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Soil and Plant Nutrition

Soil and Its Ecosystem

  • Plants take up water and nutrients from the soil through the root system (from upper layers of soil)

    • Plants that live in soil that is nutrient-poor use carnivoriy to get mineral nutrients

      • (ex/Genlisea uses underground leaves to capture soil organisms)

  • Physical properties of soil

    • Texture (tough, pores, air, etc.)

    • Composition (what is it made of?)

  • Cation exchange: cations are displaced from soil particles by other cations, particularly H+

    • Displaced cations enter soil solution, taken up by roots

    • Negative ions do not bind with soil particles & can be lost from soil

    • Affected by pH

    • Cations are more available in acidic soil (low pH)

      • Hydroxil (OH-)

        • More hydroxil= more acidic

        • Less hydroxil= less acidic

          • More OH-= less H+

          • More H+= less OH-

        • Soil pH<5→ toxic aluminum ions become more soluble

          • Stunts root growth & prevents calcium uptake

  • Fertilization: addition of mineral nutrients to the soil

    • Combats reduction in yields experienced when the same crops are grown in the same locations over many seasons

      • Soil management

    • Replaces nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium

  • American Dust Bowl of 1930s caused by soil mismanagement

    • Formed a lot of dust in the Midwest

      • Loose soil & dust

    • Soil mismanagement→ 30% less food production

  • Sustainable agriculture: use farming methods that are conservation-minded, environmentally safe, & profitable

  • Irrigation: BAD; drain on water resources because water is brought to an area where it isn’t usually available

    • Result in depleting of aquifers→ land subsidence (sinking of land)

    • Lead to salinization

      • Salinization: concentration of salts in soil as water evaporates

        • Reduces water potential of soil solution and diminishes water uptake

  • Excess minerals are leached from the soil & causes algal blooms

    • Algal blooms block the sun for plants→ plants die→ increase in bacteria


Soil and Plant Nutrition

Soil and Its Ecosystem

  • Plants take up water and nutrients from the soil through the root system (from upper layers of soil)

    • Plants that live in soil that is nutrient-poor use carnivoriy to get mineral nutrients

      • (ex/Genlisea uses underground leaves to capture soil organisms)

  • Physical properties of soil

    • Texture (tough, pores, air, etc.)

    • Composition (what is it made of?)

  • Cation exchange: cations are displaced from soil particles by other cations, particularly H+

    • Displaced cations enter soil solution, taken up by roots

    • Negative ions do not bind with soil particles & can be lost from soil

    • Affected by pH

    • Cations are more available in acidic soil (low pH)

      • Hydroxil (OH-)

        • More hydroxil= more acidic

        • Less hydroxil= less acidic

          • More OH-= less H+

          • More H+= less OH-

        • Soil pH<5→ toxic aluminum ions become more soluble

          • Stunts root growth & prevents calcium uptake

  • Fertilization: addition of mineral nutrients to the soil

    • Combats reduction in yields experienced when the same crops are grown in the same locations over many seasons

      • Soil management

    • Replaces nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium

  • American Dust Bowl of 1930s caused by soil mismanagement

    • Formed a lot of dust in the Midwest

      • Loose soil & dust

    • Soil mismanagement→ 30% less food production

  • Sustainable agriculture: use farming methods that are conservation-minded, environmentally safe, & profitable

  • Irrigation: BAD; drain on water resources because water is brought to an area where it isn’t usually available

    • Result in depleting of aquifers→ land subsidence (sinking of land)

    • Lead to salinization

      • Salinization: concentration of salts in soil as water evaporates

        • Reduces water potential of soil solution and diminishes water uptake

  • Excess minerals are leached from the soil & causes algal blooms

    • Algal blooms block the sun for plants→ plants die→ increase in bacteria