Why are we learning this?
Analyze how the writer/ speaker use the compare/contrast method to achieve a purpose to PURPOSE ( make a point, assert an argument)
Learn to employ the method in our writing to accomplish the same thing.
(same things as narration and description)
What does Compare and contrast mean?
Purpose: Two types of Comparison
Strict Comparison: examine subjects from the same category
Fanciful Comparison: examine subjects that are seemingly very different (more metaphorical)
FYI: difficult to base an entire essay on this type of comparison; good for underscoring or
highlighting dramatic similarities (essentially, used as a rhetorical device to attract the reader to an argument)
Two well-known things:
Two little known things:
One known and one unknown thing:
Try to compare a balanced ( talk about both equally as much)
Divided pattern (subject by subject): present one subject in its entirety, then the other.
Alternating pattern (point by point): provides information first on the aspect of the topic, then on another (and so on.)
The two are NOT Mutually Exclusive
Guidelines For Writing
Balance Parts
Include Reminders (why we are comparing/contrasting these subjects)
Supply reasons (this is often the overall argument)