Focus on employment, occupations, careers, and community.
Highlight key features: Growth Planners and Career Database.
Discuss integration of data into IT to support student transition goals.
Lexile: Used to assess reading levels; provides a benchmark score for students.
Resources like Reading Horizons and STAR assessments are commonly utilized.
Free premium access for Alabama educators through a state hub.
Helps provide projected growth for college and career readiness in both reading and math.
Contains entry-level demands of various careers.
Helps students understand the skills and reading/mathematical knowledge needed in specific professions.
Allows personalized guidance based on student interests, e.g. construction career paths.
Growth Planner determines students' trajectory towards college and career readiness.
Examines data from significant assessments rather than daily programs.
Configures a growth plan from 3rd to 12th grade based on Lexile scores.
Shows predicted growth without interventions vs. targeted growth needed for career paths.
Utilize Lexile scores to set realistic goals for students based on projected growth paths.
Differentiates expectations for 4-year college, 2-year college, and workforce readiness.
Highlights the need for intervention if students fall below the readiness line.
Provides nationwide comparisons to identify students' percentile rankings on Lexile scores.
Indicates resource availability for skill improvement based on job requirements and performance.
Offers printable reports and structured feedback to guide educational interventions.
Career database presents job summaries and outlook for various career paths.
Includes critical tasks and educational requirements for careers, e.g., transportation, public safety.
Features median pay rates and projected growth in various fields.
Related occupations can guide students in exploring similar career interests.
Engaging assessments help connect student interests to real world opportunities.
Tools aim to promote understanding of job expectations and responsibilities.
Encourages students to align career ambitions with educational goals.
Case studies help illustrate how to motivate students toward career-readiness.