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Macbeth: Theme Ambition

“ I have liv’d long enough”

After the death of king Duncan, Macbeth cannot cope with what he has done.

“ It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness”

Lady Macbeth believes he deserves ,more than what he has but is too nice for his own good. “ Art not without ambition, but without” LM thinks that Macbeth has no ambition.

Macbeth: Theme Ambition

“ I have liv’d long enough”

After the death of king Duncan, Macbeth cannot cope with what he has done.

“ It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness”

Lady Macbeth believes he deserves ,more than what he has but is too nice for his own good. “ Art not without ambition, but without” LM thinks that Macbeth has no ambition.