07a Nervous System with notes + Audio Pointer sp 2020 sp21 [Autosaved]

Page 1: Introduction to the Vertebrate Nervous System

  • The vertebrate nervous system is a complex network responsible for the coordination of various body functions.

  • Humor in communication can highlight the intricate nature of brain function.

Page 2: Overview of Nervous System Communication

  • The nervous system utilizes electrical communication, primarily through the following characteristics:

    • Unidirectional Communication: Signals travel in one direction from one neuron to another.

    • Speed: Electrical signals are rapid, allowing for quick responses.

    • Mechanism: Requires action potentials and neurotransmitters at synapses, facilitating cell-to-cell signaling.

Page 3: Mechanism of Action Potentials

  • Electrical Polarity: Created by a charge difference inside vs. outside the neuronal membrane.

  • Ion Pumps: Such as the Na-K pump, establish concentration and voltage gradients, leading to membrane polarization.

  • Depolarization: Occurs when ion channels open, allowing ions to flow through, thus leading to a wave-like depolarization of the membrane.

Page 4: Neuronal Communication and Action Potential

  • Action Potential: A fundamental change in membrane potential that serves as the basis for neuronal signaling.

  • Visual aids can be beneficial in understanding action potential dynamics.

Page 5: Neuronal Communication Visuals

  • GIF assets can help illustrate the process of action potential.

Page 6: Ion Channel Functionality

  • Ion channels are critical for neuronal function:

    • Closed Channels: Prevent ion movement.

    • Open Channels: Allow ions to flow, continuing the action potential.

    • Selective Filters: Channels that only permit specific ions to cross.

Page 7: Membrane Depolarization Mechanisms

  • Channel Protein Dynamics: A neuron’s response to stimuli involves:

    • Voltage-gated: Channels that open in response to membrane potential changes.

    • Ligand-gated: Channels that open in response to the binding of neurotransmitters or other signaling molecules.

    • Deformation-induced: Channels that respond to physical changes in the membrane.

Page 8: Fundamental Components of Neuronal Communication

  • Structure Overview: Neurons consist of parts that play distinct roles in signal transmission, including dendrites and axons.

Page 11: Structure of a Neuron

  • Dendrites: Receive stimuli at synapses.

  • Cell Body: Maintains cellular function and energy management.

  • Axon: Transmits signals to other cells via synapses.

  • Synapse: The junction where communication occurs between two neurons.

Page 14: Synaptic Transmission Mechanism

  • Neurotransmitter Release: Action potentials prompt neurotransmitter release, which facilitates communication with the postsynaptic neuron.

  • Triggering Potential: This action opens ion channels in the postsynaptic neuron, potentially initiating a new action potential.

Page 16: Types of Nervous System Cells

  • Neurons: Diverse types, including:

    • Unmyelinated: Lack a myelin sheath.

    • Myelinated: Have a myelin sheath that aids in rapid conduction.

  • Glia: Supportive cells in the nervous system.

  • Sensory Receptors: Including:

    • Photoreceptors: For vision.

    • Mechanoreceptors: For touch and sound.

    • Chemoreceptors: For taste and smell.

    • Nociceptors: For pain sensations.

Page 17: Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems

  • CNS Overview:

    • Brain: Central control unit of the body governing functions and reflexes.

    • Spinal Cord: Facilitates reflex actions and relays information between the brain and body.

Page 19: Peripheral Nervous System Components

  • PNS Overview: Contains peripheral nerves that extend to:

    • Sensory Organs: Convey contextual sensory information.

    • Motor Functions: Facilitate movement and response away from the CNS.

Page 20: The Reflex Arc Structure

  • The reflex arc involves integration between the CNS and PNS, coordinating reflex actions through:

    • Sensory neurons communicating with interneurons and motor neurons within the spinal cord.

Page 30: Reflex Arc Components

  • Illustrates the connection between sensory and motor neurons within the spinal cord that coordinate reflexive responses.

Page 31: Human Senses: Taste

  • Mechanism involves ligand-gated receptors within the oral cavity.

  • Key components include:

    • Amino Acids and Sugars: Recognized by specific receptors

    • Umami and Bitter Receptors: Specialized receptor types linked to specific chemical structures.

Page 32: Human Senses: Smell

  • Olfactory System Anatomy: Involves:

    • Nerve Fibers: Within the olfactory bulb that connect to the brain.

    • Columnar Epithelial Cells: Supporting cells in the nasal cavity.

Page 34: Human Senses: Hearing

  • Hearing Mechanism Overview:

    • Outer Ear: Captures sound waves.

    • Middle Ear: Transmits vibrations.

    • Inner Ear (Cochlea): Houses hair cells that detect sound.

Page 36: Human Senses: Touch

  • Involves mechanically gated channel proteins that alter neuronal polarization in response to stimuli.

Page 37: Human Senses: Vision

  • Vision relies on ligand-gated mechanisms, where light induces conformational changes in retinal proteins, influencing ion channel activity.

Page 40: Vision Pathway to Brain

  • The optic pathway includes:

    • Optic Nerves and Chiasm: Transfer visual information.

    • Thalamus: Processes visual signals to cortical areas.
