2025 APUSH2 Review Unit Two: 2:35
I War with Spain 1898
Plight of Cuba/Jose Marti objects to 'Butcher' Weyler
Yellow Press: Pulitzer's World, Hearst's Journal, "Citizen Kane"
DeLome letter, Maine explodes, McKinley asks for war, Teller amendment
TR's rough riders, Commodore Dewey
Treaty of Paris 1899, Platt amendment, TR's corollary, great white fleet, Panama Canal, Hay's Open Door & Boxer rebellion, Aguinaldo's uprising, Dollar Diplomacy, Wilson versus Villa
Debate in 1899: Mahan, Strong, Aguinaldo, Beveridge, TR, Mckinley, Senator Bryan secures ratification, Philippines acquisition
IlI Progressivism
Groups: Washington versus DuBois, muckrakers, Sinclair, 17th, social gospel, Addams, Women's Trade Union League, Kelley, Triangle Shirtwaist fire, WCTU-Willard,
President TR 1901-09: Big Stick and Square Deal,
Northern Securities, Meat inspection, PFDA, Preservationist-Conservationist:
Muir-Pinchot, Departments of Commerce & Labor, Elkins Act, Aldrich-Vreeland
Taft: President 1909-1913: trustbuster of Standard Oil Company& US Steel, Dollar
1912 election: New Freedom, New Nationalism, Taft, Debs
Wilson: background, amendments 16-19, Federal Reserve Act, FTC, Keating Child Labor Act, Underwood Tariff, Adamson Act
IV The Great War 1914-18
Central powers versus Allied Powers,
American involvement: Lusitania 1915, unrestricted sub warfare 1917, Zimmerman note 1917, Russian Revolution 1917, cultural and economic ties, Wilson's War message April
1917, Armistice 11/11/1918
V Postwar settlement: 14 points, Big Four, Treaty of Versailles, League of nations and Article X, Senate Debate: Lodge Reservationists, Wilson Democrats, Irreconcilables
Extra FYI!
Artistic Modernism: Ashcan school of George Bellows and John Sloan, Immigrant influence, Charlie Chaplin, Alfred Stieglitz, Armory Show 1913, Marcel DuChamp's "Nude Descending Staircase," Charles Sheeler, John Marin, Joseph Stella, Georgia O'Keefe, Precisionism