Individual Submission (Due Feb 13):
Names of the five students in the group.
Group Topic.
Three references from primary literature related to the topic.
Three preferred presentation dates from the group.
Learning Objective:
Utilize information from various sources to construct and communicate knowledge.
Gather information on a current biological topic from research articles, texts, web, and other sources.
Analyze and synthesize the information for a class presentation.
Total Points: 75
Content (25 pts):
Substantive summary of important recent results (past 5 years) from scientific literature.
Appearance & Effectiveness of Slides (20 pts):
Slides should be organized, readable, and contain a balance of text and figures.
Presentation (30 pts):
All members participate in the presentation.
Team displays mastery of content and can answer questions.
10 minute presentation with 5 minutes for questions.
Base Pairing:
T-A (Thymine-Adenine)
C-G (Cytosine-Guanine)
Acts as a recipe for biological information.
Watson & Crick:
Published the structure of DNA - double helix in February 1953.
Nobel Prize (1962):
Awarded to Watson, Crick, and Wilkins for their discoveries.
Created Photo 51 in 1952, providing crucial evidence for DNA structure.
Nucleotides (sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous bases).
Double helix structure with complementary strands.
DNA double helix (2nm) ➔ Nucleosome ➔ 30 nm fiber ➔ Higher-order chromatin ➔ Chromosome (700nm).
Information Flow:
DNA ➔ mRNA ➔ Proteins.
Key Processes:
Transcription: DNA to mRNA.
Translation: mRNA to Protein.
Rules translating DNA base sequences into amino acid sequences.
Triplet Code:
Proposed by George Gamow as a 3-letter code encoding 20 amino acids.
Codons consist of 3 nucleotides, each coding for a specific amino acid.
Example: UUU ➔ Phenylalanine, CUU ➔ Leucine.
Definition of Genes:
Units of heredity located on chromosomal DNA, coding for proteins.
Encode phenotype, with only 1.5% of DNA coding for proteins.
Changes in nucleotide sequences, affecting protein function.
Single Base Substitution:
Sickle cell anemia resulting from a mutation in hemoglobin gene.
Which nitrogenous bases are classified as purines?
Options: A. Uracil, B. Guanine, C. Thymine, D. Cytosine, E. All of these.
Homework Assignment:
Create a mind map of the lecture content with at least 10 nodes using a mind mapping tool.