Key terms in this module are presented below. Definitions can be reviewed by selecting the Glossary in the "Other Tools" in the course navigation bar.
Bulk Excavation
Compaction Factor
Existing Grade
Future Grades
Perimeter Excavation
Slope Factor
Swell Factor
Possible review questions for Module 4:
properly describe and record items encountered under the Division or heading of Sitework
successfully prepare a takeoff for Sitework, with its associated Sections including Clearings and Grubbing, Excavation, Backfill and Sub Drainage
interpret plans and specifications as they relate to excavation
setup an excavation estimate in a clear logical order
This module provided a methodology or an approach to takeoff excavation relating to residential estimate. Estimating principles including properly setting up an estimate were illustrated. A simple basement foundation and a foundation with an attached garage was illustrated with an in-depth explanation relating how to complete the excavation takeoff.
Module 4: Summary
Key terms in this module are presented below. Definitions can be reviewed by selecting the Glossary in the "Other Tools" in the course navigation bar.
Bulk Excavation
Compaction Factor
Existing Grade
Future Grades
Perimeter Excavation
Slope Factor
Swell Factor
Possible review questions for Module 4:
properly describe and record items encountered under the Division or heading of Sitework
successfully prepare a takeoff for Sitework, with its associated Sections including Clearings and Grubbing, Excavation, Backfill and Sub Drainage
interpret plans and specifications as they relate to excavation
setup an excavation estimate in a clear logical order
This module provided a methodology or an approach to takeoff excavation relating to residential estimate. Estimating principles including properly setting up an estimate were illustrated. A simple basement foundation and a foundation with an attached garage was illustrated with an in-depth explanation relating how to complete the excavation takeoff.