APUSH - Period 7 part 2 IDs

  1. reasons for American imperialism

  2. xenophobia

  3. Josiah Strong

  4. jingoists

  5. Alfred Mahan and “The Influence of Sea Power on History”

  6. Henry Cabot Lodge

  7. Hawaiian annexation

  8. William Randolph Hearst

  9. Joseph Pulitzer

  10. Yellow Journalism

  11. USS Maine

  12. Cuban Revolt

  13. Teller Amendment

  14. Spanish-American War

  15. Philippines, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico

  16. Platt Amendment

  17. anti-imperialists

  18. Philippines War

  19. Emilio Aguinaldo

  20. White Man’s Burden

  21. Insular Cases

  22. “Open Door Policy”

  23. Boxer Rebellion

  24. Russo-Japanese War and Roosevelt

  25. “speak softly and carry a big stick”

  26. Lodge Corollary

  27. Panamanian Revolt

  28. Panama Canal

  29. Roosevelt Corollary

  30. Great White Fleet

  31. “Banana Republic”

  32. Dollar Diplomacy

  33. Manchuria and Taft

  34. Conflict in Nicaragua (1912) and Dollar Diplomacy

  35. Dole United Fruit Company

  36. regulation of Customs Houses

  37. results of Dollar Diplomacy

  38. non-colonial imperial expansion with examples

  39. Moral/Missionary Diplomacy

  40. Jones Act of 1916

  41. Wilson and Panama

  42. Wilson and Haiti/Dominican Republic

  43. Wilson and Mexico

  44. Pancho Villa and Wilson’s intervention in Mexico

  45. AFL changes to unions

  46. Business Unionism

  47. AFL restrictions

  48. “Women’s Era”

  49. new rights for women in late 1890's and 1900’s

  50. Carrie Chapman Catt

  51. nativism and racism in women’s suffrage fight
