Cult - a religious organization that tends to worship its leader and remain outside the cultural traditions of society
Social - living together in organized communities
Social Class - groups of people who are ranked according to certain economic, social, or cultural characteristics
Subjectively Interpret - explain meaning based on personal experience or views
Informant - a confidential source of information
Stereotypes - perceptions based on preconceived standardized ideas
Socialization - the process by which people learn the accepted ways of behaving in a particular society
Agent of Socialization - the types of social contacts or influences people experience
Values - principles or standards considered worthwhile or desirable
Internalize - incorporate into one's own set of values, attitudes, and beliefs
Psychoanalysis - a process by which patients discuss their background, feelings, and experiences with a trained psychologist
Defense Mechanism - unconscious mental processes used to protect the ego against anxiety, shame, or other unacceptable feelings or thoughts
Needs - physiological or psychological requirements for one’s well-being; conditions for being motivated to act
Hierarchy - a ranking of people, items, or ideas in order of dominance of priority
Syndrome - a group of symptoms that consistently occur together
Adrenaline - a hormone affecting circulation; muscular action, causing excitement; stimulation
Bipolar - demonstrating two extreme and apposite forms of behaviour
Repressed - excluded from the conscious mind
Apathetic - having or showing no interest or emotion
Delusions - false beliefs, often of one’s importance or of being persecuted
Withdraw - the process of discontinuing an addictive substance, often accomplished by uncomfortable, painful, and sometimes life-threatening physical and physiological reactions
Paranoia - a mental illness characterized by unwarranted feelings of persecution and jealousy
Behavior Therapy - the treatment of inappropriate or distressing behaviour patterns through the use of basic learning principles