Define or Identify:

Cincinnatus - A simple farmer who was chosen as a dictator, or temporary ruler, to save rome from attack, is one such example 

Patrician - A social class of wealthy, powerful landowners , they formed the ruling class in the Roman republic

Plebeian - In the roman  republic  a social class made up of minor landholders, craftspeople merchants and small farmers

Consul -A chief executive officer of the Roman republic, two were elected each year to run the government and to lead the army into battle

Praetor -an official of the roman republic; in charge of enforcing civil law

Republic - A form of government in which the leader is not a king and certain citizens have the right the vote

Triumvirate - A government by three people with equal power

Dictator -an absolute ruler 

Imperator -commander in chief, the latin origin of the word emperor 

Urbanization -the process by which towns and cities become larger as populations increases and more people begin to occupy a central area 

Paterfamilias - In the roman social structure, the dominant male head of the household, which included his wife, sons, and their wives and children, unmarried daughters, and slaves 

Twelve Tables of Rome - A set of laws on public display in rome established and protected certain rights for both patricians and plebeians in the roman republic
