Course Code: ECA002
Topic: Collusion
Presented by: Luke Garrod
Explore the concept of collusion in oligopolistic markets.
Understand differences between competitive outcomes and monopoly outcomes.
Monopoly results in worse outcomes than competitive models.
Competition generally reduces prices.
Analyze how firms may behave like monopolists in collusive scenarios.
Investigate the theory of repeated games to determine conditions for collusive behavior.
The Prisoner's Dilemma and Oligopoly
Conditions Necessary for Oligopolists to Collude
Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
Reading Material:
Core: Lipsey & Chrystal, Ch. 8
Extra: Perloff, Ch. 13.2 and 14.2
Game Theory and Collusion:
Simplifying competition game model.
Scenario: Two criminals (A & B) & police interrogation.
Confess (C) or Stay Silent (S).
Payoff Outcomes:
(C, C): Both confess → 5 years each.
(C, S): A confesses → A goes free, B gets 10 years.
(S, C): A silent → A gets 10 years, B goes free.
(S, S): Both silent → 1 year each.
Game Equilibrium:
Dominant strategy → (C, C) is Nash equilibrium.
Each player prefers to defect (confess) rather than cooperate, despite better outcomes when both cooperate.
Payoff Matrix:
Silent, Silent: -1, -1
Silent, Confess: 0, -10
Confess, Silent: -10, 0
Confess, Confess: -5, -5
Cournot and Bertrand Models
Cournot: Short-term incentives to deviate illustrated.
Firm A's output RA
and Firm B's output RB
Bertrand: Competing duopolies behaving like a Prisoner’s Dilemma.
Condition (1): Firms must interact repeatedly.
Incentives for deviation countered by credible long-term punishments (price wars).
Condition (2): Firms must be aware of each other's strategies to punish deviations.
Forming cartels can help monitor adherence to agreements.
Game Dynamics:
Repeated game setup leads to potential for collusion.
Strategies Outcomes:
Cooperation yields greater long-term payoffs vs. short-term gains from defection.
Strategy Definition:
Firms cooperate until one deviates, then revert to Nash equilibrium behavior indefinitely.
Assessing if this strategy is a Nash equilibrium.
Calculating the immediate benefit from deviation.
Cooperate: 150
Deviate: 200
Short-term Benefit = 200 - 150 = 50.
Importance of present value in economic decisions.
Implications of interest rates on future payouts.
Deriving equivalences in terms of investment over time for two periods.
Expected payoffs in future periods discounted to present value.
Formula for expected present discounted value of continuous payoffs.
Evaluating long-term effects of deviation on conflicts in collusion scenarios.
Payoff differences for ongoing cooperative actions vs. defecting actions.
Nash Equilibrium Conditions:
Short-term benefits vs. long-term penalties,
Equilibrium exists if short-term benefits are outweighed by long-term consequences.
Is (cooperate, cooperate) a Nash equilibrium?
Use backward induction to explore Nash equilibrium in subgames.
Results suggest inevitable deviation in final periods.
Market Dynamics:
Price makers react strategically within oligopolistic structures.
Limited number of sellers with high barriers to entry can lead to monopolistic behavior.
State conditions for oligopoly collusion.
Represent oligopolies using Prisoner’s Dilemma.
Derive the critical discount factor for infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma.
Describe finitely repeated dilemma equilibria.
Mathematical proof showcasing convergence for future payout values.
Game Verification:
Confirm characteristics of one-shot and repeated games.
Compute short-term benefits and long-term punishments in scenarios.