romantic era poems


Thomas Gray

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

  • you can tell its set in the country bc the title tells you that

  • and from the diction used i guess

  • set in a cemetery for poor people

  • gray talks about how just bc these guys were poor doesn’t mean their lives weren’t important and their deaths should be treated as important too

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: rich people and poor people are both still people

Robert Burns

To A Mouse

  • really really scottish

  • robert burns would get bullied so bad in an 80s movie

  • the poem is about “turning her [the mouse] up in her nest with the plow, November, 1785”

  • its a lot of stanzas to repeat literally exactly what the title says

  • basically he’s like the mouse deserves better

  • and the mouse kind of is better too

  • bc mice don’t have human issues like regret and ruminating on the past

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: mice > humans (animals/nature are superior/equal to man rather than inferior)

To A Louse

  • also very scottish

  • after reading this i would bully this guy too honestly

  • this poem is about “seeing one [a louse] on a lady’s bonnet at church”

  • again literally just restates the title for 8 stanzas

  • basically he’s like ew a louse stop creeping around on this ladys bonnet what do u have a crush on her or something go find some other person to stick to

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: lice < humans < mice

Afton Water

  • this girl Mary is taking a nap by this river Afton and Burns is basically like telling the river to keep flowing peacefully so Mary doesn’t wake up

  • and then he’s like hey you birds over there shut up you’ll wake mary up

  • its kinda weird that he’s like watching this lady sleep and writing a poem about it though

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: nature is revered but you can still boss it around

John Anderson, My Jo

  • a poem about his childhood friend

  • im all for male friendship but honestly this one is a little gay

  • but then again who isn’t a little gay with their homies

  • anyway he’s basically saying john Anderson is his joy

  • and they “climb the hill” together but the hill is life

  • so he’s basically saying that they’ve gone through all of their life together and they’ll die together too

  • its very sweet actually

  • im not sure how it turned into a drinking song

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: hold hands with your homies

William Blake !!! my man. i love this guy

The Lamb

  • aw look at this baby sheep he’s so cute what an adorable little baby

    • reminds you of a certain someone doesn’t it (this bullet is specifically for riley lmao)

  • you are just so cute who created you?

  • god created you just as god created me (the speaker of the poem, whos supposed to be a child)

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: god created us all, so we are all cut of the same cloth

The Tyger

  • not gonna lie this poem is a banger

  • its the first blake poem i ever read and i was like nice bro

  • eye and symmetry are supposed to rhyme but they don’t which is awkward

  • i can only assume back in blakes day they did rhyme

  • anyway the poem is like wow tigers are so scary and terrifying who could've possibly created you

  • the idea is that the tiger was kind of blacksmithed by God

  • and blake is like how could god have made nataan and this tiger that’s crazy

  • can the tiger be me actually

  • i wanna be the tiger

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: we are still all cut of the same cloth but sometimes that’s really hard to believe

The Human Abstract

  • this one got deep go back to the animals

  • actually no bc i love this one too

  • anyway its basically like for us to have kindness other people need to have problems

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: see above

Infant Sorrow

  • this baby is really upset about being born

A Poison Tree


  • don’t bottle up your feelings

  • don’t let your anger grow into a poison tree

  • just talk it out and patch things up

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: idk be in touch with your emotions?


William Wordsworth

My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold

  • rainbows make this guy happy

  • riley can’t relate :(

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: nature makes everything better

September 3, 1802

  • sonnet

  • Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

  • basically just saying that London is really peaceful and beautiful in the morning

  • because none of the people are awake yet

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: people make everything worse

It Is A Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free

  • sonnet?

  • a poem about him walking on the beach with his daughter

  • lots of religious allusions

  • basically just saying that it is a beauteous evening, calm and free

  • he likes the beach in the evenings i think

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: beaches slap

London, 1802


  • a sonnet about wordsworth being gay for milton

  • he thinks milton was born in the wrong generation and should be alive now

  • England has gone to the dogs and milton is the only one who can fix this mess

  • he’s going to learn necromancy to raise milton from the dead

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: the only thing that can save england is…PARADISE LOST 2: PARADISE FOUND

The World Is Too Much With Us

  • sonnet

  • i think this guy wrote like only sonnets

  • people these days are too obsessed with materialistic possessions and money

  • they need to be more in touch with nature

  • hell, id rather be a PAGAN than a Christian if this is how yall treat nature

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: blasphemy is ok if its in the name of nature

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  • based on his friend’s dream

  • this guy shoots an albatross and gets punished for it

  • i don't know anything more i found this poem to be incomprehensible

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: don't kill birds

Kubla Khan

  • i actually love this one

  • inspired by kubla khan, the founder of the mongol dynasty in china

  • colridge dreamed this poem and then woke up and immediately started drafting it

  • he had like 300 lines of poetry dreamed up but then someone interrupted him and he forgot everything except what he had already written down

  • im not totally sure what this poem is supposed to be about

  • but it has a lot of really cool imagery and appeal to the senses which is actually basically what imagery is but i feel like appealing to like taste and hearing isn’t really imagery but idk honestly

  • all five senses are represented in the poem

  • overall very cool poem but you can definitely tell that it was dreamed up because its hard to tell what the poem is actually about under all the banger lines

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: keep a dream journal

Lord Byron: winner of the highest body count award

She Walks In Beauty

  • written to be set to music

  • so like a song i guess

  • about his first meeting with his cousin by marriage

  • she was in mourning so she was in all black

  • he’s basically like shes beautiful because she looks like the night which is mellow and peaceful

  • and she also seems serene and at peace which makes her beautiful too

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: become one with nature, that’s what makes you beautiful


So We’ll Go No More A-Roving

  • a lot of sexual innuendoes

  • byron partied too hard and now he’s over the rave scene

  • and he’s like breaking it to his current love affair

  • he’s like im tired now we’re not going out on the town anymore

  • sorry babe we can still like do stuff but maybe like netflix and chill style instead

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: there is such a thing as partying too hard

Don Juan

  • in a classic colonizer move, the english butchered this poor guys name

  • i don’t remember reading this, perhaps i was gone?

  • anyway ill try my best to figure this one out

  • satire, of course

  • mock epic

  • satirizes political and social issues of his time

  • spends his younger years focused on the wrong things, giving into vices

  • realizes at an older age that he’s done nothing with his life

  • and he has to do something meaningful now to atone for his past mistakes

  • its also a self insert

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: get up off your ass and do something with your life

Percy Bysshe Shelley: died in a boating accident at age thirty, tried unsuccessfully to “deliver the Irish people from tyranny”


  • a story in a story

  • about this traveler he met who told him about this half destroyed sculpture of an old pharaoh

  • basically emphasizes that nature is in charge, not man, bc the natural processes of nature will eventually destroy anything that man makes

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: nature supremacy. literally.

To A Skylark

  • basically just an ode to birds

  • skylarks are really cool

  • in true romantic fashion he compares the skylarks to:

    • a poet

    • a maiden

    • a glowworm

  • this just in: shelley would love the skylark if it was a worm

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: birds are awesome. the pinnacle of nature. we stan birds.

John Keats

On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer

  • sonnet, written in response to reading a translated version of Homer

  • he basically never really understood the hype over homer until he read chapman’s translation and then he was like oh i get it now this shit is so banger

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: its a good thing we have translators

When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be

  • sonnet

  • keats’ family has a history of dying from tuberculosis

  • so he’s worried he will also die young from tuberculosis

  • and he doesnt want to die before he’s written everything he wants to write

  • and before he gets to experience true love

  • but whenever he feels like this he goes to the ocean

  • and when he stands on the shore he remembers that he’s nothing compared to the size of the ocean

  • and his love and fame don’t matter at all which i can see how that would make him feel better

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: nature is more significant then anything man does

Ode to a Grecian Urn

  • nobody has been able to find the urn this poem was allegedly based on

  • i say allegedly because knowing the romantic era poets’ track record its very likely he wrote this poem about an urn from one of his dreams

  • essentially he talks about how the urn and its depictions will be preserved forever

  • and the advantages of that are that these pictures will last forever

  • even though they arent alive or tangible they are everlasting

  • humans will change and die and whatnot but the dream urn will last forever

  • ROMANTIC MORAL: urns are very beautiful ???
