Pars I duo iuvenes - TRANSLATION
Pyramus et Thisbe, iuvenum pulcherrimus alter,
Pyramus and Thisbe, one the most beautiful of young men,
altera, quas Oriens habuit, praelata puellis,
the other, preferred among the girls whom the East held,
contiguas tenuere domos, ubi dicitur altam
they lived in neighboring houses, where it is said that
coctilibus muris cinxisse Semiramis urbem.
Semiramis surrounded the tall city with brick walls.
Pars II primus amor - TRANSLATION
notitiam primosque gradus vicinia fecit,
Their closeness made their first acquaintance and steps of love,
tempore crevit amor; taedae quoque iure coissent,
in time their love grew; they would have joined in marriage by law,
sed vetuere patres; quod non potuere vetare,
but their parents forbade it; what they could not forbid,
ex aequo captis ardebant mentibus ambo.
they both burned equally with captured minds.
conscius omnis abest; nutu signisque loquuntur,
No witness was present; they spoke with nods and gestures,
quoque magis tegitur, tectus magis aestuat ignis.
and the more it was hidden, the more the hidden fire burned.
Pars III - Translation
fissus erat tenui rima, quam duxerat olim,
A thin crack had split, which once had formed,
cum fieret, paries domui communis utrique.
when the wall was built shared by both houses.
id vitium nulli per saecula longa notatum
This flaw, unnoticed for many long centuries,
quid non sentit amor? primi vidistis amantes
what does love not notice? You, lovers, were the first to see it
et vocis fecistis iter, tutaeque per illam
and made a path for your voice, and through that safe crack
murmure blanditiae minimo transire solebant.
sweet nothings used to pass with the smallest whispers.
Pars IV - Translation
saepe, ubi constiterant hinc Thisbe, Pyramus illinc,
Often, when Thisbe stood on this side, Pyramus on that side,
inque vicem fuerat captatus anhelitus oris,
and they had caught each other’s breath in turn,
“invide” dicebant “paries, quid amantibus obstas?”
they would say, “Jealous wall, why do you stand in the way of lovers?”
Pars V - Translation
talia diversa nequiquam sede locuti
Having spoken such words from separate places in vain,
sub noctem dixere “vale” partique dedere
as night approached, they said “farewell” and gave each
oscula quisque sua non pervenientia contra.
their own kisses that did not reach the other side.
postera nocturnos Aurora removerat ignes,
The next dawn removed the night’s fires,
solque pruinosas radiis siccaverat herbas:
and the sun’s rays had dried the dewy grass:
ad solitum coiere locum.
they met again at their usual place.
I’ll split up and translate the rest the same way. One moment.
Pars VI - Translation
tum murmure parvo
Then, with a small whisper,
multa prius questi statuunt, ut nocte silenti
having complained much before, they decided that in the silent night
fallere custodes foribusque excedere temptent.
they would deceive their guards and try to leave their homes.
cumque domo exierint, urbis quoque tecta relinquant,
And when they had left their houses, they would also leave the city’s walls,
neve sit errandum lato spatiantibus arvo,
and so that they would not get lost wandering in the broad field,
conveniant ad busta Nini lateantque sub umbra
they would meet at Ninus’ tomb and hide under the shade
arboris; arbor ibi niveis uberrima pomis,
of a tree; a tree there, abundant with snow-white fruit,
ardua morus, erat, gelido contermina fonti.
a tall mulberry tree, standing next to a cool spring.
pacta placent; et lux, tarde discedere visa,
They agreed on the plan; and the daylight, which seemed slow to leave,
praecipitatur aquis, et aquis nox exit ab isdem.
plunged into the waters, and night rose from the same waters.
Pars VII - Translation
Callida per tenebras versato cardine Thisbe
Clever Thisbe, after turning the door hinge in the darkness,
egreditur fallique suos adopertaque vultum
slips out and deceives her family, with her face covered,
pervenit ad tumulum dictaque sub arbore sedit.
and arrives at the tomb and sits under the appointed tree.
audacem faciebat amor.
Love made her bold.
venit ecce recenti
But look — there came fresh
caede leaena boum spumantis oblita rictus
a lioness, her mouth smeared with the fresh blood of oxen,
depositura sitim vicini fontis in unda.
who came to quench her thirst in the nearby spring.
quam procul ad lunae radios Babylonia Thisbe
Babylonian Thisbe saw her far off in the moon’s light
vidit et obscurum timido pede fugit in antrum,
and fled with trembling feet into a dark cave,
dumque fugit, tergo velamina lapsa reliquit.
and as she fled, she left her fallen veil behind.
ut lea saeva sitim multa compescuit unda,
When the savage lioness quenched her thirst with much water,
dum redit in silvas, inventos forte sine ipsa
as she returned to the forest, by chance she found the veil without Thisbe herself,
ore cruentato tenues laniavit amictus.
and with her bloody mouth, she shredded the delicate veil.
Pars VIII - Translation
serius egressus vestigia vidit in alto
Pyramus, having come out later, saw footprints in the deep sand,
pulvere certa ferae totoque expalluit ore.
surely those of a beast, and his whole face grew pale.
Pyramus; ut vero vestem quoque sanguine tinctam
Pyramus; but when he also saw the veil stained with blood,
reperit, “una duos” inquit “nox perdet amantes,
he said, “One night will destroy two lovers,
e quibus illa fuit longa dignissima vita;
of whom she was most worthy of a long life;
nostra nocens anima est. ego te, miseranda, peremi,
my guilty soul has destroyed you, poor girl,
in loca plena metus qui iussi nocte venires
for I ordered you to come to this fearful place at night,
nec prior huc veni: nostrum divellite corpus.
and I did not come first: tear apart my body.
Pars IX - Translation
velamina Thisbes
He picked up Thisbe’s veil,
tollit et ad pactae secum fert arboris umbram,
and carried it with him to the shade of the agreed-upon tree,
utque dedit notae lacrimas, dedit oscula vestis,
and as he shed tears on it, he kissed the veil,
“accipe nunc” inquit “nostri quoque sanguinis haustus!”
“Receive now,” he said, “a drink of my blood as well!”
quoque erat accinctus, demisit in ilia ferrum,
And he plunged the sword, which was girded at his waist, into his body,
nec moră, ferventi moriens e vulnere traxit.
and without delay, dying, he pulled the sword from the burning wound.
Pars X - Translation
ut iacuit resupinus humo, cruor emicat alte,
As he lay on his back on the ground, blood spurted high,
non aliter quam cum vitato fistula plumbo
not unlike when a pipe with its lead split open,
scinditur et tenui stridente foramine longas
is split and from the thin, hissing hole
eiaculat aquas atque ictibus aera rumpit.
it shoots out water and bursts through the air with force.
arborei fetus adspergine caedis in atram
The fruit of the tree, soaked in the dark spray of blood,
vertuntur et vertuntur in color sanguinis.
turned black, the color of blood.
All done! Let me know if you need anything else.
Sure! I’ll split and translate these the same way you did before. One moment.
Pars XI - Translation
“Ecce metu nondum posito, ne fallat amantem,”
“Behold, with her fear not yet put aside, lest she disappoint her lover,”
illa redit iuvenemque oculis animoque requirit,
she returned and sought the young man with her eyes and her heart,
quantaque vitarit narrare pericula gestit;
and she eagerly wished to tell of the dangers she had avoided;
utque locum et visa cognoscit in arbore formam,
and as she recognized the place and the shape of the tree she had seen,
sic facit incertam pomi color: haeret, an haec sit.
the color of the fruit made her uncertain: she hesitated, wondering if this was the place.
dum dubitat, tremebunda videt pulsare cruentum
While she hesitated, trembling, she saw the quivering body
membra solum, retroque pedem tulit, oraque buxo
on the bloody ground; she stepped back, and her face, pale as boxwood,
pallidiora gerens exhorruit aequoris instar,
turned paler than the surface of the sea,
quod tremit, exigua cum summum stringitur aura.
which trembles when touched by the slightest breeze.
Pars XII - Translation
sed postquam remorata suos cognovit amores,
But after delaying, she recognized her love,
percutit indignos claro plangore lacertos
and struck her unworthy arms with loud wailing,
et laniata comas amplexaque corpus amatum
and having torn her hair, she embraced her lover’s body
vulnera supplevit lacrimis fletumque cruori
and filled his wounds with tears, and mingled her weeping with his blood,
miscuit et gelidis in vultibus oscula figens
and as she pressed kisses upon his cold face,
“Pyrame,” clamavit, “quis te mihi casus ademit?
“Pyramus,” she cried, “what misfortune has taken you from me?
Pyrame, responde! tua te carissima Thisbe
Pyramus, answer me! Your dearest Thisbe
nominat; exaudi vultusque attolle iacentes!”
is calling you; hear me, and lift your resting face!”
Pars XIII - Translation
ad nomen Thisbes oculos a morte gravatos
At the name of Thisbe, he raised his eyes, heavy with death,
Pyramus erexit visaque recondidit illa.
Pyramus opened his eyes, saw her, and closed them again.
“Quae postquam vestemque suam cognovit et ense
After she recognized her veil and the sword,
vidit ebur vacuum, “tua te manus” inquit “amorque
and saw the ivory sheath empty, she said, “Your hand and your love
perdidit, infelix! est et mihi fortis in unum
have destroyed you, unlucky one! But I too have courage for one thing—
hoc manus, est et amor; dabit hic in vulnera vires.”
this hand, and this love; they will give me strength for wounds.”
Pars XIV - Translation
persequar extinctum letique miserrima dicar
I will follow you in death, and I will be called most miserable,
causa comesque tui; quique a me morte revelli
your cause and companion; and whoever could tear me from you in death
heu sola poteras, poteris nec morte revelli.
alas, only you could, and not even death will part us.
hoc tamen amborum verbis estote rogati,
Yet let this be asked by both our words,
o multum miseri meus illiusque parentes,
O most wretched parents of mine and his,
ut, quos certus amor, quos hora novissima iunxit,
that those whom certain love and the final hour have joined,
conponi tumulo non invideatis eodem;
you do not refuse to place in the same tomb.
at tu quae ramis arbor miserabile corpus
And you, tree that now covers the pitiful body
nunc tegis unius, mox es tectura duorum,
of one, soon to cover two,
signa tene caedis pullosque et luctibus aptos
hold the signs of blood and the dark color fit for mourning,
semper habe fetus, gemini monumenta cruoris.”
always bearing fruit as a memorial to our shared blood.
Pars XV - Translation
dixit et aptato pectus mucrone sub imum
She spoke, and with the point of the sword positioned beneath her chest,
incubuit ferro, quod adhuc a caede tepebat.
she fell upon the blade, which was still warm from his blood.
vota tamen tetigere deos, tetigere parentes;
Yet her prayers touched the gods, and they touched their parents;
nam color in pomo est, ubi permaturuit, ater,
for the color of the fruit, when fully ripe, is dark,
quoque rogis superest, una requiescit in urna.”
and whatever remains from their funeral pyre rests together in a single urn.
That should match the format you’re going for! Let me know if you’d like anything adjusted.