SS test washington and Hamilton

Washington's Cabinet

  • Departments:

    • Department of War: Henry Knox

    • Department of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton

    • Dept. of state: Thomas Jefferson

Whiskey Rebellion

  • Cause: Congress passed a tax on whiskey.

  • Farmers began protesting it

Washington's Farewell Address

  • Advice: Warned against entanglement with foreign nations and the dangers of political factionalism.

Political Parties

  • True or False: Political parties were eliminated during Washington's presidency. False

Economic Views

  • Federalists: Supported manufacturing.

  • Republicans: Emphasized agrarian interests.

Support for the French Revolution

  • Many Republicans supported it as a fight for freedom and democracy.

Adams and Jefferson

  • Problem: They were from separate political parties and frequently clashed.

Alien and Sedition Acts

  • Controversy: Seen as unconstitutional; restricted dissent.

Foreign Affairs Policy

  • Washington's policy was referred to as Isolationism.

Challenges for John Adams

  • Primary issue: French and British attacks on U.S. ships.

Jay Treaty

  • Involved: Great Britain agreed to stop attacking U.S. ships.

XYZ Affair

  • Involved: France; tensions over U.S. merchant ship seizures.

Ship Seizures

  • Motivation: To prevent their enemy from receiving supplies.

Impressment of U.S. Sailors (1807)

  • Tension arose when British impressed U.S. sailors.

War of 1812

  • President who declared war: James Madison.

Monroe Doctrine

  • Policy established in response to revolutions in South America; aimed to protect emerging nations.

Respect after the Monroe Doctrine

  • True or False: The United States gained respect after creating the Monroe Doctrine. True

War of 1812 Symbol

  • Result: Emergence of the symbol 'Uncle Sam'.

Era of Good Feelings

  • Associated with President James Monroe.

John James Audubon

  • Famous for painting American birds.

Folk Art

  • Defined as amateur art forms like quilts and carvings.

James Fenimore Cooper

  • Wrote primarily about the frontier.

Political Party After 1824 Election

  • The party that formed: Democratic Party.

  • Supporters of Jackson: Common people.

Spoils System

  • Created by Andrew Jackson; involved rewarding political supporters with government jobs.

Tariff Definition

  • A tax imposed by the government on imported goods.

Nullification Crisis

  • Tested the balance between state rights and federal laws.

Andrew Jackson's Views on the Bank

  • Wanted to destroy it, believing it favored the wealthy.

Jacksonian Democracy

  • Concept advocating for greater control by the common people.

Indian Removal Act of 1830

  • Intent: To trade land with Native Americans.

Secession Definition

  • To withdraw from an organization or alliance.

Trail of Tears

  • Refers to the forced removal of the Cherokee from Georgia to Indian Territory.
