Chapter 15: Potential Therapies

In this Chapter…

  • New Drugs

  • Trophic Factors

  • Engineered Antibodies

  • Small Molecules and RNAs

  • Cell and Gene Therapy

New Drugs

  • Most medications today are developed using trial-and-error

  • The potency of the agent can be determined by how well it attaches to the receptor/protein target in a test tube

  • Candidates for new neurological drugs include

    • trophic factors

    • antibodies engineered to modify the interactions and toxicity of misfolded proteins

    • RNAi: interfering RNAs

      • They could reduce the toxic levels of individual proteins

    • Stem cells

      • They could replace dead or dying neurons

Trophic Factors

  • Trophic factors control the development and survival of specific groups of neurons

  • Once specific actions of these molecules and their receptors are identified, their genes can be cloned

    • Procedures can be developed to modify trophic factor-regulated functions in ways that might be useful in the treatment of neurological disorders

  • NGF (Nerve Growth Factor): a trophic factor that slows the destruction of neurons that use acetylcholine

    • A possible treatment

    • Prevented cell death & stimulated regeneration & sprouting of damaged neurons that are known to die in Alzheimer’s disease

    • Holds promise for slowing memory deficits associated with aging

  • Neutralizing molecules that stop or inhibit growth can help repair damaged nerve fiber tracts in the spinal cord

    • Antibodies that override the effect of Nogo-A helped some nerves of damaged spinal cords to regrow

      • Nogo-A: a protein that inhibits nerve regeneration

Engineered Antibodies

  • We can “trick” the immune system into attacking proteins that cause neurological disease by vaccinating against them

    • There’s a risk of increased inflammation when the brain reacts to antibodies against its proteins

  • A new approach is to engineer fragments of antibodies that can bind to and alter disease characteristics of specific proteins

    • These have produced promising results for Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and prion diseases

  • Fruit flies that have been modified to carry a mutant gene for Huntington’s are generally too weak & uncoordinated to break out of their pupal case

    • When treated to also express a gene for anti-HD antibodies, all emerge as young adults

    • Treated flies live longer than untreated ones that manage to emerge and show less pathology in their brains

Small Molecules and RNAs

  • Small-molecule drug candidates can be tested using high-throughput screening

  • Many neurological diseases involve denatured proteins

  • Lasers are used to measure whether proteins are clumped inside cells that have been distributed into containers with small molecules

    • They scan containers and report whether particular drugs have changed protein clumping

  • Many diseases also involve the accumulation of abnormal proteins

    • If cells made fewer such proteins, the disease would slow down

  • A new class of drugs involves removing the RNAs that code for these proteins

Cell and Gene Therapy

  • Neuronal stem cells- unspecialized cells that give rise to cells with specific functions

  • Neuronal stem cells can continuously produce all 3 cell types present in the brain:

    • Neurons

    • Astrocytes- glial cells that protect and nourish neurons

    • Oligodendrocytes- glial cells that surround axons and make the myelin sheath

  • Viruses may be able to carry therapeutic genes into the brain to correct central nervous system diseases
