● Impulse
● Force
● Collision
● Elastic Collision
● Inelastic Collision
● Explosion
● Conservation
What is momentum?
● What kinds of objects have momentum?
● How can you change momentum? (two answers)
o Which one are you more likely able to change?
● What are the units of momentum?
● What is impulse?
● What is the difference between “impulse” and “change in momentum?”
● What are units of impulse?
● How can you maximize the impulse/change in momentum? (two answers)
● When an object comes to rest, the impulse is the same no matter how that object comes to rest...
o What is the relationship between impulse and time of impact?
o What is the relationship between impulse and force of impact?
o So how can you control the force of impact?
● Why are large, fast objects harder to stop than small, slow objects?
● What does it mean to say that momentum is conserved in a system?
● Compared with falling on a stone floor, a coffee mug may not break when it falls on a carpeted
floor because...
● When two pool balls in an isolated system collide, the overall momentum of the system...
● Name three real world things that are used to protect us by reducing momentum over a long
period of time. (Increased time means decreased force)
● Why does a softball/tennis/volleyball/golf/etc. player follow through with their swing when they
hit the ball?
● Why do airplanes need such a long landing strip/runway?
● On April 15, 1912, the luxury cruise liner Titanic sank after running into an iceberg. Explain why it
would have been useless if the captain had seen the iceberg from a kilometer away and had turned
the ship’s engines off in an effort to avoid a collision.