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Douglass Vocabulary

Intimation-(noun) an indication or hint

Infernal-(adj.) relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld

Evinced-(verb) 1. To reveal the presence of (a quality of feeling) 2. Be evidence of; indicate

Fiendish-(adjective) 1. Extremely cruel or unpleasant; devilish

Supposition-(noun) an uncertain belief

Impudence-(noun) not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.

Obdurate-(adj.) stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.

Rapture-(noun) a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.

Odium-(noun) general or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions.

Divest-(verb) deprive (someone) of power, rights, or possessions.

Abhor-(verb) regard with disgust and hatred.

Sagacity-(noun) the quality of being sagacious (having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment)

Pernicious-(adj.) highly destructive, harmful

Gallant-(adj.)  splendid, stately

Dissipation-(noun) 1. An act of self indulgence 2. the squandering of money, energy, or resources

Perpetrating-(verb) carry out or commit a harmful, illegal, or immoral action.

Avail-(verb) 1. Help or benefit 2. Use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource)

Myriad-(noun) 1. a countless or extremely great number 2. (chiefly in classical history) a unit of ten thousand

Commensurate-(verb) corresponding in size or degree; in proportion

Misnomer-(noun) a wrong or inaccurate name or designation; a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term

Douglass Vocabulary

Intimation-(noun) an indication or hint

Infernal-(adj.) relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld

Evinced-(verb) 1. To reveal the presence of (a quality of feeling) 2. Be evidence of; indicate

Fiendish-(adjective) 1. Extremely cruel or unpleasant; devilish

Supposition-(noun) an uncertain belief

Impudence-(noun) not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.

Obdurate-(adj.) stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.

Rapture-(noun) a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.

Odium-(noun) general or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions.

Divest-(verb) deprive (someone) of power, rights, or possessions.

Abhor-(verb) regard with disgust and hatred.

Sagacity-(noun) the quality of being sagacious (having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment)

Pernicious-(adj.) highly destructive, harmful

Gallant-(adj.)  splendid, stately

Dissipation-(noun) 1. An act of self indulgence 2. the squandering of money, energy, or resources

Perpetrating-(verb) carry out or commit a harmful, illegal, or immoral action.

Avail-(verb) 1. Help or benefit 2. Use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource)

Myriad-(noun) 1. a countless or extremely great number 2. (chiefly in classical history) a unit of ten thousand

Commensurate-(verb) corresponding in size or degree; in proportion

Misnomer-(noun) a wrong or inaccurate name or designation; a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term
