buis comm test 1

The right style and tone (level of tonality)


Hierarchy, corporation- what type of communication?

-        More communication done by people higher up the corporate ladder

Front line employee- tasks

Best way of communicating is not just by transmitting info from one to the other. Should be an exchange of meaning

Professionalism, fluency, effectiveness in digital technology

Understand expectations especially cross culturally

Diversity- age, race, culture, gender= problem solving and creativity are enhanced, but harder to coordinate


-        costly

-        Groupthink

-        Hidden agendas- selfishness

-        Good dialogue and decision making

Involve key management and employees when faced with difficult decisions- make people feel involved

-        Participative management

Team failure= poor communication and poor trust

Is writing an interpersonal skill? No

Main advantages of collaborating- creativity and problem solving

3 steps: Plan (50) write (25) revise (25)

Scope- range on info in something

You view point- audience centered approach

Managing credibility and trust- endorsement and references

the purpose of communication is the outcome

External stakeholders- convey the image of your company that you represent accurately

Tone carries the attitude of your communication… Attitude=tone


Best: formal but conversational


3 things beck thinks of: true, kind, necessary

5 stages of team development

-        Forming

-        Storming

-        Norming

-        Reforming- getting things done

-        Adjourning- saying goodbye
