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Seeds - Structure and Germination

What is a Seed?

  • Before  we talk about the germination  of  seeds it will  be appropriate to refresh  your knowledge of what three terms FRUIT, SEED, and GRAIN actually are:

    • Fruit is the enlarged ripened version of the ovarian wall forming the cell wall enclosing the seed.

      • The fruit protects the seed and helps in dispersal.

    • The seed is the ripened ovule.

      • It contains an embryo that develops into a new plant. The seed coat protects the embryo from mechanical damage.

    • Grain as found in maize, wheat, etc, is actually the fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused together to form a protective layer.

More About Seed:

  • It is a mature ovule after fertilization.

    • It contains a tiny living plant the embryo (developed from the fused sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus).

      • The embryo remains in an inactive(dormant) state until exposed to favorable conditions when it germinates.

        • The seed also contains food material for the nourishment of the embryo during germination.

        • The embryo can withstand unfavorable conditions of temperature, drought, etc. (Some seeds are known to remain dormant even up to 100 years or more).

Types of Seeds:

  • Broadly the seeds are of two kinds i.e. monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous.

    • Monocotyledonous seeds contain one cotyledon (seed leaf)

      • Example: maize, grasses.

    • Dicotyledonous seeds contain two cotyledons.

      • Examples: peas, gram, and beans.

  • Seeds vary in size.

    • Some are so small that they are barely visible to the naked eye.

      • Examples: poppy seeds, and orchid seeds.

    • Some are quite large as in watermelon and pumpkin or even in mango (the stone).

    • The largest seeds are those of coconut and double coconut.

    • The size, shape, and structure of seeds of different plants vary considerably but the basic structure of most seeds is the same

  • On the basis of endosperm, seeds are classified as:

    • Albuminous (endospermic) cotyledons are thin and membranous and endosperm persists.

      • Examples: Dicot albuminous seeds: poppy, custard apple. Monocot albuminous seeds: cereals, millets, palm.

    • Exalbuminous (non-endospermic) - In such seeds, the cotyledon stores food and becomes thick and fleshy.

      • Examples: Dicot exalbuminous seeds - Gram, pea, mango, mustard, and Monocot exalbuminous seeds - Vallisneria, orchids, amorphophallus.

The Bean Seed:

  • There are a number of different kinds of beans such as broad bean, lima bean, french bean, etc., but the general structure of their seeds is the same.

    • Most are kidney-shaped with a convex and a concave side.

  • The seed coat consists of the testa the outermost hard brownish covering.

    • It protects the delicate inner parts of the seed from injury and from the attack of bacteria, fungi, and insects tegmen is a thin inner layer lying next to the testa, and this also is protective.

  • Hilum is a distinct whitish oval sear on the concave side of the seed.

    • It represents the spot where the ovule (now the seed) was attached to the ovary wall through the placenta.

  • A tiny pore micropyle is situated close to the hilum.

    • It marks the opening through which the pollen tube entered the ovule.

    • Micropyle serves two functions:

      • When soaked in water the seeds absorb water mainly through this micropyle and make it available to the embryo for germination.

      • It provides for the diffusion of respiratory gases for the growing embryo.

  • Below the seed coat are two thick cotyledons which contain food for the embryo and protect it.

    • On carefully separating the two cotyledons the tiny embryo can easily be seen attached to one of the cotyledons.

      • The embryo consists of two parts-the radicle which later forms the root and the plumule which later forms the shoot.

  • The plumule consists of a short stem with a pair of tiny leaves and a growing point between them.

The Maize Grain:

  • The maize grain is actually a one-seeded fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused together to form a protective layer.

    • Therefore, we call such fruit grain.

    • On one side of the grain occurs a small light-colored oval area which marks the location of the embryo inside.

      • The remaining major part of the grain contains a large endosperm which is rich in starch.

        • The endosperm and the embryonic part are separated from each other by a thin epithelial layer.

        • The outermost layer of the endosperm is rich in protein and is called the aleurone layer.

        • The embryo consists of a single cotyledon here called scutellum, a radicle, and a plumule.

          • The radicle is towards the pointed end and it is enclosed in a protective sheath, the coleorhiza.

        • The plumule is towards the upper broader side of the embryonic region and is enclosed in a protective sheath, the coleoptile.


  • The seed contains a dormant embryo. In a dry seed, the embryo is inactive. It is said to be in a state of dormancy (a period of rest).

    • Outwardly, it appears to be without life, but in fact, all the chemical activities of life are going on in it although they are very slow, and little food is utilized.

    • The dry seeds consume oxygen and give out carbon dioxide, both in extremely minute quantities, and they release some heat as well.

    • When placed under proper conditions the dormant embryo awakens, i.e. it becomes active and starts growing into a seedling.

  • All the changes leading to the formation of a seedling are collectively called germination.

  • Germination is the process of formation of seedlings developed from the embryo.

    • A fresh seed from a plant normally does not germinate even if the conditions for germination are favorable.

      • It must pass through a period of dormancy during which it undergoes physiological maturation.

Conditions Necessary for Germination:

  • Water, suitable temperature, and air (oxygen) are necessary for germination.

    • Water: The seed obtains water from its environment, i.e. from the soil, in natural conditions.

      • The water is absorbed all over the surface but mainly through the micropyle.

      • Two main uses of water are:

        • The seed swells and consequently the seed- coat ruptures allowing the elongating radicle to come out and form the root system.

        • Water is necessary for chemical reactions and for the enzymes to act upon the food stored in the cotyledons or endosperm so that it may convert into a diffusable form dissolved and utilized by the growing embryo.

    • Suitable Temperatures: Both very low and very high temperatures are unsuitable for germination.

      • A very low temperature inhibits the growth of the embryo and a very high temperature destroys its delicate tissues.

        • A moderately warm temperature (25°C to 35OC) is usually favorable for germination and it is also called the optimum temperature.

        • Seeds of tropical plants often need a higher temperature for germination than those of temperate regions.

    • Oxygen: During germination, there is rapid cell division and cell growth for which energy is required.

      • This energy is available only by respiration (oxidation of food) and hence the need for oxygen (or air).

Some Experiments on Germination:

  • Experiment to prove that water is necessary for germination.

    • Take two beakers and mark them A and B. In beaker A place some seeds of green gram (or pea, etc.) on wet cotton wool.

    • In beaker B place some similar seeds on dry cotton wool.

    • Keep both beakers in an ordinary room.

    • In a day or two, the seeds in beaker A will germinate but not in beaker B, showing that water is necessary for germination.

  • Experiment to prove that a suitable temperature is necessary for germination.

    • Take two beakers and name them A and B.

    • Place some green gram seeds on wet cotton wool in each of the two beakers.

    • Keep beaker A in an ordinary room and beaker B in a refrigerator.

    • In a day or two, the seeds in beaker A will germinate, showing the importance of a suitable temperature for germination.

    • The seeds in beaker B may not show signs of germination or may germinate after several days though not to the extent the seeds in beaker A germinate.

  • Experiment to prove that air (oxygen} is necessary for germination.

    • Take two conical flasks.

    • Name them A and B.

    • Spread wet cotton wool in each flask and place on it some soaked gram seeds.

    • Lower a small test tube containing alkaline pyrogallic acid, which absorbs oxygen, in flask B by means of a thread, taking care that not a single drop of the chemical falls on the seeds. or cotton wool.

    • Keep the tube hanging by fixing a cork on the mouth of the flask.

    • Arrange flask A in the same way, except that the test tube in this flask contains plain water.

    • Place the two flasks in an ordinary room.

    • The seeds in flask A will germinate showing the importance of oxygen for germination.

    • The seeds in flask B do not germinate because there is no oxygen (there may at the most be very slight germination due to anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen).

  • The three-bean seeds experiment.

    • In this experiment, three mature air-dried bean seeds are taken and tied to a glass slide at three positions as shown in the figure.

    • This slide is kept in a beaker containing water in a manner that the top seed is well above water, the middle one is just at the water level and the bottom one is deep in water.

    • The experiment set-up is left in a warm place for a few days result is as follows:-

      • The middle seed germinates. lt gets oxygen and water.

      • The top seed does not germinate at all. It gets oxygen but no water.

      • The bottom seed does not germinate or swim germinating after the emergence.

Types of Germination:

  • The region of the axis between the point of attachment of cotyledons and the plumule is called epicotyl.

    • The region of the axis below the cotyledons is called the hypocotyl.

      • Both the epicotyl and hypocotyl of the seed never elongate together during germination.

    • It is either the epicotyl or the hypocotyl that elongates.

      • If the epicotyl elongates, the cotyledons remain underground (or on the ground if the seed is just on the ground) and the germination is then called hypogeal.

        • Examples: peas and gram.

      • If the hypocotyl elongates, the cotyledons are pushed above the ground and this type of germination is called epigeal.

        • Examples: castor, bean, etc.

Germination in some Common Seeds:

Pea Seed:

  • The seed absorbs water and swells considerably.

  • The testa softens and bursts.

    • The radicle emerges, grows downwards, and forms the root system.

    • The plumule grows upwards and forms the shoot of the seedling.

  • In the earlier stages of development, the plumule is arched and thus protects the young shoot from injury during its emergence from the soil.

    • The cotyledons supply food till the seedling is able to exist independently.

      • Later they wither and shrivel up.

        • The cotyledons remain underground and germination is hypogeal

Bean Seed:

  • The seed absorbs water and swells.

    • The radicle grows downwards to form the root system.

    • The arched hypocotyl grows to form an arc above the soil, it then straightens bringing the cotyledons above the soil.

  • Germination is, therefore, epigeal.

  • The cotyledons become the first green leaves and soon fall off after the foliage leaves grow.

Maize Grain:

  • The grain imbibes water and swells considerably.

    • The radicle pierces through the protective root sheath (coleorhiza) and the fruit wall and grows downwards to form the root system, but it dies off soon.

    • The plumule pierces through its protective sheath, coleoptile, and grows straight upwards.

      • The two protective sheaths, coleorhiza, and coleoptile may be seen as a membranous covering on the axis of the seedling.

        • The cotyledon (scutellum) absorbs food from the endosperm till it is exhausted.

      • The hypocotyl does not elongate.

  • Germination is hypogeal.

Seeds - Structure and Germination

What is a Seed?

  • Before  we talk about the germination  of  seeds it will  be appropriate to refresh  your knowledge of what three terms FRUIT, SEED, and GRAIN actually are:

    • Fruit is the enlarged ripened version of the ovarian wall forming the cell wall enclosing the seed.

      • The fruit protects the seed and helps in dispersal.

    • The seed is the ripened ovule.

      • It contains an embryo that develops into a new plant. The seed coat protects the embryo from mechanical damage.

    • Grain as found in maize, wheat, etc, is actually the fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused together to form a protective layer.

More About Seed:

  • It is a mature ovule after fertilization.

    • It contains a tiny living plant the embryo (developed from the fused sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus).

      • The embryo remains in an inactive(dormant) state until exposed to favorable conditions when it germinates.

        • The seed also contains food material for the nourishment of the embryo during germination.

        • The embryo can withstand unfavorable conditions of temperature, drought, etc. (Some seeds are known to remain dormant even up to 100 years or more).

Types of Seeds:

  • Broadly the seeds are of two kinds i.e. monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous.

    • Monocotyledonous seeds contain one cotyledon (seed leaf)

      • Example: maize, grasses.

    • Dicotyledonous seeds contain two cotyledons.

      • Examples: peas, gram, and beans.

  • Seeds vary in size.

    • Some are so small that they are barely visible to the naked eye.

      • Examples: poppy seeds, and orchid seeds.

    • Some are quite large as in watermelon and pumpkin or even in mango (the stone).

    • The largest seeds are those of coconut and double coconut.

    • The size, shape, and structure of seeds of different plants vary considerably but the basic structure of most seeds is the same

  • On the basis of endosperm, seeds are classified as:

    • Albuminous (endospermic) cotyledons are thin and membranous and endosperm persists.

      • Examples: Dicot albuminous seeds: poppy, custard apple. Monocot albuminous seeds: cereals, millets, palm.

    • Exalbuminous (non-endospermic) - In such seeds, the cotyledon stores food and becomes thick and fleshy.

      • Examples: Dicot exalbuminous seeds - Gram, pea, mango, mustard, and Monocot exalbuminous seeds - Vallisneria, orchids, amorphophallus.

The Bean Seed:

  • There are a number of different kinds of beans such as broad bean, lima bean, french bean, etc., but the general structure of their seeds is the same.

    • Most are kidney-shaped with a convex and a concave side.

  • The seed coat consists of the testa the outermost hard brownish covering.

    • It protects the delicate inner parts of the seed from injury and from the attack of bacteria, fungi, and insects tegmen is a thin inner layer lying next to the testa, and this also is protective.

  • Hilum is a distinct whitish oval sear on the concave side of the seed.

    • It represents the spot where the ovule (now the seed) was attached to the ovary wall through the placenta.

  • A tiny pore micropyle is situated close to the hilum.

    • It marks the opening through which the pollen tube entered the ovule.

    • Micropyle serves two functions:

      • When soaked in water the seeds absorb water mainly through this micropyle and make it available to the embryo for germination.

      • It provides for the diffusion of respiratory gases for the growing embryo.

  • Below the seed coat are two thick cotyledons which contain food for the embryo and protect it.

    • On carefully separating the two cotyledons the tiny embryo can easily be seen attached to one of the cotyledons.

      • The embryo consists of two parts-the radicle which later forms the root and the plumule which later forms the shoot.

  • The plumule consists of a short stem with a pair of tiny leaves and a growing point between them.

The Maize Grain:

  • The maize grain is actually a one-seeded fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused together to form a protective layer.

    • Therefore, we call such fruit grain.

    • On one side of the grain occurs a small light-colored oval area which marks the location of the embryo inside.

      • The remaining major part of the grain contains a large endosperm which is rich in starch.

        • The endosperm and the embryonic part are separated from each other by a thin epithelial layer.

        • The outermost layer of the endosperm is rich in protein and is called the aleurone layer.

        • The embryo consists of a single cotyledon here called scutellum, a radicle, and a plumule.

          • The radicle is towards the pointed end and it is enclosed in a protective sheath, the coleorhiza.

        • The plumule is towards the upper broader side of the embryonic region and is enclosed in a protective sheath, the coleoptile.


  • The seed contains a dormant embryo. In a dry seed, the embryo is inactive. It is said to be in a state of dormancy (a period of rest).

    • Outwardly, it appears to be without life, but in fact, all the chemical activities of life are going on in it although they are very slow, and little food is utilized.

    • The dry seeds consume oxygen and give out carbon dioxide, both in extremely minute quantities, and they release some heat as well.

    • When placed under proper conditions the dormant embryo awakens, i.e. it becomes active and starts growing into a seedling.

  • All the changes leading to the formation of a seedling are collectively called germination.

  • Germination is the process of formation of seedlings developed from the embryo.

    • A fresh seed from a plant normally does not germinate even if the conditions for germination are favorable.

      • It must pass through a period of dormancy during which it undergoes physiological maturation.

Conditions Necessary for Germination:

  • Water, suitable temperature, and air (oxygen) are necessary for germination.

    • Water: The seed obtains water from its environment, i.e. from the soil, in natural conditions.

      • The water is absorbed all over the surface but mainly through the micropyle.

      • Two main uses of water are:

        • The seed swells and consequently the seed- coat ruptures allowing the elongating radicle to come out and form the root system.

        • Water is necessary for chemical reactions and for the enzymes to act upon the food stored in the cotyledons or endosperm so that it may convert into a diffusable form dissolved and utilized by the growing embryo.

    • Suitable Temperatures: Both very low and very high temperatures are unsuitable for germination.

      • A very low temperature inhibits the growth of the embryo and a very high temperature destroys its delicate tissues.

        • A moderately warm temperature (25°C to 35OC) is usually favorable for germination and it is also called the optimum temperature.

        • Seeds of tropical plants often need a higher temperature for germination than those of temperate regions.

    • Oxygen: During germination, there is rapid cell division and cell growth for which energy is required.

      • This energy is available only by respiration (oxidation of food) and hence the need for oxygen (or air).

Some Experiments on Germination:

  • Experiment to prove that water is necessary for germination.

    • Take two beakers and mark them A and B. In beaker A place some seeds of green gram (or pea, etc.) on wet cotton wool.

    • In beaker B place some similar seeds on dry cotton wool.

    • Keep both beakers in an ordinary room.

    • In a day or two, the seeds in beaker A will germinate but not in beaker B, showing that water is necessary for germination.

  • Experiment to prove that a suitable temperature is necessary for germination.

    • Take two beakers and name them A and B.

    • Place some green gram seeds on wet cotton wool in each of the two beakers.

    • Keep beaker A in an ordinary room and beaker B in a refrigerator.

    • In a day or two, the seeds in beaker A will germinate, showing the importance of a suitable temperature for germination.

    • The seeds in beaker B may not show signs of germination or may germinate after several days though not to the extent the seeds in beaker A germinate.

  • Experiment to prove that air (oxygen} is necessary for germination.

    • Take two conical flasks.

    • Name them A and B.

    • Spread wet cotton wool in each flask and place on it some soaked gram seeds.

    • Lower a small test tube containing alkaline pyrogallic acid, which absorbs oxygen, in flask B by means of a thread, taking care that not a single drop of the chemical falls on the seeds. or cotton wool.

    • Keep the tube hanging by fixing a cork on the mouth of the flask.

    • Arrange flask A in the same way, except that the test tube in this flask contains plain water.

    • Place the two flasks in an ordinary room.

    • The seeds in flask A will germinate showing the importance of oxygen for germination.

    • The seeds in flask B do not germinate because there is no oxygen (there may at the most be very slight germination due to anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen).

  • The three-bean seeds experiment.

    • In this experiment, three mature air-dried bean seeds are taken and tied to a glass slide at three positions as shown in the figure.

    • This slide is kept in a beaker containing water in a manner that the top seed is well above water, the middle one is just at the water level and the bottom one is deep in water.

    • The experiment set-up is left in a warm place for a few days result is as follows:-

      • The middle seed germinates. lt gets oxygen and water.

      • The top seed does not germinate at all. It gets oxygen but no water.

      • The bottom seed does not germinate or swim germinating after the emergence.

Types of Germination:

  • The region of the axis between the point of attachment of cotyledons and the plumule is called epicotyl.

    • The region of the axis below the cotyledons is called the hypocotyl.

      • Both the epicotyl and hypocotyl of the seed never elongate together during germination.

    • It is either the epicotyl or the hypocotyl that elongates.

      • If the epicotyl elongates, the cotyledons remain underground (or on the ground if the seed is just on the ground) and the germination is then called hypogeal.

        • Examples: peas and gram.

      • If the hypocotyl elongates, the cotyledons are pushed above the ground and this type of germination is called epigeal.

        • Examples: castor, bean, etc.

Germination in some Common Seeds:

Pea Seed:

  • The seed absorbs water and swells considerably.

  • The testa softens and bursts.

    • The radicle emerges, grows downwards, and forms the root system.

    • The plumule grows upwards and forms the shoot of the seedling.

  • In the earlier stages of development, the plumule is arched and thus protects the young shoot from injury during its emergence from the soil.

    • The cotyledons supply food till the seedling is able to exist independently.

      • Later they wither and shrivel up.

        • The cotyledons remain underground and germination is hypogeal

Bean Seed:

  • The seed absorbs water and swells.

    • The radicle grows downwards to form the root system.

    • The arched hypocotyl grows to form an arc above the soil, it then straightens bringing the cotyledons above the soil.

  • Germination is, therefore, epigeal.

  • The cotyledons become the first green leaves and soon fall off after the foliage leaves grow.

Maize Grain:

  • The grain imbibes water and swells considerably.

    • The radicle pierces through the protective root sheath (coleorhiza) and the fruit wall and grows downwards to form the root system, but it dies off soon.

    • The plumule pierces through its protective sheath, coleoptile, and grows straight upwards.

      • The two protective sheaths, coleorhiza, and coleoptile may be seen as a membranous covering on the axis of the seedling.

        • The cotyledon (scutellum) absorbs food from the endosperm till it is exhausted.

      • The hypocotyl does not elongate.

  • Germination is hypogeal.