Unicellular organisms divide in order to reproduce.
Cell division produces a continuous supply of replacement cells in multicellular organisms.
A fertilized egg, or zygote, divides by mitosis.
The fetus grows and develops into a mature adult consisting of countless cells.
Each mature individual produces sex cells by another form of division called meiosis
Meiosis occurs only during reproduction
Sex cells produced by meiosis contain half the DNA as body cells.
As fertilization, the zygote inherits DNA from both gametes
Mitotic cell divisions allow an organism to grow and develop, repair tissues, and regenerate lost body parts.
Some organisms reproduce asexually by mitosis
Many rounds of rapid mitosis convert one cell into trillions
Apoptosis, or cell death, is a process that can carve out distinctive structures during development
For each of the daughter cells from this division to have identical DNA, the cell must first replicate its genome, all of the cell’s genetic material.
This overview shows that DNA unwinds, each strand binds to complementary nucleotides.
After replication, each DNA molecule has one parental strand and one daughter strand
Enzymes called helicases unwind the DNA.
Single - strand binding proteins hold the strands apart.
DNA polymerase is the enzyme that makes new DNA strands, starting at the RNA primers
The RNA primers provide 3 - prime ends, where DNA polymerase adds the nucleotides
On one strand, DNA polymerase follows helicase as it unzips the DNA. This is the leading strand.
On the other strand, DNA polymerase adds nucleotides in the opposite direction from helicase movement. This is the lagging strand.
DNA replication begins simultaneously at multiple spots along the chromosomes. These spots are called origin of replication.
In prokaryotes, reproduction occurs by binary fission an asexual process that replicates DNA and distributes it to two daughter cells
Prokaryotes have a single circular chromosome
As the cell prepares to divide, DNA is replicated and attached to the inside of the cell membrane.
The cell membrane extends and grows between the two DNA molecules, partitioning them off
The cell divides in half, forming two daughter cells, each identical to the original
Eukaryotic cells do not divide by binary fission. Instead, they divide by mitosis, which is similar but more complex
Naked DNA wraps histone proteins, forming bead like structures called nucleosomes
Nucleosomes cluster together into chromatin. Scaffold proteins within chromatin keep it tightly packed.
After DNA is replicated, discrete chromosomes form.
The highly folded chromosomes take up less space and are easier to move than unwound chromatin
Many different events occur in one round of cell division
During interphase, the cell replicates its DNA and carries out many functions unrelated to cell division
In G1 phase, the cell grow and functions normally. Protein synthesis occurs
During G0 phase, the cell continues to function, but it does replicate its DNA or divide. Most of your cells are currently in G0
In S phase, the cell replicates its entire genome - every chromosome. Now it is committed to divide
During G2 phase, the cell produce proteins that are necessary for mitosis.
Cells leaving G2 phase enter mitosis the division of the nucleus, which is following by cytokinesis the division of the cell itself.
Mitosis is divided into five phases, summarized here
In animal cells, the cleavage furrow first appears in telophase as an indentation of the cell membrane.
It deepens as a ring of proteins beneath the cell membrane contracts.
Compared to regular body cells, cancer cells have distinct features:
They lose specialization
They are “immortal” in that they can continue to divide endlessly
They can regenerate the end of their chromosomes. which are celled telomeres
A series of chemical checkpoints regulate the cell cycle
Checkpoints ensure that
all the DNA has replicated
DNA is not damaged
Chromosomes line up and separate properly
But what if the body loses control of division?
Cells continue to divide when they do not need to, and override the checkpoints.
Cancerous cells divide out control and form a mass called a tumor
Tumors are either benign (contained) or malignant (spreadable)
Mutations alter the function of key cell - cycle control genes.
Cancer may arise from overactive proto - oncogenes /un or from underactive tumor suppressor genes
Gene mutations such as BRCA1 are inherited, making them more common in particular ethnic groups.
BRCA1 increases the risk of breast cancer
Inherited mutation and factors in the environment that damage DNA can increase cancer risk
Surgery may remove rumors, but cells with DNA mutations may already be spreading through the body.
Drugs (chemotherapy) and radiation can selectively kill cancer calls, which are physiologically different from normal cells.
Immunotherapy and gene therapy are the newest approaches that promise to be the most selective.
Apoptosis is a set of coordinated events that dismantle a cell from the inside out.
A receptor on the cell membrane receives a signal to die
Executioner proteins and enzymes begin to break down the components of the cell
Eliminates excess cells, carving out structures and weeds out aging or defective cells.