Key terms
-Paridgm of the window- renaissance term, naturalistic as if someone were to look in an actual window
-Trompe l’oleil- heighten the sense of a sculptural illusion, trick of the eye
-Metier –the elements and competencies that constitute a trade, craft or art
-Medium specificity- identifying the aspects of each medium that are unique to the medium. The distillation of each aesthetic discipline
-Color field painting
-Hard edge painting or formal abstraction- artist has reduced and almost erased any sense of gesture. Highly formalized and abstract composition, you cannot see the artist’s action of applying the paint to the surface
-Gestural abstraction- like pollock, painting where we see the gestures of paint on the canvas
-Abstract expressionism
-Avant garde – disruption of conventions, originality, creativity, tradition, a critical focus on the medium
-Epistemology –branch of philosophy concerned w studying knowledge
-Dialectic – philosophical argumentation (discourse or dialogue) that over time took on a form defined in terms of a thesis, antithesis, and resolution (lowkey what does thi mean?
-Modularity- the concept of creating art or design pieces composed of standardized, interchangeable units that can be rearranged, added to, or removed to form different compositions
-Seriality- composed of repeating units that could be imagined to extrapolate to infinity. Seeking to break boundaries of the artwork, receding in to the actual space of viewer
-Specific object- resembling sculpture more than it does painting, coming off the wall and occupying space of viewer
-Phenemenology- how we produce meaning through our senses?