Causes of Ab Behaivor 4

Operant Conditioning

  • Associated with psychologist B. F. Skinner

  • Conducted numerous studies on rats and pigeons

  • Findings are applicable to human learning

Key Principles

  • Definition: Operant conditioning is a learning process where behaviors are influenced by their consequences.

  • Categories: Two main categories:

    • Reinforcement: Increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring

    • Punishment: Decreases the likelihood of a behavior occurring

Types of Reinforcement and Punishment

Positive Reinforcement

  • Definition: Adding a pleasant stimulus to increase a particular behavior

  • Example: Gumball machines at supermarkets

    • Parents encourage good behavior by promising a gumball if children behave during shopping

Negative Reinforcement

  • Definition: Removing an unpleasant stimulus to increase a behavior

  • Example: Seatbelt alarm in cars

    • Unpleasant sound stops when the seatbelt is buckled, encouraging safe behavior

Positive Punishment

  • Definition: Adding an unpleasant stimulus to decrease a behavior

  • Example: Sports team practice

    • Coach makes the team run extra laps when performance is lacking, discouraging poor effort

Negative Punishment

  • Definition: Removing a pleasant stimulus to decrease a behavior

  • Example: Time-out for children

    • Child misbehaves (e.g., throwing sand) and is removed from play to discourage negative behavior
