Production , productivity and efficiency


production takes place when resources such as raw materials or components are changed into products , in other words , production is the process of turning land , labour and capital into saleable good. There are different types of production processes such as :

  • job production

  • batch production

  • flow production

  • mass production

  • cell production

Job production : this is the production of one item at a time. this can be used when orders for products are small such as ‘one-offs’. it is organised in a way that one job is completed at a time. typically, its used for small scale operations.

The advantages of job production :

- quality is usually high because workers are skilled , as they focus on one task at a time allowing them to become more skillful ( ask sir abt this later )

- workers are well motivated because work is varied

- products can be custom made , so it becomes possible to cater to more unique needs

- production is easy to organise as each job is distinct and completed individually , allowing for straightforward planning

The disadvantages of job production :

- high labour costs due to skilled workers

- production time may be slow as one item is completed at a time , or because each item needs to meet specific customer needs

- a range of specialist tools may be needed ; increases cost

- overall expensive method

Batch production : the production of goods in batches. Each batch passes through one stage of production before moving onto the next stage. This is used for where the demand of the product is more regular. One operation is carried out on all products in a batch then the batch moves to the next operation. to some extent , there is standardisation but goods in different batches may be different.

The advantages of batch production :

- workers become more specialised in one process which allows them to become more skilled in that particular aspect

- unit costs fall as output is higher , still higher costs than flow production but less than job production

- production is flexible since different orders can be met , what is being produced can easily be changed

- more use of machinery is made

- creates some variety in workers jobs

- allows for more variety of products that would otherwise be identical

The disadvantages of batch production :

- the machineries used may be more complex

- careful planning and co-ordination is needed

- machines have to be reset between production batches which means there is a delay in production and output is lost.

- if batches are small , costs will still be high

- warehouse will be needed for the inventories of raw material and finished goods ; costly

Flow production : The production of very large quantities of identical goods using a continuously moving process. production is organised so the different operations can be carried out one after another in a continuous sequence. It is also sometimes called mass production

The advantages of flow production :

- very low unit costs due to economies of scale ; this can be passed onto customers in the form of lower prices , encouraging sales

- output can be produced very quickly , so its efficient and time saving

- possible flexibility with improved technology

- automated production lines can operate 24 hours a day.

- there is no need to move goods from one part of the factory to

another as with batch production, so time is saved.

The disadvantages of flow production :

- products may be too standardised

- huge set up costs before production can begin

- can become boring for workers due to repetition so low motivation

- If one machine breaks down the whole production line will have to be halted

Cell production : the splitting of flow production into self-contained groups that are responsible for whole work units.
