→ Errors and biases in people’s information processing characterised by faulty thinking
~Hostile Attribution Bias~
→ The tendency to judge ambiguous situations or the actions of others as aggressive and threatening when they are not - this in turn leads to a disproportionate, violent response
Schoenberg & Justye (2014):
Presented 55 violent offenders with images of emotionally ambiguous facial expressions
When compared with a control group, they were deemed to be significantly more likely to perceive the images as angry and hostile
Dodge & Frame (1982)
→ A type of deception that involves downplaying the significance of an event or emotion
→ It is a common strategy when dealing with guilt
→ Is elsewhere referred to as the application of a ‘euphemistic label’ (e.g. burglars may describe themselves as just doing the job)
→ Studies suggest that sexual offences are particularly prone to minimalisation
Barbaree (1991):
Pollack & Hashmall (1991)