history session 3

Module 2: Rise of Hitler and the Nazis

Unit 2.1: Hitler's Road to Chancellorship

  • Several factors influenced the Nazi's victory in 1932, contributing to Hitler's Chancellorship:

    • The Great Depression

    • Fear of Communism

    • The Weakness of the Weimar Republic

    • The Organisation of the Nazis and the Role of Hitler

The Great Depression

  • Timeline of Events: October 1929: U.S. Wall Street crash led to a worldwide economic depression, deeply impacting Germany due to its reliance on U.S. loans.

  • Economic Consequences:

    • German businesses were forced to repay loans, leading to bankruptcy as industrial production dropped 40% and wages fell by 15%.

    • The German Government, under Chancellor Bruning, raised taxes and cut unemployment benefits, failing to stabilize the economy.

    • Impact on Citizens: Unemployment soared from 3 million in 1930 to 6 million by 1932, creating widespread poverty among farmers, middle-class citizens, and businessmen.

  • Nazi Exploitation of the Depression:

    • Increased dissatisfaction with the Weimar Government drove people to vote for extreme political parties like the Nazis.

    • Hitler's promises of 'bread, land, and work' for all appealed to the desperate populace.

    • There was a direct correlation between rising unemployment and increased Nazi vote shares.

Fear of Communism

  • The Depression led to heightened support for the Communist Party (KPD) among the working class, resulting in parliamentary representation.

  • Nazi Response:

    • The Nazis portrayed Communism as a major threat, linking it to a Jewish conspiracy.

    • The SS (Schutzstaffel) disrupted Communist meetings and intimidated their supporters, sowing fear among the middle and upper classes who were frightened by the potential for a Communist revolution.

The Weakness of the Weimar Republic Government

  • Ongoing resentment towards the Weimar Government stemmed from the Treaty of Versailles and economic struggles.

  • Frequent changes in government (20 coalition governments between 1919-1933) led to instability and unresolved issues.

  • Hitler promised a more robust and unified state to garner support.

The Organisation of the Nazis and the Role of Hitler

  • Organizational Structure:

    • The Nazis established offices throughout Germany to recruit voters, receiving financial backing from wealthy industrialists.

    • Youth outreach was conducted through the Hitler Youth program.

  • SS Influence:

    • Presented the Nazis as organized, disciplined, and reliable while also intimidating opposition parties.

  • Hitler's Image:

    • Portrayed as a strong, decisive leader appealing to various demographics. His public speaking skills garnered vast audiences.

  • Propaganda Tactics:

    • Josef Goebbels utilized modern media including radio, films, and posters to spread Nazi ideals, targeting workers, farmers, and businessmen specifically.

  • Core Promises:

    • Economic recovery, the restoration of Germany's national pride, retribution for losses in WWI, stringent law enforcement, and racial unity were key components of Nazi messaging.

Hitler's Electoral Success

  • After the onset of the Great Depression, the Nazis captured significant parliamentary votes:

    • September 1930 Elections: 18% of the vote.

    • July 1932 Elections: 37% of the vote (largest party).

    • November 1932: Slight decline to 33%, still the largest party.

  • Appointment as Chancellor: Hitler demanded to be Chancellor, initially resisted by President Hindenburg, who was swayed by conservative politicians believing they could control him.

The First Steps to Dictatorship

  • Reichstag Fire (February 27, 1933):

    • Blamed on Communists, it was portrayed as a prelude to a revolution, leading to the Reichstag Fire Decree, which suspended civil liberties and allowed for the arrest of political opponents.

  • Enabling Act (March 23, 1933):

    • Passed after the fire, granting Hitler the power to enact laws without parliamentary consent, solidifying his dictatorial control.

Key Events Timeline


Event Description


Hitler joins the DAP; formation of NSDAP.


Hitler leads the Beer Hall Putsch; imprisoned.


Release; writes Mein Kampf.


Great Depression begins.


Nazis become second-largest party.


July elections—37% vote for Nazis.


Hitler appointed Chancellor; Reichstag Fire.


Passes Enabling Act; establishes dictatorship.


Night of the Long Knives; combines presidency and chancellorship.
