Controlled Anatolia in 2000 B.C.E
City-states join to form empire in 1650 B.C.E
Borrowed ideas from Mesopotamian culture, wrote in cuneiform
Lived north of Mesopotamia, modern day turkey.

Hittite Technology
Around 1190 B.C.E. the empire falls due to attacks from northern tribes/sea people.
Powerful traders in wealthy city-states along the Mediterranean
Skilled shipbuilders, seafarers; sailed past the Straits of Gibraltar

Legacy was a system of writing to record trade deals. It was later developed into western alphabet.
Known for their combat skills. They were especially brutal and cruel.
Used military might to acquire empire across southwest Asia
Glorified armies wore metal armor, copper helmets, leather protection
Used iron weapons, engineering skill, and brute force to conquer cities
Killed, enslaved, or banished captive people to distant lands
The Assyrian Empire had no mercy for the lands that they conquered.
Defeated Syria, Palestine, & Babylonia: 850-650 BCE
Collected taxes and tributes (slaves) from conquered lands

Assyrian Culture:
Rulers (including Ashurbanipal) built great cities
Carved sculptures of military campaigns and lion hunts
Library of 20,000 cuneiform tablets
Decline and Fall of the Assyrians: