Blockchain Technology,+1*415*|| 649* || 8165 another new hash is generated! Due to which the setting of all after blocks is changed and it is easy to know where the setting has been changed! So no one can tamper with the data on this blockchain! Now if you understand that you have to make some changes in the block chain,+1*415*|| 649* || 8165 then you have to show the proof of work, that is, for whatever changes you are going to make, all the computers (Nodes) connected to the blockchain have to make this change. The information has to be sent and only if the majority of the computers approve, then you can change it+1*415*|| 649* || 8165
Where can blockchain technology be used in the future?
In preventing corruption+1*415*|| 649* || 8165
Yes, corruption can be prevented by using blockchain+1*415*|| 649* || 8165 technology because whatever database is stored in the blockchain is copied on every nodes so if anyone wants to change the data then everyone else will know about it!
In maintaining government records
The use of blockchain +1*415*|| 649* || 8165 technology in government offices can prove to be very secure.