Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chain

  • Lost Produce: Abandoned or discarded during:

    • Harvesting

    • Shipping

    • Processing

  • Wasted Produce: Discarded by vendors or consumers due to:

    • Damage

    • Expiration dates

  • Breakdown of losses and waste:

    • 3% Lost during storage

    • 2% Lost during juice production, canning, or baking

    • 20% Lost during picking and sorting

    • 47% Consumed

    • 9% Uneaten and discarded in homes

    • 19% Discarded at wholesalers and supermarkets

  • Source: FAO

Principles in Writing Critical Evaluation Paper

  • Definition: Involves forming judgment about a subject by assessing it against set standards to determine its overall value.

Common Subjects to Evaluate

  1. Creative works (e.g., novels, films)

  2. Research (e.g., journal articles)

  3. Media (e.g., TV shows, news reports)

  4. Software and Applications

  5. Devices (e.g., laptops, smartphones)

  6. Services (e.g., banking, telecommunication)

  7. Products (e.g., clothing, food)

  8. Programs (e.g., scholarships, government programs)

Purposes of a Critical Evaluation Paper

In the Academics

  • Objectives:

    • Awareness of various academic and research output

    • Develop critical thinking through analysis and judgment

    • Enhance ability to support statements with evidence

In the Workplace

  • Objectives:

    • Identify and capitalize on strengths for institutional benefit

    • Improve quality by examining weaknesses

    • Innovate new services, products, and programs catered to client needs

    • Contribute to nation building with solutions to civic concerns

Components of a Critical Evaluation Paper

  1. A well-presented subject: Specific and focused evaluation beneficial to the general public.

  2. Set of acceptable criteria: A yardstick or gauge for evaluation (e.g., plot or cinematography in stories).

  3. Definitive claim: Overall verdict on the subject (positive or negative).

  4. Well-supported judgment: Supported by textual evidence and verifiable sources.

  5. Effective counter argument: Consider alternative judgments and provide stronger support for the original claim.

  6. Readable plan: Well-organized ideas that guide the reader through the evaluation.

Organization of a Critical Evaluation Paper

Parts of a C-E Paper

  1. Introduction:

    • General background with a hook statement and context.

    • Claim-Thesis statement.

  2. Body:

    • Clearly labeled criteria that set the standard.

    • Mini claim/topic sentence presenting the judgment for each criterion.

    • Supporting evidence that discusses and supports the judgment.

    • Counter-argument.

  3. Conclusion:

    • Reworded restatement of the claim/thesis.

    • Summary of the evaluation.

    • Insights/Implications discussing the significance of the evaluation to a larger context.

  4. References/Works Cited.

Outline for Writing the Critical Evaluation Paper

I. Introduction

  1. Hook Statement

  2. Brief Summary of the film

  3. Claim-Thesis Statement

Il. Body

A. Criterion 1


  1. Mini-Claim-Topic Sentence

  2. Supporting Evidence

  3. Counter Claim

B. Criterion 2


  1. Mini-Claim-Topic Sentence

  2. Supporting Evidence

  3. Counter Claim

C. Criterion 3


a. Mini-Claim-Topic Sentence

b. Supporting Evidence

c. Counter Claim

IlI. Conclusion

A. Restatement of the claim/thesis

B. Summary of the evaluation

C. Insights-Implications

Specific Topics for Evaluation

  1. Creative works: Novels, art collections, films, images, songs, poetry, etc.

    • Example: Nicholas Sparks’s The Choice (novel)

  2. Research: Journal articles, conference papers.

  3. Media: Entertainment, TV shows, news reports, theater shows, concerts.

  4. Software: Games, applications.

  5. Devices: PCs, laptops, smartphones.

  6. Services: Banks, telecommunications, utilities, restaurants.

  7. Products: Clothing, cosmetics, food, beverages.

  8. Programs: Sports, scholarships, social welfare, government.
