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Biblical studies test notes:

Biblical studies test notes:

 I can compare and contrast Mark's gospel with the other 3 gospels, noting key differences in purpose and audience 


What is a gospel? 


The word gospel comes from a translation of a Greek word meaning ‘good news’. In the ancient world the term was used to announce joyful or important events. Such things as weddings and births were announced in a gospel. Often the term related to news of the Emperor’s military conquests and political victories – so ‘gospel’ was a term associated with kings and rulers 


The early followers of Jesus thought the ‘good news’ of his birth, life, death and resurrection was the most important message of all that God had given them to take to the entire world. 


It was ‘good news’ because of the different life it promised – both now and in eternity – for those who accepted it. It is the message about Jesus! 


Author and Audience 

All early tradition connects the Second Gospel with two names, those of Mark and Peter, Mark being held to have accurately summarised and written what Peter had preached.  

Mark is known as John Mark in the New Testament.  Mark’s mother had a house in Jerusalem where the early church met.  He won the respect and love of Paul and Peter in later life, becoming Peter’s companion and Peter loved him as his own son. 

Mark was probably the first of the gospels to be written.  95% of Mark appears in Matthew and Luke. 

Mark was written in Rome for a Gentile/ Roman audience.  It is the gospel for the Romans.  Mark uses some Latin words not used anywhere else in the New Testament and he explains Jewish customs because he is writing to Gentiles.   


Purpose of the book 


Mark’s account is not just a collection of stories, but written with the purpose of revealing that Jesus is the Messiah, not only for the Jews, but for the Gentiles as well. In a dynamic profession, the disciples, led by Peter, acknowledged their faith in Him (Mark 8:29-30). However, they failed to understand fully His Messiahship until after His resurrection.  


Uniqueness of Mark’s Gospel 


This Gospel is unique among the Gospels because it emphasizes Jesus’ actions more than His teaching. (One of his oft-repeated words is immediately.) It is simply written, moving quickly from one episode in His life to another. It does not begin with a genealogy as in Matthew, because Gentiles would not be interested in His lineage. After the introduction of Jesus at His baptism, Jesus began His public ministry in Galilee and called the first four of His 12 disciples. What follows is the record of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  


As we follow His journeys through Galilee, surrounding areas, and then to Judea, we realize what a rapid pace He kept. He touched the lives of many people, but left an indelible mark on His disciples. At the transfiguration (Mark 9:1-9), He gave three of them a preview of His future return in power and glory, and again it was revealed to them who He was.  


However, in the days leading to His final trip to Jerusalem, we see them amazed, fearful and doubting. At Jesus’ arrest, He stood alone after they fled. In the following hours of the mock trials, Jesus boldly proclaimed that He is the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One, and that He would be triumphant at His return (Mark 14:61-62). The climatic events surrounding the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection were not witnessed by most of His disciples. But several faithful women bravely witnessed His passion. After the Sabbath, early in the morning of the first day of the week, they went to the tomb with burial spices. Whey they saw the stone had been rolled away, they entered the tomb. It was not the body of Jesus they saw, but an angel robed in white! The joyful message they received was, “He is risen!” 

summery/notebook questions:

  1. What does 'Gospel' mean? 

 The good news or Jesus 


  1. Who wrote the 'Gospel of Mark'? 

The disciple of peter who was named John Mark 


  1. What do you know about this person? 

Mark's mother had a house when the church met. Mark later became the companion of Peter later in his life. 


  1. When was it written? 

Mark was written about the year &0 CE and it was the first gospel written 


  1. Who was it written to? 

To the Gentiles in Rome 


  1. What is the focus of Mark's Gospel?  / How is it different from the other 3 Gospels? 

Mark is written for the Romans, so it explains Jewish customs and has Latin words the other Gospels don't. 


  1. How do knowing a bit about the author, timing and audience help when it comes to reading Mark's Gospel? 

Knowing that mark was written accurately from the teachings of Peter who was one of the first apostles, can show us that it is an accurate accounts of the life of Jesus. Also knowing that mark was written to the Romans can help us understand why it doesn't have Jesus's ancestors and it can help us understand Jewish customs and context easier

Mark’s Gospel deals mainly with the Galilean ministry of Christ (around the Sea of Galilee), and the events of the last week at Jerusalem. The main part of the Gospel falls naturally into three divisions:  


A The ministry in Galilee and adjoining districts: Phoenicia, Decapolis, and the country north towards Cæsarea Philippi (Mark 1:14-9:49) 


  1. The ministry in Judea and Peræ, and the journey to Jerusalem (Mark 10:1-11: 10) 


  1. The events of the last week at Jerusalem (Mark 11:11-16:8) 


Extension: Present day exploration: 

Explore interactive maps of biblical times 


I will understand who the religious leaders of Jesus' day were 


Who were the Sadducees and the Pharisees?  


  • The Pharisees  

  • Mostly middle class men which made them likable by the common people which gave them more control in the Sanhedrin 

  • They were for crucifixion of Jesus, they believed that they were equal with scripture, their relationship with Jesus was based on their laws. 


  • The Zealots  

  • Facts: 

  1. Since the Zealots often times had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. 

  2. The Zealots were founded by judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. 

  3. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the Romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 

  4. One of Jesus disciples was a past Zealot. Simon the Zealot. 


  • Who were they: 

  • The Zealots where a political commentors groups who wanted to overthrow the Romans. Since the Zealots often times had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. The Zealots were founded by Judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. They agree with everything in the Pharisaic teachings except the fact that they believe that the Lord is to be the only ruler. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 


  • The Sadducees  

  They were aristocrats and wealthy which didn't make them a fan favourite with the common people. The Sadducees held powerful positions in the Sanhedrin as they took the majority of the 70 seats in the Sanhedrin. They did not believe in all biblical teachings, miracles and the afterlife. They were no longer a group in 70AD.   

  • The Essenes  


  • The essence was a Jewish mystical cult which somewhat resembled the pharisee. They lived in a purity life  and they were separated from others. They originated around 100 BC. They did not longer exist after the destruction of the temple. Many people believe that john the Baptist was an essence 



I will understand the differences between the various groups of religious leaders 


Who were the Sadducees and the Pharisees?  


  • The Pharisees  

  • Mostly middle class men which made them likable by the common people which gave them more control in the Sanhedrin 

  • They were for the crucifixion of Jesus, they believed that they were equal with scripture, their relationship with Jesus was based on their laws. 


  • The Zealots  

  • Facts: 

  1. Since the Zealots often had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. 

  2. The Zealots were founded by judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. 

  3. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the Romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 

  4. One of Jesus disciples was a past Zealot. Simon the Zealot. 


  • Who were they: 

  • The Zealots where a political commentors groups who wanted to overthrow the Romans. Since the Zealots often times had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. The Zealots were founded by Judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. They agree with everything in the Pharisaic teachings except the fact that they believe that the Lord is to be the only ruler. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 


  • The Sadducees  

  They were aristocrats and wealthy which didn't make them a fan favourite with the common people. The Sadducees held powerful positions in the Sanhedrin as they took the majority of the 70 seats in the Sanhedrin. They did not believe in all biblical teachings, miracles and the afterlife. They were no longer a group in 70AD.   

  • The Essenes  


  • The essence was a Jewish mystical cult which somewhat resembled the pharisee. They lived in a purity life  and they were separated from others. They originated around 100 BC. They did not longer exist after the destruction of the temple. Many people believe that john the Baptist was an essence 



I can name two different places of worship in Jesus' day 

  1. What is it?   

  2. Why was it important to the time of Jesus?  





  • The Synagogue  

  • The synagogue is designed for worship like a modern church 

  • Some people say it was from the time of Moses 

  • The synagogue was mention more than 60 times in the bible 

  • Jesus read from the prophet of Issaih a few times in the synagogue 

  • After the destruction of the temple the synagogue became the central place of worship. 


  • The Temple  

  • The temple was designed by King David and built by King Solomon. 

  • The temple is the biggest building in Jerusalem. 

  • The temple is a place of worship to God. 

  • After the time of Jesus the temple was destroyed by the Romans. 



I will be able to discuss the topic of baptism in the Gospel of Mark and recall facts about key people on this topic 


 Malachi 3:1  

“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,

Isaiah 40:3 

A voice of one calling:

“In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord[a]; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.[b]

Luke Chapter 1 

I will be able to name the 12 disciples of Jesus and discuss why Jesus might have chosen these particular men, rather than the religious leaders of the day 

Mark 1:14-20     

Mark 3:13-19 



Disciple =  a dedicated follower of Christ, changed by Jesus and is commited to the mission. 


Apostle = These were people sent by Jesus to spread the gospel after His death a resection. 

 Andrew – 

  • Andrew was said to be the first follower of Jesus, he was the first called apostle 

  • He was the brother of Simon Peter 

  • He was a fisherman before Jesus called him 

  • He lead his brother peter to Jesus 

  • He was a follower of john the Baptist 

  • He didn't write any books in the Bible but he was a missionary and spread the Gospel to many countries especially in the Mediterranean area. 

Simon Peter –  

  • He was one of Jesus's three closest disciples who witnessed many miracles like the resurrection of Jirah's daughter and the transfiguration. 

  • He was called the Rock/foundation of which the church is built. 

  • He was the brother of Andrew 

James –  

  • He was the son of Zebedee, and brother of John 

  • He was A fisherman and got turned into a fisher of man. They were Galilean fisherman 

  • He was called The "Son of Thunder" 

  • James was one of the apostles that Jesus appeared to after His resurrection. 

  • He was called as one of the pilers of the church in Jerusalem 

  • He was called 'James the greater' 

  • He was one of Jesus's three closest disciples who witnessed many miracles like the resurrection of Jirah's daughter and the transfiguration. 

  • He was the first apostle to be martyred, he was beheaded by Herod Agrippa 

  • He wrote the Book of James in the New testament 

John –  

  • He was the son of Zebedee, and brother of James 

  • He was the son of Zebedee, and brother of John 

  • He was one of Jesus's three closest disciples who witnessed many miracles like the resurrection of Jirah's daughter and the transfiguration. 

  • Jonh wrote the Gospel of John, The three epistles of John and the Book of Revelation 

  • He was called as one of the pilers of the church in Jerusalem 

  • John was one of the last apostles to die and was said that 


Phillip –  

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

  • He comes from Bethsaida 

  • He didn't write any books and he may have been a  missionary 

  • He was only mentioned 12 times in the Bible 

Bartholomew –  

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists. 

  • He was the son of Talmai 

  • It's been rumoured that he was Nethanel. 

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

Matthew –  

Thomas –  

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists. 

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

  • He was a carpenter before following Jesus 

James (son of Alphaeus) –  

  • He was called " James the lesser" 

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

Thaddeus –  

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

  • He was a farmer and a missionary. 

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists. 


Simon –  

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

  • He was a Zealot and a missionary. 

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists.  


Matthias – 

  • Matthias was a follower of Jesus since His early ministry event though he was only appointed at one of the 12 in Acts.  

  •  It is rumoured the Matthias was one of the 70 people who Jesus sent out to minister in Luke 10. 

  • He was a replacement for Judas. 

  • He was chosen by casting lots. Which is taking our stones with names out of the jar. 

  • Mattew and Matthais are versions of the same name. 



  • The twelve disciples/apostles were ordinary men whom God used in an extraordinary manner. Among the twelve were fishermen, a tax collector, and a revolutionary. The Gospels record the constant failings, struggles, and doubts of these twelve men who followed Jesus Christ. After witnessing Jesus' resurrection and ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit transformed the disciples/apostles into powerful men of God who turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6). What was the change? The twelve apostles/disciples had “been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). 


  • What questions do you have about this…? 







The 12 disciples are each represented by a symbol in Christian art. Each symbol relates to that disciple's life &/or martyrdom. Have a look at the symbols below. Discuss with a friend what you think they might reveal about the disciples?  

I can recall two instances where Jesus healed someone in detail. I can explain what we can infer about Jesus' character through observation of this healing event 

Mark 1:21-28 

Mark 5:1-20 

Mark 9:14-32 


These 3 passages record Jesus having interactions with evil spirits.  


1. What are some of the things you notice about: 

  1. The way the spirits view Jesus and treat him 

  • The impure spirits obeyed Him and were inferior to Him 

  • The spirits knew that Jesus was God  

  • They are fearful of Him and know the power Jesus has. 


  1. The way Jesus interacts with them 

* He commanded the impure spirits and didn't have a causal conversation with the spirits 

  • He was acting/asking the actual possessed person compassionate but was firm with the spirits 

  • He didn't  have to use physical force to cast out the demons. 


  1. The way the people respond to what is happening 

    • They were in shock since they have seen how nothing could help those people 

    • The people were amazed ' mark 5;20 " So the man went away and began to tell Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. 

    • The people who had witnessed His miracle were quick to spread the news about the power he has -mark 1:28 


2. What do we learn about Jesus from this? 

That even though Jesus is our loving friend and Father, He holds great power and we should never bought Him protection over us because even the demons are scared of Him and obey all of His commands. 


3. How does this relate to us in our time, place and culture? 

This relates to us in our time because we can sleep tight knowing the he is always protecting us. We don't have to worry about anything that even the impure spirits were scared of the power He holds. He is the almighty God and we have nothing to worry about. 


 What do you know about healing? 

Jesus and his disciples did it to help the sick. Healing is a Good given gift to help  other and spread the good new. 

What are the questions you have? 

  • What did it look like when Jesus healed people? 

  • Why did Jesus heal some people by words and some by other ways e.g touch, rubbing dirt? 

Have you ever seen someone healed or know someone that has been healed? 

 Yes, my uncle was healed form being an alcoholic 

Read through the following passages and make notes on the questions below. 

Read Mark 1:29-34                             *Read Mark 1:40-45 

Read Mark 2:1-12                               * Read Mark 5:21-43 

Read Mark 7:31-37                             * Read Mark 10:46-52 

 Mark 1: 29-34 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

  • Jesus healed Simon's mother in law from a fever .

  • That Sunday evening he also healed many other people who had many illnesses or cast out demons. 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

  • Jesus took Simon's mother in law by the hand and lifted her up, and her fever went away. 

  • It doesn’t say how but he healed many others 

  • He did not permit the demons to speak because they knew who he was. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • How ill was Simon's mother in law? 

  • Did a lot of people have demons in the olden days? 

Mark 1:40-45 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

A person with leprosy asked Jesus to be cleansed, so He healed him and made him clean 

Jesus told him to not tell anyone but he came back to town and talked freely which is why Jesus couldn't come to that town.

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. Which made the disciples concerned since the man had leprosy. 

After this Jesus said : I will make you clean, be cleansed" and so he was. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • Why did the man not follow Jesus's request about not telling anyone about the miracle?

  • How did the people act when they saw that he was cleansed and no longer has leprosy?

Mark 2:1-12 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus had many people who came for him and there was no space, so four friends of a paralytic man opened up the roof and put him down. He said to his that his sins are forgive which made the scribes question that Jesus was doing wrong because only God can do that. 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus told the man that his sins are forgiven, and to prove the pheresis wrong to said to him " I say to you, pick up your bed, and go home". And immediately he was healed. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • How did the scribes still not trust Jesus is the king after he literally read their mind? 


Mark 5:21-43 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus healed the women who had been bleeding for many years 

He healed Jairus's little daughter who was dead 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

The women had healed about Jesus and his power, she had such strong faith that she knew that even if she touched his cloth she would be healed. And she was healed and Jesus was amazed at her faith 

When Jesus came to the house the servant told the father that the little girl is dead, but Jesus said she was just sleeping. He came to her and said " little girl, I say to you, wake up" and she had risen from the dead. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • How could Jesus feel that the power had left him when the women touched His garment?

  • How did they convince the person who pronounced her dead that she was just sleeping? 

Mark 7:31-37 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

To Jesus came men who asked for a deaf man with a speech impartment to be healed.  They  asked Jesus to put his healing hand on this man. 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

After taking them aside from the crowd Jesus put His fingers on the hands ears, and after spitting touched his tongue. After this Jesus said be opened and the man's ears were opened and his tongue was opened. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • Why did Jesus have to spit and then touch his tongue? 

  • Why did Jesus take them aside and not do it in front of the crowed? 

Mark 10:46-52 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus who was a bagger on the roadside, called out to Jesus saying "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me". Even though most people told him to be silent he cried out again.  Jesus asked him to come and tell him what he wants form him. Them he healed him 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus healed the man by his words he said " Go your way, your faith has made you well" and immediately the man gained his sight. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • Why did the people tell the blind man to be silent? 

  • How did the man know the Jesus was the son of David? 



Summary:  Jesus healed many people throughout His life and helped people which hearing, vision, speaking, bleeding, sickness and even death. 


Jesus heals MORE than just the physical issues 


If you could bring anything to Jesus to fix, either physical, emotional, relational, what would it be? 

If I were to ask for Jesus to heal something it would probably be my acne. 

I can recall a parable Jesus told in detail. I can explain what we learn about Jesus from this parable and can relate timeless truths from it to our life today 


Jesus spent a lot of time teaching.  

He often spoke in stories…called Parables. 

Read through the parables below and write down the meaning of the parable next to it.  

·       Read Mark 4:1-20 – the Parable of the Sower. Meaning:  

The meaning is that the farmer sows the word and some people are like the seed along the path, as soon as they hear the word, Saten comes and takes the word that is sowen in them. Other are like the seed sown in the rocky place they hear the word one and they have joy when they receive it but but since they have no root they only last a short  time. And when the troubles come they won't last, and some are sown in good soil they grow and produce new seeds. The meaning this parable is that some people wit hear the word and will reject it while others will thrive in the word. 

·       Read Mark 4:26-29 – the Parable of the Growing Seed. Meaning:  

The meaning growing seed is telling us the messsage that though the god has planted the holy spirirt and gave us the word our relationship cannot grow by itself with him, once the seed of god Is sown  in the person only time will tell how their faith will grow and develop. 

·       Read Mark 4:30-34 – the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Meaning:  

This parable is telling us that even with the smallest faith God can do unbelievable things and do wonders through people who seem small and without power. It can also represent how  

·       Read Mark 12:1-12 – the Parable of the Tenants. Meaning:  

Jesus explains how the Jewish leaders have assumed authority and control over the religious and civil systems that God means them to be stewards of. When God sent prophets to bring the Israelites' loyalties back toward God, the leaders abused and murdered the prophets. 

·       Read Luke 10:25-37 – the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Meaning:  

 It insists that enemies can prove to be neighbors, that compassion has no boundaries, and that judging people on the basis of their religion or ethnicity will leave us dying in a ditch. 

Why do you think Jesus spoke in stories? 

Because those who don't want to understand wont be able to understand and those whose hearts are open to his word will be able to recive it.


Biblical studies test notes:

Biblical studies test notes:

 I can compare and contrast Mark's gospel with the other 3 gospels, noting key differences in purpose and audience 


What is a gospel? 


The word gospel comes from a translation of a Greek word meaning ‘good news’. In the ancient world the term was used to announce joyful or important events. Such things as weddings and births were announced in a gospel. Often the term related to news of the Emperor’s military conquests and political victories – so ‘gospel’ was a term associated with kings and rulers 


The early followers of Jesus thought the ‘good news’ of his birth, life, death and resurrection was the most important message of all that God had given them to take to the entire world. 


It was ‘good news’ because of the different life it promised – both now and in eternity – for those who accepted it. It is the message about Jesus! 


Author and Audience 

All early tradition connects the Second Gospel with two names, those of Mark and Peter, Mark being held to have accurately summarised and written what Peter had preached.  

Mark is known as John Mark in the New Testament.  Mark’s mother had a house in Jerusalem where the early church met.  He won the respect and love of Paul and Peter in later life, becoming Peter’s companion and Peter loved him as his own son. 

Mark was probably the first of the gospels to be written.  95% of Mark appears in Matthew and Luke. 

Mark was written in Rome for a Gentile/ Roman audience.  It is the gospel for the Romans.  Mark uses some Latin words not used anywhere else in the New Testament and he explains Jewish customs because he is writing to Gentiles.   


Purpose of the book 


Mark’s account is not just a collection of stories, but written with the purpose of revealing that Jesus is the Messiah, not only for the Jews, but for the Gentiles as well. In a dynamic profession, the disciples, led by Peter, acknowledged their faith in Him (Mark 8:29-30). However, they failed to understand fully His Messiahship until after His resurrection.  


Uniqueness of Mark’s Gospel 


This Gospel is unique among the Gospels because it emphasizes Jesus’ actions more than His teaching. (One of his oft-repeated words is immediately.) It is simply written, moving quickly from one episode in His life to another. It does not begin with a genealogy as in Matthew, because Gentiles would not be interested in His lineage. After the introduction of Jesus at His baptism, Jesus began His public ministry in Galilee and called the first four of His 12 disciples. What follows is the record of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  


As we follow His journeys through Galilee, surrounding areas, and then to Judea, we realize what a rapid pace He kept. He touched the lives of many people, but left an indelible mark on His disciples. At the transfiguration (Mark 9:1-9), He gave three of them a preview of His future return in power and glory, and again it was revealed to them who He was.  


However, in the days leading to His final trip to Jerusalem, we see them amazed, fearful and doubting. At Jesus’ arrest, He stood alone after they fled. In the following hours of the mock trials, Jesus boldly proclaimed that He is the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One, and that He would be triumphant at His return (Mark 14:61-62). The climatic events surrounding the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection were not witnessed by most of His disciples. But several faithful women bravely witnessed His passion. After the Sabbath, early in the morning of the first day of the week, they went to the tomb with burial spices. Whey they saw the stone had been rolled away, they entered the tomb. It was not the body of Jesus they saw, but an angel robed in white! The joyful message they received was, “He is risen!” 

summery/notebook questions:

  1. What does 'Gospel' mean? 

 The good news or Jesus 


  1. Who wrote the 'Gospel of Mark'? 

The disciple of peter who was named John Mark 


  1. What do you know about this person? 

Mark's mother had a house when the church met. Mark later became the companion of Peter later in his life. 


  1. When was it written? 

Mark was written about the year &0 CE and it was the first gospel written 


  1. Who was it written to? 

To the Gentiles in Rome 


  1. What is the focus of Mark's Gospel?  / How is it different from the other 3 Gospels? 

Mark is written for the Romans, so it explains Jewish customs and has Latin words the other Gospels don't. 


  1. How do knowing a bit about the author, timing and audience help when it comes to reading Mark's Gospel? 

Knowing that mark was written accurately from the teachings of Peter who was one of the first apostles, can show us that it is an accurate accounts of the life of Jesus. Also knowing that mark was written to the Romans can help us understand why it doesn't have Jesus's ancestors and it can help us understand Jewish customs and context easier

Mark’s Gospel deals mainly with the Galilean ministry of Christ (around the Sea of Galilee), and the events of the last week at Jerusalem. The main part of the Gospel falls naturally into three divisions:  


A The ministry in Galilee and adjoining districts: Phoenicia, Decapolis, and the country north towards Cæsarea Philippi (Mark 1:14-9:49) 


  1. The ministry in Judea and Peræ, and the journey to Jerusalem (Mark 10:1-11: 10) 


  1. The events of the last week at Jerusalem (Mark 11:11-16:8) 


Extension: Present day exploration: 

Explore interactive maps of biblical times 


I will understand who the religious leaders of Jesus' day were 


Who were the Sadducees and the Pharisees?  


  • The Pharisees  

  • Mostly middle class men which made them likable by the common people which gave them more control in the Sanhedrin 

  • They were for crucifixion of Jesus, they believed that they were equal with scripture, their relationship with Jesus was based on their laws. 


  • The Zealots  

  • Facts: 

  1. Since the Zealots often times had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. 

  2. The Zealots were founded by judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. 

  3. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the Romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 

  4. One of Jesus disciples was a past Zealot. Simon the Zealot. 


  • Who were they: 

  • The Zealots where a political commentors groups who wanted to overthrow the Romans. Since the Zealots often times had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. The Zealots were founded by Judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. They agree with everything in the Pharisaic teachings except the fact that they believe that the Lord is to be the only ruler. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 


  • The Sadducees  

  They were aristocrats and wealthy which didn't make them a fan favourite with the common people. The Sadducees held powerful positions in the Sanhedrin as they took the majority of the 70 seats in the Sanhedrin. They did not believe in all biblical teachings, miracles and the afterlife. They were no longer a group in 70AD.   

  • The Essenes  


  • The essence was a Jewish mystical cult which somewhat resembled the pharisee. They lived in a purity life  and they were separated from others. They originated around 100 BC. They did not longer exist after the destruction of the temple. Many people believe that john the Baptist was an essence 



I will understand the differences between the various groups of religious leaders 


Who were the Sadducees and the Pharisees?  


  • The Pharisees  

  • Mostly middle class men which made them likable by the common people which gave them more control in the Sanhedrin 

  • They were for the crucifixion of Jesus, they believed that they were equal with scripture, their relationship with Jesus was based on their laws. 


  • The Zealots  

  • Facts: 

  1. Since the Zealots often had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. 

  2. The Zealots were founded by judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. 

  3. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the Romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 

  4. One of Jesus disciples was a past Zealot. Simon the Zealot. 


  • Who were they: 

  • The Zealots where a political commentors groups who wanted to overthrow the Romans. Since the Zealots often times had violent tactics they were called the world's first terrorists. The Zealots were founded by Judas of Galilee and Zadok the pharisees. They agree with everything in the Pharisaic teachings except the fact that they believe that the Lord is to be the only ruler. The Zealots were important because the led a rebellion against the romans in the times of Jesus which was not successful and led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. 


  • The Sadducees  

  They were aristocrats and wealthy which didn't make them a fan favourite with the common people. The Sadducees held powerful positions in the Sanhedrin as they took the majority of the 70 seats in the Sanhedrin. They did not believe in all biblical teachings, miracles and the afterlife. They were no longer a group in 70AD.   

  • The Essenes  


  • The essence was a Jewish mystical cult which somewhat resembled the pharisee. They lived in a purity life  and they were separated from others. They originated around 100 BC. They did not longer exist after the destruction of the temple. Many people believe that john the Baptist was an essence 



I can name two different places of worship in Jesus' day 

  1. What is it?   

  2. Why was it important to the time of Jesus?  





  • The Synagogue  

  • The synagogue is designed for worship like a modern church 

  • Some people say it was from the time of Moses 

  • The synagogue was mention more than 60 times in the bible 

  • Jesus read from the prophet of Issaih a few times in the synagogue 

  • After the destruction of the temple the synagogue became the central place of worship. 


  • The Temple  

  • The temple was designed by King David and built by King Solomon. 

  • The temple is the biggest building in Jerusalem. 

  • The temple is a place of worship to God. 

  • After the time of Jesus the temple was destroyed by the Romans. 



I will be able to discuss the topic of baptism in the Gospel of Mark and recall facts about key people on this topic 


 Malachi 3:1  

“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,

Isaiah 40:3 

A voice of one calling:

“In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord[a]; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.[b]

Luke Chapter 1 

I will be able to name the 12 disciples of Jesus and discuss why Jesus might have chosen these particular men, rather than the religious leaders of the day 

Mark 1:14-20     

Mark 3:13-19 



Disciple =  a dedicated follower of Christ, changed by Jesus and is commited to the mission. 


Apostle = These were people sent by Jesus to spread the gospel after His death a resection. 

 Andrew – 

  • Andrew was said to be the first follower of Jesus, he was the first called apostle 

  • He was the brother of Simon Peter 

  • He was a fisherman before Jesus called him 

  • He lead his brother peter to Jesus 

  • He was a follower of john the Baptist 

  • He didn't write any books in the Bible but he was a missionary and spread the Gospel to many countries especially in the Mediterranean area. 

Simon Peter –  

  • He was one of Jesus's three closest disciples who witnessed many miracles like the resurrection of Jirah's daughter and the transfiguration. 

  • He was called the Rock/foundation of which the church is built. 

  • He was the brother of Andrew 

James –  

  • He was the son of Zebedee, and brother of John 

  • He was A fisherman and got turned into a fisher of man. They were Galilean fisherman 

  • He was called The "Son of Thunder" 

  • James was one of the apostles that Jesus appeared to after His resurrection. 

  • He was called as one of the pilers of the church in Jerusalem 

  • He was called 'James the greater' 

  • He was one of Jesus's three closest disciples who witnessed many miracles like the resurrection of Jirah's daughter and the transfiguration. 

  • He was the first apostle to be martyred, he was beheaded by Herod Agrippa 

  • He wrote the Book of James in the New testament 

John –  

  • He was the son of Zebedee, and brother of James 

  • He was the son of Zebedee, and brother of John 

  • He was one of Jesus's three closest disciples who witnessed many miracles like the resurrection of Jirah's daughter and the transfiguration. 

  • Jonh wrote the Gospel of John, The three epistles of John and the Book of Revelation 

  • He was called as one of the pilers of the church in Jerusalem 

  • John was one of the last apostles to die and was said that 


Phillip –  

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

  • He comes from Bethsaida 

  • He didn't write any books and he may have been a  missionary 

  • He was only mentioned 12 times in the Bible 

Bartholomew –  

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists. 

  • He was the son of Talmai 

  • It's been rumoured that he was Nethanel. 

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

Matthew –  

Thomas –  

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists. 

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

  • He was a carpenter before following Jesus 

James (son of Alphaeus) –  

  • He was called " James the lesser" 

  • Phillip was one of the 12 closest to Jesus and spent 3 years traveling with him and witnessing his miracles. 

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

Thaddeus –  

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

  • He was a farmer and a missionary. 

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists. 


Simon –  

  • He helped lay the foundation of the early church by learning from Jesus and then spreading the good news. 

  • He was a Zealot and a missionary. 

  • Not much information is given about his as he is only mentioned in the four lists.  


Matthias – 

  • Matthias was a follower of Jesus since His early ministry event though he was only appointed at one of the 12 in Acts.  

  •  It is rumoured the Matthias was one of the 70 people who Jesus sent out to minister in Luke 10. 

  • He was a replacement for Judas. 

  • He was chosen by casting lots. Which is taking our stones with names out of the jar. 

  • Mattew and Matthais are versions of the same name. 



  • The twelve disciples/apostles were ordinary men whom God used in an extraordinary manner. Among the twelve were fishermen, a tax collector, and a revolutionary. The Gospels record the constant failings, struggles, and doubts of these twelve men who followed Jesus Christ. After witnessing Jesus' resurrection and ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit transformed the disciples/apostles into powerful men of God who turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6). What was the change? The twelve apostles/disciples had “been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). 


  • What questions do you have about this…? 







The 12 disciples are each represented by a symbol in Christian art. Each symbol relates to that disciple's life &/or martyrdom. Have a look at the symbols below. Discuss with a friend what you think they might reveal about the disciples?  

I can recall two instances where Jesus healed someone in detail. I can explain what we can infer about Jesus' character through observation of this healing event 

Mark 1:21-28 

Mark 5:1-20 

Mark 9:14-32 


These 3 passages record Jesus having interactions with evil spirits.  


1. What are some of the things you notice about: 

  1. The way the spirits view Jesus and treat him 

  • The impure spirits obeyed Him and were inferior to Him 

  • The spirits knew that Jesus was God  

  • They are fearful of Him and know the power Jesus has. 


  1. The way Jesus interacts with them 

* He commanded the impure spirits and didn't have a causal conversation with the spirits 

  • He was acting/asking the actual possessed person compassionate but was firm with the spirits 

  • He didn't  have to use physical force to cast out the demons. 


  1. The way the people respond to what is happening 

    • They were in shock since they have seen how nothing could help those people 

    • The people were amazed ' mark 5;20 " So the man went away and began to tell Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. 

    • The people who had witnessed His miracle were quick to spread the news about the power he has -mark 1:28 


2. What do we learn about Jesus from this? 

That even though Jesus is our loving friend and Father, He holds great power and we should never bought Him protection over us because even the demons are scared of Him and obey all of His commands. 


3. How does this relate to us in our time, place and culture? 

This relates to us in our time because we can sleep tight knowing the he is always protecting us. We don't have to worry about anything that even the impure spirits were scared of the power He holds. He is the almighty God and we have nothing to worry about. 


 What do you know about healing? 

Jesus and his disciples did it to help the sick. Healing is a Good given gift to help  other and spread the good new. 

What are the questions you have? 

  • What did it look like when Jesus healed people? 

  • Why did Jesus heal some people by words and some by other ways e.g touch, rubbing dirt? 

Have you ever seen someone healed or know someone that has been healed? 

 Yes, my uncle was healed form being an alcoholic 

Read through the following passages and make notes on the questions below. 

Read Mark 1:29-34                             *Read Mark 1:40-45 

Read Mark 2:1-12                               * Read Mark 5:21-43 

Read Mark 7:31-37                             * Read Mark 10:46-52 

 Mark 1: 29-34 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

  • Jesus healed Simon's mother in law from a fever .

  • That Sunday evening he also healed many other people who had many illnesses or cast out demons. 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

  • Jesus took Simon's mother in law by the hand and lifted her up, and her fever went away. 

  • It doesn’t say how but he healed many others 

  • He did not permit the demons to speak because they knew who he was. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • How ill was Simon's mother in law? 

  • Did a lot of people have demons in the olden days? 

Mark 1:40-45 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

A person with leprosy asked Jesus to be cleansed, so He healed him and made him clean 

Jesus told him to not tell anyone but he came back to town and talked freely which is why Jesus couldn't come to that town.

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. Which made the disciples concerned since the man had leprosy. 

After this Jesus said : I will make you clean, be cleansed" and so he was. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • Why did the man not follow Jesus's request about not telling anyone about the miracle?

  • How did the people act when they saw that he was cleansed and no longer has leprosy?

Mark 2:1-12 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus had many people who came for him and there was no space, so four friends of a paralytic man opened up the roof and put him down. He said to his that his sins are forgive which made the scribes question that Jesus was doing wrong because only God can do that. 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus told the man that his sins are forgiven, and to prove the pheresis wrong to said to him " I say to you, pick up your bed, and go home". And immediately he was healed. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • How did the scribes still not trust Jesus is the king after he literally read their mind? 


Mark 5:21-43 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus healed the women who had been bleeding for many years 

He healed Jairus's little daughter who was dead 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

The women had healed about Jesus and his power, she had such strong faith that she knew that even if she touched his cloth she would be healed. And she was healed and Jesus was amazed at her faith 

When Jesus came to the house the servant told the father that the little girl is dead, but Jesus said she was just sleeping. He came to her and said " little girl, I say to you, wake up" and she had risen from the dead. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • How could Jesus feel that the power had left him when the women touched His garment?

  • How did they convince the person who pronounced her dead that she was just sleeping? 

Mark 7:31-37 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

To Jesus came men who asked for a deaf man with a speech impartment to be healed.  They  asked Jesus to put his healing hand on this man. 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

After taking them aside from the crowd Jesus put His fingers on the hands ears, and after spitting touched his tongue. After this Jesus said be opened and the man's ears were opened and his tongue was opened. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • Why did Jesus have to spit and then touch his tongue? 

  • Why did Jesus take them aside and not do it in front of the crowed? 

Mark 10:46-52 

Who and what (hearing/blindness) did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus who was a bagger on the roadside, called out to Jesus saying "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me". Even though most people told him to be silent he cried out again.  Jesus asked him to come and tell him what he wants form him. Them he healed him 

How did Jesus heal in this passage? 

Jesus healed the man by his words he said " Go your way, your faith has made you well" and immediately the man gained his sight. 

What questions do you have about this passage? 

  • Why did the people tell the blind man to be silent? 

  • How did the man know the Jesus was the son of David? 



Summary:  Jesus healed many people throughout His life and helped people which hearing, vision, speaking, bleeding, sickness and even death. 


Jesus heals MORE than just the physical issues 


If you could bring anything to Jesus to fix, either physical, emotional, relational, what would it be? 

If I were to ask for Jesus to heal something it would probably be my acne. 

I can recall a parable Jesus told in detail. I can explain what we learn about Jesus from this parable and can relate timeless truths from it to our life today 


Jesus spent a lot of time teaching.  

He often spoke in stories…called Parables. 

Read through the parables below and write down the meaning of the parable next to it.  

·       Read Mark 4:1-20 – the Parable of the Sower. Meaning:  

The meaning is that the farmer sows the word and some people are like the seed along the path, as soon as they hear the word, Saten comes and takes the word that is sowen in them. Other are like the seed sown in the rocky place they hear the word one and they have joy when they receive it but but since they have no root they only last a short  time. And when the troubles come they won't last, and some are sown in good soil they grow and produce new seeds. The meaning this parable is that some people wit hear the word and will reject it while others will thrive in the word. 

·       Read Mark 4:26-29 – the Parable of the Growing Seed. Meaning:  

The meaning growing seed is telling us the messsage that though the god has planted the holy spirirt and gave us the word our relationship cannot grow by itself with him, once the seed of god Is sown  in the person only time will tell how their faith will grow and develop. 

·       Read Mark 4:30-34 – the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Meaning:  

This parable is telling us that even with the smallest faith God can do unbelievable things and do wonders through people who seem small and without power. It can also represent how  

·       Read Mark 12:1-12 – the Parable of the Tenants. Meaning:  

Jesus explains how the Jewish leaders have assumed authority and control over the religious and civil systems that God means them to be stewards of. When God sent prophets to bring the Israelites' loyalties back toward God, the leaders abused and murdered the prophets. 

·       Read Luke 10:25-37 – the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Meaning:  

 It insists that enemies can prove to be neighbors, that compassion has no boundaries, and that judging people on the basis of their religion or ethnicity will leave us dying in a ditch. 

Why do you think Jesus spoke in stories? 

Because those who don't want to understand wont be able to understand and those whose hearts are open to his word will be able to recive it.