Abraham Study Guide for Test 10/15/24


  • Abram/Abraham=is the common Hebrew (Sarai’s husband, father of Isaac and Ishmael)

  • Sarai/Sarah (Abraham’s wife, mother of Ishmael, unable to give birth for years)

  • Lot (Abraham gave him land, but it turned wicked, so God gave angels to warn them and tell them to flee and not look back, his daughters made him drunk and had children with him)

  • Melchizedek (King of Salem and high priest, blesses Abraham and Abraham gives him 1/10 of his treasures, seen as a Jesus figure)

  • Hagar (Abraham’s second wife, mother of Ishmael, conflict with Sarah, encountered God and told her to go back since Ishmael would be the father of a great nation, later Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away and God protected them

  • Ishmael (Abraham’s first son, God promised he would survive and become the father of a great nation)

  • Isaac (Rebekah’s husband, Father of Jacob and Esau)

  • Angel of the LORD (a pre-incarnate form of Jesus; old Abraham to NOT sacrifice Isaac


  • Ur (Abraham’s hometown)

  • Harran (Where Abraham settled and received God’s call to go to Canaan)

  • Canaan (The promise land God promised Abraham, symbolizes God’s covenant and the future of Israel)

  • Egypt

  • Sodom and Gomorrah (God destroyed these cities because they were so corrupt; Lot lived in Soddom with his wife and daughters)

  • Moriah


  • Covenant (promise between mankind and God)

  • Circumcision (Procedure where foreskin is removed from yeah)

  • Matching - People places

  • Multiple Choice - People Places

  • Short Answer - one word definitions

  • Long Answer - the concepts


God's promise to Abraham.

1. Father of a great nation

2. His name will be great

3. People will be blessed through him

4. Promised land

5. Many descendants

  • Abraham endangers his wife - Abraham lied saying that Sarah was his sister so he wouldn’t get killed by the Egyptians, but God sends plagues to reveal the truth and they go back

  • Abraham rescues Lot - Lot and his city get captured, Abraham learns about this and rescues him, then Abraham is blessed by Melchizedek

  • Angels rescue Lot - Lot’s city became wicked, God sent angels to leave but the people wanted to commit sin with them

  • How did Abraham’s servant find a wife for Isaac? - He went out and would ask a girl for water and if she gave water for him and offered water for his donkey, she would be Isaac’s wife

  • Why did Abram and Lot separate? - They both had a lot of land and servants, which led to conflict, they wanted to maintain peace, so Abraham allowed Lot to choose where he wanted to go.

  • Abraham has a child through Hagar - Abraham had a child with Hagar, Sarah mistreated Hagar, Hagar leaves but is told by an angel to return, Ishmael became a great nation,

  • God makes his covenant with Abraham - God reassures His promise with Abraham, Abraham brought certain animals and cut them in half as God instructed, and then a flaming torch passed between the animals symbolizing God’s presences

  • Abraham offers his son Isaac - When Abraham finally got a son, God tested him by asking him to sacrifice his son, so Abraham did as God told him, but before he could sacrifice, an Angel of God stopped him and it was testing Abraham’s trust and faith in God.

  • Isaac marries Rebekah - Abraham found a wife for Isaac, Rebekah, and they made two sons, Jacob and Esau.


What does Abraham and Sarah’s sin show about God’s grace and character?

1. Abraham and Sarah waited for a son but started doubting God but God gave thema son, it showed that God keeps His promises

2. Abraham didn’t trust God’s plan so he bore a child with Hagar, but God forgavethem and even ensured the safety of Hagar and Ishmael

3. Abraham lied to the Egyptians about Sarah being his sister so he wouldn’t bekilled, but God intervened to protect those in His covenant

Explain how Isaac was a type of Christ.

1. Both born through impossible conditions (old age/virgin)

2. They both were sacrificial offerings

3. God made covenants through them

Why did God destroy Sodom? What was their sin? (hint Ezekiel 16: 49-50 passage)

  • Because it had turned wicked and corrupt, they were violent and incredibly, immorally sexual and refused to repent

Explain how Lot’s decisions caused him and his family to become corrupt?

1. He chose a sinful environment which led to exposure and influence to sin

2. Lot offered his daughters to the crowd to protect the angels

3. When Lot was told to leave the city, he was hesitant

How is Abraham the “Father of our faith?” How are we in a similar position as Abraham concerning God’s promises?

Because Abraham trusted in God, even when it was difficult, sometimes we are called to trust in God’s promises even if they may not be fulfilled immediately

What does the Bible say about wealth? How is Abraham a good example for us when it comes to wealth? How is his nephew Lot a bad example?

Wealth can be a good thing, but can bring greed and worship, Abraham used wealth to help others, Lot chased wealth and comfort in Sodom, which led to sin.

Even though Abraham was chosen by God he was not perfect. Give examples of his flaws.

1. Abraham never fully had faith in God (He doubted God when he didn’t get a son)

2. He lied about Sarah being his sister

3. He thought he could rush God’s plans by having a child with Hagar
