

  • What are the 4 phyla that represent the seedless vascular plants?

  • If given a photo of Equisetum, would you be able to identify it?

  • What are the round yellow bumps on Psilotum (a whisk fern) called? What do they do?

  • Where are sori found? Could you point them out in a photo?

  • What is homospory?

  • What is heterospory?

  • What is the role of a hygroscopic elater?

  • Can you identify microsporangia and megasporangia in a Selaginella microscope image?

  • What is a gymnosperm?

  • What are the 4 gymnosperm phyla we discussed?

  • If given a photo of a gymnosperm we looked at in lab, would you be able to tell me the phylum name?

  • What is a conifer?

  • What is an angiosperm? How does it differ from a gymnosperm?

  • What 2 structures are unique to angiosperms?

  • What is a monocot? What does its vasculature look like?

  • What is a eudicot? What does its vasculature look like?

  • Are you able to identify the different parts of a flower?

  • What are the 4 whorls in a flower?

  • What is a gynoecium?

  • What is an androecium?

  • What are the sterile components of a flower?

  • What are the infertile components of a flower?

  • What is an incomplete flower? Complete flower?

  • What is a perfect flower? Imperfect flower?

  • Can a flower be incomplete but still be perfect? Why or why not?

  • Connation vs. adnation

  • Flower symmetry types - can you determine symmetry if given a photo?

  • Simple vs. aggregate vs. multiple fruits - what are they & examples

  • Fleshy vs. dry fruits - what are they & examples

  • Can you classify the following fruits? 

    • Pineapple

    • Magnolia

    • Strawberry

    • Acorn

    • Maple

    • Tomato

    • Orange

    • Lemon

    • Apple

    • Cucumber

  • What is auxin?

  • What is apical dominance?

  • How are auxin and apical dominance related?

  • What is leaf abscission?

  • Can you identify a pruned vs. unpruned plant?

  • Can you identify a Helianthus (sunflower) stem cross section image?

  • Can you identify a Ligustrum (privet) leaf cross section image?

  • Can you identify a Ranunculus (buttercup) root cross section image?

  • What is a gibberellin and what do they do?

  • How are gibberellins and dwarf mutant plants related?

  • What is etiolation?

  • What are some results of etiolated plants?

  • Can you identify an etiolated pea plant vs. a non-etiolated pea plant image?

  • Difference between fungal and plant cell walls

  • What are hyphae?

  • What is a mycelium?

  • How do fungi primarily reproduce?

  • How would you describe the general life cycle of a fungus?

  • Imperfect vs. perfect fungi

  • Plasmogamy vs. karyogamy

  • Features of Phylum Ascomycota - ascus, ascospores, life cycle

  • What are conidia? Conidiophores?

  • Examples of imperfect fungi 

  • Features of Phylum Basidiomycota - basidium, basidiospore, life cycle

  • 3 types of lichens - can you identify if given a photo?
