Political Cultural Economical
Chinses systems of government using Confucianism and Bureaucracy.
Chinese culture spread throughout Asia.
Chinese economy became commercialized and flourished.
What is Confucianism?
Focused on moral examples to restore social harmony
Focused on unequal relationships (superior and inferior)
Spread and emphasized through education
Filial piety is the ideology of respecting your elders
Foot binding is used so show subordination
China became commercialized while still having free labor
China had an economic revolution
Agricultural production flourished due to rice production and terrace farming
Urbanization also flourished creating specialized markets, inns, schools, and clubs.
What was China’s golden age? A time of Art, Philosophy, Confucianism, Patriarchy
China was split in 2 when the nomadic people took over, and turned into 2 states
Women lived in a patriarchal society and were told to submit themselves to the men
China integrated its culture and traditions into Korea. Korea brought tributes to china too.
Vietnam also was integrated into Chinese culture and brought tributes.
Japan was able to choose what it integrated due to its distance from china geographically