According to a critical approach to popular culture, the ascennnddance of certain kind of pop culture can be explained by the enormous economic and cultural power of the mass media industry
May emphasize the darker aspects of popular culture…
Ownership of media among few multinational corporations
Manufacturing of desire and resultant consumerism
Perpetuation of sterotypes within the media
Karl Marx
A society's culture and its symbolic imagery reflects its economic and social structure and reproduce it over time
Cultural norms serve to benefit its ruling classes and perpetuate their power
The ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force
Antonio Gramsci
Recognized the ideological power of culture as an effective means of social control
Cultural Hegemony is a form od dominance through the dissemination of mass mesdia which controls its audience by engineering popular consensus throught the power of persuasion
Adorno and Horkheimer
The media industry relies on advertising, popular music, and the glabor of cinema to invent new disres for consumer goods
The ever-increasing hegemonic and economic power of the culture industries, the global proliferation of their market-tested products, and what the “lowering of cultureal standards" has caused many scholars throughout the twentieth century and presently to utilize a critical approach to popular culture
This approach may also be utilized to examine other social issues in popular culture, such as production and utilization of unsafe and unfair over-seas manufacturing, the lack of diversity in Hollywood, and the control of media by a handful of companies
The media and culture industry
Grazian goes into detail discussing the multi-media conglomerate giants that control popular culture, including Sony, Time Warner, and Disney
A few key points…
Control of the media and its content by very few companies
Purchasing power of these conglomerates
Wealth concentration that results from this purchasing power