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FCLE practice

John locke - declaration of independence

Magna carta- individual right. First attempt by europeans of self government in the colonies.

Montesquie influenced US Constitution seperation of powers

Federalist papers written to support ratification of the constitution and explain its commitment to limited government.

anti federalist wanted bill of rights in constituion

Life liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Thomas paine wrote Common sense to encourage colonists to demand independencef rom Great Britian

Military had no power to tax and executive or judiciary

A state that permits citizens to vote directly on laws and policies is practicing a form of direct democracy

An individuals belief that ordinary citizens can affect what government does is political efficacy.

Popular sovereignty is the prinicpal that authority of the government rests in the hands of the people.

Rule of law is described as citizens that are governed by laws no one is above the law

Indirect democracy In the U.S voters chose representatives from the state to represent them in congress

US Citizens can only vote, serve in jury and hold office.

Republican party is conservative.

County supervisor of elections is responsible for registering voters in FL'

Cheif executive is Governor


FCLE practice

John locke - declaration of independence

Magna carta- individual right. First attempt by europeans of self government in the colonies.

Montesquie influenced US Constitution seperation of powers

Federalist papers written to support ratification of the constitution and explain its commitment to limited government.

anti federalist wanted bill of rights in constituion

Life liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Thomas paine wrote Common sense to encourage colonists to demand independencef rom Great Britian

Military had no power to tax and executive or judiciary

A state that permits citizens to vote directly on laws and policies is practicing a form of direct democracy

An individuals belief that ordinary citizens can affect what government does is political efficacy.

Popular sovereignty is the prinicpal that authority of the government rests in the hands of the people.

Rule of law is described as citizens that are governed by laws no one is above the law

Indirect democracy In the U.S voters chose representatives from the state to represent them in congress

US Citizens can only vote, serve in jury and hold office.

Republican party is conservative.

County supervisor of elections is responsible for registering voters in FL'

Cheif executive is Governor